How to View the World - Chapter One!

Jul 03, 2009 16:00

Title:How to View the World
Author: onlyeuphonious.
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: PG (this chapter) Overall: NC-17
Summary: It's an unspoken agreement that Ville Valo is not someone you look at, speak to, or even think of. (AU)
Disclaimer: None of this is real. Everything is a work of fiction...
Warnings: None so far.
A/N: Actually getting this up a few hours earlier than expected. I'm glad that people enjoyed the prologue. =D Onwards!

Prologue: The House on Ivory Road

Chapter One
Dark Nights, Vengeful Winds and Other Oddities

Bam Margera was used to pain. More than one should be, really, but he knew that he had brought it all on himself. He was pretty sure that the cut down his forearm was going to need stitches and that his foot was broken. Bam might have been abnormally used to pain, but this was not something that was easy to bear.

He had gone out to skate on his own, needing sometime to himself, even if was for just ten minutes. He started limping home, ignoring the blood that had now started dripping onto his palm. Normally, he would have called someone to pick him up, but he had purposely left his cell phone at home. He had been tired of people calling him while he was skating. Ironically enough it was because he lost concentration when his phone went off and he didn’t want another injury.

The people that passed him gave him strange looks, concerned, worried, afraid, and he could feel himself getting irritated at their stares. He knew that they probably didn’t see someone walking around injured as badly as he was, but that didn’t mean they had to look at him so intently.

“You’re getting blood on the sidewalk, you know,” said a deep, accented voice next to him.

Bam turned his head to look at who was speaking to him, and suddenly he was the one staring. The man was not someone he knew by name. But he knew who he was, everyone knew who he was. The man was someone who people avoided; they were scared, or maybe unsure of his character. He walked around often enough for people to notice him, they saw in the mornings, in the evenings, and more often after midnight. Maybe they avoided him because he didn’t do anything but wander about the city aimlessly at late hours. Whatever the reason, Bam did not know, and he also did not know how he felt about the strange man speaking to him.

“Yeah, but there isn’t anything I can do about it right now,” he knew he sounded bitter, and he was. He wanted to get to the hospital and get it taken care of ASAP, but instead he was stuck walking home. On a broken foot, who knew how long it would take until it healed and he’d be able to skate again.

The man only smirked but said nothing. Bam had started staring again, but this was something strange all together. Whenever he saw the other walking around, he never spoke to anyone. He always kept the same expression on his face, dull, lifeless, and never made contact with anyone. Bam looked at the man’s pale skin, thought of it strange, since he seemed to always be outside. Then he looked at the man’s eyes, bright green, miserable, exhausted, mysterious, and he could only wonder what he was hiding.

Bam finally looked away trying to concentrate and getting home as fast as possible. He could feel the blood starting to dry on some parts of his forearm. He made a face at the feeling. When he looked back over to where the man had been standing, he was gone. Bam looked around, behind him, in front of him, but there was no sign that he had been there at all. Bam didn’t notice him when he came or when he left. If he had found the green-eyed stranger odd before, then he wasn’t sure what he thought about him now, but he was definitely intrigued.


Bam finally came to his house, he opened the front door. His mother, April, quickly came at the sound of the creaking. She looked at him, shocked as she always was, you’d think that she’d be used to it, considering how many times something like this happened.

“Bam! What happened? Why didn’t you call?” she asked frantically.

“Calm down, I took a nasty fall while skating. I didn’t take my phone. Can you just get me to the hospital?” She sighed, relaxing, accepting that there wasn’t much she could do to prevent such incidents. She then looked at the cut on his arm, raising an eyebrow.

“There was broken glass on the ground, cut across as I fell.”

“Go get in the car, I’ll be right out.”

Bam limped out to the car the same way he came in. He thought of the stranger while he waited. He seemed so familiar; Bam felt like he should have known who the man was.

April came out of the house, and sat in the driver’s seat. “You should have cleaned up that cut, at the very least.” She said before turning on the car and driving off.

“Sorry, Ape, I wasn’t exactly focusing on it. Hey, who’s the man who’s always walking around at random times?” Bam knew the description was vague, but it was how everyone knew him.

“Ville Valo, the man that lives on Ivory Road. You know the story, the only house on Ivory Road, in the Valo for centuries. It’s believed that he’s insane, a murderer, lonely, take your pick. It’s odd that you should ask though,” she said, making a face.

“I was just curious.” he said.

“Hmm, okay, but really, just stay away from him. I have a bad feeling about that man.”

“You’re quick to judge.”

“I mean it Bam, just don’t go near him.”

Bam looked out the window, not offering a response. Mainly because, he was interested, he wanted to know Ville Valo’s secret. He had no intention of staying away. He wanted to know what the others were too afraid to ask. April seemed to take his silence as him agreeing, for she didn’t say anything else.


Bam awoke in a cold hospital room. Stitches lined up his forearm, and his foot, elevated, in a cast. He sighed, knowing he’d have to be here overnight. April was no where in sight, Bam rolled over and tried going back to sleep.

The first time Bam woke up from his slumber was because there was a hand lightly shaking his shoulder, waking him up. He opened his eyes, looking at his mother, “I’m going to go home for the night, I’ll be here in the morning, and then we can get you out of here.” She explained, he nodded, too tired to say anything.

The second time Bam woke up was because he could feel someone staring at him. And there was a chill in the room. Bam only had his eyes open long enough to see a figure sitting in a chair by his bedside.

He quickly dozed off again, only to awake again twenty minutes later to the smell of smoke. He looked at the figure, trying to figure out who would be daft enough to smoke in a hospital.

“Ah, you’re awake,” said a familiar voice.

Ville Valo was sitting next to his bed. Bam didn’t know what to think, he had of course, planned on seeking out the man, but he didn’t think that he would come to him.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, trying to figure out how Ville had even found him. He certainly did not remember giving the stranger his name.

Ville simply shrugged and blew out a puff of smoke, and mumbled something that sounded like “curious.” Bam didn’t know if he was fascinated or a little intimidated.

“Put that thing out! You’re in a hospital.” Bam hissed.

“Relax, they won’t notice,” Ville said in the same monotone he always spoke in, but even so he sounded confident.

Bam watched the other, the lights were off, and he could only see the outline of Ville in the dark. Still he could tell the elegant way he held his cigarette, and how much pleasure he took in each time he inhaled his poison of choice.

He waited for Ville to say something, unsure of what he should say to the man. He was too tired, drugged up, and confused. Ville finished his cigarette and immediately took out another one.

“You’ll kill yourself like that,” Bam said, not even thinking before the words were out of his mouth.

Ville gave a harsh chuckle, and then said “You think so?” before taking an exceptionally long drag.

Bam nodded, and before he knew it he was asleep. When morning came Ville was no where in sight, and Bam thought it must have been a dream, except he saw the chair, still next to his bed, and a note on top of it.

Your foot’s fine.
Get rid of the cast.

Bam looked around his room. Looked at the window, and remembered the chill from the night before. Surely, Ville didn’t come in through the window. He glanced around for any other indications of the man being there, but found none.

Bam stared at the note. The Ivory house occupant had to be crazy, Bam remembered the pain, and he could barely walk on his foot before. If Ville Valo was the crazy one, than Bam was the insane one, for he was going to get rid of the cast. He knew he couldn’t ask the doctors to do it for him.

April walked into the room shortly after he made up his mind. She looked at him, sighed a bit, and said “Let’s get you out of here.”

Once he was home, he headed for the garage. Looking for the proper tools he needed to get rid of the thing on his foot. He didn’t feel like walking around in damn crutches for the next two. It was crazy, it seemed impossible. However it was a chance Bam was willing to take. Casts were usually sawed off. Weren’t they?
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