Barrier Chapter 2

Apr 08, 2010 15:37

Title: Barrier (2/?)

Rating: NC17 Kind of angsty. But not.

Summary: "Bam, tell me to stop, please just say no!" --- I’m not giving anymore away, you know you want to read it. In this, both B and V are bi, as a heads up.

Disclaimer: Don’t own, unfortunately has not happened to my knowledge. Yet.

“Then have me.”

Ville’s control snapped. His hands found the other man’s shoulders, turning him and pushing him into the fabric of the couch. His heart was racing, their chests touching, his mind only a beat ahead of it all. He could smell all of Bam, he could hear the hiss of air as the force and suddenness of his movements knocked the wind out of him. Ville straddled the skater’s thighs, leaning back away from him, heart in his throat.

“Bam, tell me to stop.” He whispered, breath hitching in his chest.


Nerves stretched to the absolute breaking point.

“Please, just say no!” he begged, every ounce of his brain telling him this was a bad idea. Oh, but he wanted it so badly.



With a barely suppressed moan of torn victory, Ville dipped his head down, his lips finding the juncture between the skater’s neck and jaw faster than he’d intended. He breathed in deeply, a humiliating whine leaving his lips, before he pressed firm, open mouthed kisses down the column of the other man’s throat. Resting his face on Bam’s shoulder, his right hand moved to slide up and under the toned arm, pressing the flat of his palm against the defined shoulder blade, blunt nails digging into the damp fabric of Bam’s shirt.

The skater let out an appreciative groan as Ville shifted his weight and the lower halves of their bodies met; the singer whimpered, lost in the sensation of having his lover, any lover, but his lover, beneath him again, relishing the advantage his height brought him as he used it to pin the man beneath him, trapping his hips between slender and deceptively strong thighs.

“Oh, Bam, I’ve missed you…” Ville breathed throatily.

Before the other man could say anything, there was a knock at the door. Ville stiffened, his back going rigid. Not now, please not now... He felt Bam still beneath him; his cock was still straining against his denim pants, his heart pounding. He needed this.

“I’ll be right out, Migé.”

The door opened. The bassist wouldn’t have opened the door. Nor would he have emitted a soft, feminine “Oh!” of surprise.


Ville whirled around, jaw momentarily hitting the floor as his eyes rested on the young woman from the audience he’d locked eyes with. In the haze of lust he’d forgotten his surroundings. But the show had ended over an hour ago. Why was she here? How was she here?

“I’m so sorry, gentlemen, but the venue is closing for the evening.” She said quietly, a pretty blush staining her cheeks, almost rendering the professionalism of her tone meaningless. Almost.

“You work here?” Ville asked in surprise, before he could stop himself. “I saw you in the audience….”

His voice trailed off, eyes taking in her curves that the barrier had hidden from his gaze before, her bright green eyes, and the rose of her lips. She was carrying a spray bottle and a clean towel was slung over her small shoulder. She looked awfully young to be working at a bar. His cock pulsed.

“I know…” she said quietly, meeting the singer’s gaze; her blush deepening. “My boss gave me the night off for the show; she knows I like your music.” She smiled at him. Well, she certainly wasn’t shy. “But we’re closing now, I’m sorry but you really do need to leave.”

Bam coughed, it was an irritated sound. Ville was jolted back into awareness of the very warm, very desirable form that was currently pinned between his thighs and the couch. He could also feel the cold metal of the man’s platinum ring biting into his forearm where the skater still gripped him. It chilled the skin it touched, raising goose bumps. He cleared his throat, coming back to himself. I'm such an idiot...

“It’s alright love, Mr. Margera was just leaving.”

He shot the woman a glance, then moved lithely off the skater with the grace of a dancer, stopping only to bring Bam’s hand to his lips, kissing his wedding ring, eyes never leaving Bam’s.

“Give my regards to Miss Missy, Bam.”

His gave him a meaningful glance, letting all the desire, the hope, the passion, the disappointment, the longing, and the fear shine through. He bent down, kissed his forehead and moved away from him, offering his hand to pull the man up off the couch. Bam took it silently, standing up to his full height.

He gave Ville a lust darkened smile as he began buttoning up his shirt, flashing the bruised flesh as he did so. Ville shuddered as a flood of memories hit him, ones where he had been the cause of bruises similar to those, and turned his back on him. Bam knew him as well as he knew himself; he knew what he needed to do if he wanted to be with him again. He wanted Bam, but he wouldn’t take him from the woman who loved him. Even if she had done just that to him, though at the time, unknowingly.

“Will do, Valo.”


The door closed behind Bam, leaving Ville alone with the young woman. She had given him and the skater their privacy during their farewell exchange, and was currently bent over the vanity, wiping the reflective glass down. Ville couldn’t help but admire her full ass, hugged delicately by dark denim. He coughed and cleared his throat.

She jumped and turned around.

“I didn’t think you were still here. “ She said softly, setting the towel and spray bottle down on the coffee table a few feet from the couch. Ville noticed she wasn’t wearing any rings. He cocked his head at her, looking down at her face, considering her.

“I figured I should at least find out your name, after the courtesy you just gave Mr. Margera and myself.” And I couldn’t stop ogling you in the crowd, and your ass is too gorgeous for your own good. His groin was still swollen from his encounter with Bam. She was so pretty. His frayed nerves sparked, begging for gratification. It had been so long. Damn you, Bam.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. My name is Eva.”

She bent over, picking up his discarded shirt from where it lay on the floor. She stepped closer to him, holding the shirt out to him. He noticed her fingers were trembling slightly. They were so much smaller than Bam’s, nails unchipped and painted in wine…

“Is this yours?” She asked, looking up at him. She blushed, noticing her mistake as she took in his naked chest. “Stupid question, sorry.” She muttered, looking down. He watched her eyes widen as they rested on his crotch. Cute.

“Beautiful name.” He murmured, smirking a bit at her expression. He knew his boundaries yes, but that was Bam. It was always about Bam. That didn’t mean he couldn’t be confident… right?

She looked up at him, still clutching his shirt in her fist. He took it from her, eyes not leaving her face. Their fingers touched. He was so tired of denying himself.


He wasn’t sure how it had happened. He knew he shouldn’t be in this situation. She didn’t deserve this. Hell, he didn’t deserve this. But he had Eva up against the wall of the dressing room, his mouth on hers, supporting her weight as her legs twined around his waist.

All the frustration, all the desire Bam had instilled in him was pouring out of him as he pressed a kiss to Eva’s temple; her gasp as their lips disconnected was beautiful. He felt her chest heave against his own and remembered what it felt like to be in control of someone else’s pleasure. Her skin was so soft and smooth against his, her body supple as it gave so readily to the movements of his hips. He took her bottom lip between his teeth and let out a groan.

Three years too long, Margera. he thought, moving his hips harder and faster. Eva let out a cry as the grip he had on her waist tightened; her head limp against the wall as he bit harshly into the thin skin of her neck and jaw. He kept his left hand on her waist, but his right moved to touch her ribs, earning a moan. He intended on leaving bruises.

Damn you, Bam.


I know very well that there was het in there, but it’s for a reason. (Both men are bisexual in this story.) I still think it was hot, I hope you can too. (Btw, Eva is not just a Mary Sue) Should I continue? Thoughts? =]

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