(no subject)

Feb 14, 2005 22:17

130lbs of failure

One: 'It's not alright..'
Two: 'Nobody's listening'
Three: 'Difference'

As Bam and I stepped through the noisey hallways I noticed the odd looks people gave us. Maybe it was my pants? Or the fact that I was from another country. I doubted it was becuase I was finnish, seeing how the school was easily half foreign kids. Koreans, French, and I even saw an Pakistan. It must be my pants. I looked down slightly. I smirked at the comment Bam had made earlier about my 'bulge'. Did guys here really beat kids up to prove themselves? If so, it's the stupidest thing i've ever heard.

"Hey Fag!" Some guy yelled towards us.
Was he talking to me? Who the hell could possibly know I was gay? Do I have a sign on me saying 'cock is nice.' or do I give off some sort of vibe?
"Go fuck your mom you hick!" Bam yelled giving him the finger. The guy just huffed and turned back to his friends.
Bam was sticking up for me. He didn't need to. I could handle myself.
"Shitdick!" Another guy yelled from behind us.
"Fuckwit!" Bam yelled back, again.
We coninued walking along, with many more 'gay' comments being yelled. What was their deal? It's not like I had aids and was spreading it thorugh my oxygen.

"So, you have English next, correct?" He asked, looking at his own schedual.
I nodded.
"Me too. Got it with Mrs. Cradelin?"
I nodded again.
"Haggard. Me too."
Haggard? I was going to ask him what his version of haggard meant, seeing how i doubted it meant the dictionary version, worn out, but he was pushing me into a classroom and directing me to a seat in the far back of the room.
"You can sit here, nobody sits by me." He said smiling, taking a seat.
I wanted to question why, but he was gone in the next second.

I sat there in silence, waiting for the bell to ring and the teacher to arrive. There were a few kids in the front of the class, chatting quietly about something, laughing. It's been awhile since i sincerly felt like laughing. Not a.. funny joke.. ha ha laugh. I mean, when something is so great, and so amazing, so unbelievibly funny, you just can't hold it in.
I wanted to smile, full-fledged, can't stop me if you had the worst news, type of smile. My life has been filled with so much fucking tragedy I didn't even know if my face could twist into that sort of expression anymore.
I dreded going home after school, he would be there. He would be there until 10 when he went off to work.

Bam came back into his seat holding a small book in his hands.
"Here's our current novel. It's good."
I looked down at the dark green book he placed in my hands. 'Lord of the Flies' was written at the top. I put it ontop of my binder and turned back to Bam. He was smiling. Why did he smile so much? Not that it bothered me, it was a nice smile. Something was missing in it though. I wasn't sure what..
Suddenly a balled up peice of paper was thrown in our direction.
"Homo." A guy said from his desk up front.
"Hetero." Bam said in the same tone. As if it was an equal insult.
If only.
The guy laughed and turned back around, laughing with his drones.
"Look, Bam.." I said, signaling his attention from his shoes. "You don't have to stick up for me. I can take care of myself."
He looked at me for a few seconds, no expression on his face. His eyes fixated on mine.
"I wasn't." He said softly. "They're picking on me, not you."
Before I could say anything the teacher strode in and annouced for everyone to hush.
I looked over at him, his eyes to the front of the class. He was gay.
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