We Made You...

Jun 28, 2011 09:40

Well anyways here is something i'm gonna hopefully continue. And figured out how to keep children from aggervating me when i post!? DUCKTAPE! Best thing ever next to #9 wire and superglue!

Author: http://nothingreally13.livejournal.com/

Title: We Made You.

Rating: R. [May go higher not sure((Language, gambling, drinking, ect))]

Summary: It's lame but anywho here it is:: Ville makes a bet with a friend a drinking game but when it takes a strange twist and Ville's fans change him with a one night make-over. What will his friends think? Or was it all just a LCD like dream?

Disclaimer: Gosh i'm tired:: This is as real as me having six arms and ten legs with eight eyes and heads on my tongue(To be honest I suck at spelling sorry). And as far as I now it's illagal to own people in all 50 states including Mexico and Canada... So y'know! (:

Authors Note: I need to sleep and I'm kinda hungry they ate steak tonight ew Vegetarian here my family is strange you probably dont care anyways::  Sorry if my writing is weird and strange. I'm a bit off in the head. But a song inspired me to write this (Song: We Made You - Eminem) and that my cousin went to jail the other night for assualt and drinking and driving, how ironic. I cant spell to save my life and much anything else so please forgive me for any errors -begs on hands and knees- PLEASE! I'm sorry if my radom nonsense before and after all the required things is annoying just venting I shall stop if wanted. (: And to end this I would like atleast 4 comments to continue posting this. Smiley face.

Chapter 1: If You Don't Stop...

He sat there smirking at his friends this was the first time Ville had been out with Bam alone in months. They were having fun shooting pool, talking, but now it came time for the game. The game was where they mixed random varouis drinks till one of them gave in which usual resolted in a wasted night in a hotle room with a wicked hangover the next morning but it was all well worth it.

"Bam-Bam, do we have to play tonight," Ville asked sweetly while is buzzed friend towed him to the bar.
"Yes Vil, we haven't played in three months and you said you would," the young skater turned to his friend and smiled as he sat at the bar.
"Fine, but next time why aren't," the Finnish rockstar sighed.
"You said that last time," Bam snickered.

About six drinks in VIlle left to go to the restroom. He had this strange gut feeling all night that it was best if he didn't get to wasted. But he already had a good buzz his vision was blurring, his speach slurring, and he was clumsy. He felt he should give in and call it a night and suggest they head back to Castle Bam before they get in trouble. He knew it was uselss.

Bam watched for Ville to come out the bathroom. Ready to call it night wit the strange feeling they needed to had home cause they were walking. And they needed to leave now. The skater looked down at his watch realising the Finn had been in there for close to five minutes. Just as he was standing Ville walked out a goofy drunk grin on his face as on of the girls in the bar walked up to him and asked him something, Ville pushed passed the girl shaking his head.
When Ville arrived to Bam, Bam took his hand and towed out of the bar to head home.

"Bambi what are you doing," Ville asked confused.
"Going home I'm not feeling well," the younger man of the two smiled.
"Yea sure," Ville laughed at Bam's stange behavior.

A few moments passed in complete silece then they was a the sound of a thrid pair of footsteps joined with Ville and Bam's.

"Bam do you here that," Ville asked beginning to worry.
"Hear what," Bam said avoiding the fact at hand.
"Brandon Cole this is no time to play dumb. Now do hear that,"ville scowled him.
Bam swallowed visible in the dark cold night, "Yea Vil, i do. Just ignore maybe its nothing major."

The footsteps got closer and coser til they were almost right behind the two men. When suddenly Ville was jerked back by some one.

"fuck," The profanity slipped from the Finn's lips
"Ville! No let him go," Bams voice yelled in the distance....

A/N: I know its short sorry but I promise if i write another chapter it will be longer. But at least 4 comments for next chapter! Please and thank you. (:

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