Hello Vammers, I've missed you

May 22, 2009 13:44

hello lovelies, its been awhile. I've missed this community. I've been crazy busy with school this past semester and my writting has had to go on the backburner. Anyway, I've missed writting, so since its officaily summer, I am free to return to the community. Anyway some of the older members here might remember a two part story I did a while back called "Just a Whore". I've decided to make it into a full story and below is the third part. For the newer people of the community, if you are interested in reading, I urge you to follow the link to the past two parts in order to catch up. Thanks Vammers. Glad to be back ^^

Title: Just a Whore
Summary: my personal spin on the movie "Pretty Woman". Ville is a young whore, trapped and searching for his saviour
Pairing: various, but mostly focused on Vam. there will be some surprise guests though
Disclaimer: i own nothing and no one. please don't sue!

Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Ville (POV)

The hot shower was just the thing that I needed. Whenever I am under the hot spray of water, all of my troubles just seem to wash away from me along with the day’s dirt and grime. Plus, whenever I’ve had a particularly rough night, the warm water does wonders to ease my sore muscles. Indeed, this little time under the water is one of the few moments where I feel relaxed, and more importantly, clean.

Sadly though, this shower was not helping to ease my mind. No matter how hard I scrubbed myself, I still felt Bam’s touch on my skin. The scolding hot water and my harsh luffa scrubbing couldn’t remove the stain of him. It was like a brand deep in my skin, always there and nothing that I could do about it. I hated it. I didn’t want to feel him on me anymore. I didn’t want to feel his touch, his soft caress…his lies.

I don’t know how long I stayed there, under the water. All I know is that at first the spray was scolding and sometime after, I began shivering. The water was becoming too frigid to stay under. I suppose that means it was time for me to get out. I guess I could try to rub my skin raw again once the hot water returns.

Sighing, I had turned the shower off and blindly reached out from the curtains for my towel. I run the towel over my hair first before proceeding to dry the rest of my body. I hate this towel. The fabric is too old and worn; it scratches my skin horribly. But its not like I have any other options….I bet the towels in Bam’s bathroom were better than this. He has the best things in life after all, why wouldn’t he have soft, white, fluffy towels….Fucking bastard.

Without thinking, I slam my fist against the wall. Damn it! I don’t want to think about him. I don’t want to think about him! I don’t want to think about his smile, his adorable laugh, his kind words…I don’t want to think about any of it, because it is just a reminder of how I had let my guard down. For just one night, I had opened myself up to someone, and he ended up ripping out my heart. Well no more…from now on, my heart stays locked away, like it should be.

Damn it…I’ve got to stop thinking so much. Wrapping the scratchy towel around my waist, I sigh and turn the steam covered doorknob. I walk silently into mine and Jonne’s room, my skin still shivering from the cool air. I just want to get dressed and lie down for a while. The hoodie that I took with me should be good enough. I mean, I hate Bam, but damn it, that was the warmest, softest piece of clothing I’ve ever worn in my life. Searching the bedroom floor, I find it in a pile of dirty clothing. Shrugging to myself, I pull the garment over my head. Its half-way over my head, when I suddenly hear a voice coming from the doorway.

“Good afternoon Ville,” his smooth voice invades my ears.

I instantly freeze. What the hell was he doing here!? He wasn’t supposed to come for his money until later tonight….Swallowing the lump in my throat, I pull the hoodie completely over my head and turn to face him. He is, as always, dressed sharply in a finely tailored black suit. His shoulder length blonde hair is tied back today, which is odd. Mostly he likes to have it loose, unless he has a special client to meet. He didn’t bother to fix his five o’clock shadow though…it was another one of his trademarks. It always amazed me at how much pride he put into his appearance, yet he insisted on keeping that scraggly looking beard. To be honest, he would look much more handsome if he would just shave that ugly thing…..But then again, those aren’t the best thoughts to be having about one’s pimp.

“You don’t look so happy to see me. Aren’t you going to give me a warm greeting?” He smirks, his cold blue eyes are narrowing at me.

“Um….hello,” I say, trying to force myself to smile. In reality, I just want him to go away and leave me be…or at least wait until I get some pants on.

“ ‘Hello’ ”? He repeats with one raised eyebrow. “Come on Ville, you can give me a better greeting than that.”

I try hard not to show my disgust. I know what he wants…I don’t want to give it to him, but if it means that he’ll go away sooner, then I am willing to do it. Swallowing down the lump in my throat, I walk over to him. I wrap one hand around him, while the other holds my towel in place, and I place my lips to his. I hate his kisses. His lips are soft enough, yes, but he is always too harsh. He would always start off gently enough, but soon he would grow too rough and I would nearly cut my lip on my teeth as he forces his tongue inside of me. This time was no different…soon enough, I was gagging on his tongue.

He took the hint and pulled back, a vicious smirk playing on the corner of his lips. He lifted his hand to my cheek and I tensed up for a moment, thinking that he was going to hit me. He smiled warmly at me, but that didn’t mean anything…he’s grinned while beating me before. I relax though once his hand tenderly cups my face and I allow myself to be pulled into a tight hug. He gives me a hard squeeze and kisses my forehead before releasing me from his grasp.

“Now that is a much better greeting my darling,” he smiles.

I smile nervously back to him before looking away. I really just want him to go away….In order to distract myself from him, I look towards the floor, hoping to find a clean pair of pants to slip on.

“W…What are you doing here, Viggo?” I ask when I feel his eyes upon me.

“To collect the rent of course…,” He replies. “It’s the first of the month Ville, you know that.”

“Yeah…,” I start again. “But…I thought you wouldn’t be collecting until then end of the night.”

“Well I had planned to, but other situations arose so I needed to come by early. Why….?” He asked slowly. “Do you not have the money?”

“N…no,” I stuttered. “I-I mean, I do, but-”

“Why so nervous Ville?” He asked, taking a step towards me. “Do you or don’t you have the money?”

I took a moment to think about my answer. Last night I remember that I hadn’t made enough to pay the rent; that is…until Bam showed up with his offer…. No! I couldn’t use the money that he had given me for this. I couldn’t give that money to my pimp. If I did, then that would mean that what Bam and I did truly meant nothing…that I truly was nothing more than his little whore. As much as I hated Bam for what he did to me… I didn’t want to feel that what we did meant absolutely nothing.

“Ville?” Viggo’s voice invades my ears. “I asked you a question? Are you able to pay me or not?”

“N…no,” I shake my head slowly, turning away from him. “I mean…I have most of it. I’m just a hundred dollars short…”

Viggo didn’t say anything, didn’t change his expression. Instead he closed the gap that I had desperately been trying to keep between us. I tried to avoid any eye contact, but he placed his fingers under my chin and forced me to look at him. I hated these moments….These were the moments when he would look into my eyes to see if I were being honest or not. If I concentrate really hard, then I might be able to fool him this time.

“My dear Ville,” he cooed. “You wouldn’t be lying to me, would you?”

“Of course not,” I smiled, trying to sell the lie with my eyes.

“Really…? Because you seem like you’re hiding something…”

“I’m not,” I defended. “Its just that…it was such a bad night last night, that I decided to stop early….It was foolish, I know, but I-I thought I could make up the difference before you came tonight.”

Hopefully he would believe that. I mean, it did seem plausible enough, and he has let me do things like that before. Please God, let him believe me. Please! If he knew about the amount of money that I was hiding, then it wouldn’t matter if I was his favorite or not.

“Really…? That’s strange because Jonne said that you only got home an hour ago…and that you were very upset.”

Damn it! Fucking Jonne! I don’t care if I love you like a brother, why the hell did you have to snitch on me….To be fair though, he hadn’t snitched on me, seeing how I didn’t tell him anything. He’s just worried about me, I know. And sadly, should I ever be in danger, he knows that the only person who could protect me was Viggo. Problem now is that I have to come up with a lie to protect myself from him.

“Um…yeah. I-I…didn’t come home last night,” I said in a low voice.

“And why not?”

“Well…I…I was on my way home, but I saw that some men were following me. I…I didn’t have my knife with me last night, so I just tried to run from them. They chased after me for a while, so I ran into the park. I managed to lose them, but I was afraid that they might find me, so I hid in the park all night. I must’ve fallen asleep there, so I caught a cab earlier and came home.”

Hopefully he will believe that. I’ve had problems with stalkers in the past, and not to be vain, but apparently I am quite the looker. It would be perfectly plausible to think that some no good ruffians would try to harm me. I look into his eyes; they are searching, scanning my face to see if I am lying. I try my best to keep a stoic expression.

“That seems like a very convenient story…,” he says. “I really hope that you aren’t lying to me Ville. You know that I have no patience for those who try to deceive me. Do you remember what happened to Matt?”

I began to nod my head vigorously. I do indeed remember what happened to young Matt. Matthew Tuck was a sweet boy who had once worked for Viggo. I met him when I was first recruited by Viggo at age fourteen…Matt was only nine. Jonne and I looked after him and he became our surrogate younger brother. He was such a sweet boy and Jonne and I did all that we could to protect him, including offering ourselves in his place for whenever he was assigned to entertain clients. About a year ago, when he began working the streets, he had managed to meet a girl his own age. He quickly fell in love with her, and she with him. Soon, he began to try and stop selling his body on the street so that he may have a normal life with her. Jonne and I begged him, pleaded with him to either end the relationship or run far away before Viggo found out. Sadly, our advice fell on deaf ears and Viggo discovered what Matt was doing. He had beaten Matt within an inch of his life. Jonne and I cared for him for a week, helping to heal him, until one night, Viggo came and took him from us…. He had sold Matt to a Russian gangster….We never saw him again.

“You’re quiet,” Viggo whispered. “Is there something on your mind?”

“N…no,” I whispered back, trying to fight the stinging in my eyes. I always get teary eyed when I think of Matt….

“Good,” he smiles, patting my cheek lightly. “Now, you say that you were being chased? Did you get a good look at the men?”

“No,” I shake my head. “No. I think they were just some drunks looking to get a free lay.”

“Very well then. If anyone gives you anymore trouble, just let me know and I’ll take care of it for you. You know that I’ll always look out for you,” he smiled.

I tried not to scoff at that. ‘Look out for me’? Pssh…yeah, he’ll watch over me to make sure that no one damages his precious merchandise. So long as I please him and remain useful to him, he’ll always take care of me.

“T…thank you,” I say.

“Its no trouble Ville. Believe it or not, I truly care about you. I’m probably one of the few people that do. I would hate for anything to happen to you.”

He leans in to kiss me again, and I want nothing more than to push him away from me. I want to punch and claw at his face until it is as ugly as I feel inside. But I know that I can’t. As always, he has all of the power in every situation, and if I didn’t want to get hurt, then I must bend to his wishes. So, with eyes shut tightly, I remain still while he presses his lips to mine. His kiss is softer this time, a bit more gentle. I’m actually a bit shocked that he hasn’t forced his tongue into my mouth yet…

He pulls back after a moment and cups my face in his hands. This is strange…normally he would either be done by now or ask for something else from me. Instead…he’s just staring at me. Its weird…

“You know what Ville,” he started after a few moments of silence. “You caught me in a good mood today. So, I’m going to let it slide this once. Just give me what you made last night and we will call it even. Don’t tell the others though…they won’t like that I’m giving you special favors.”

“A…alright,” I reply.

He kisses my cheek once more before releasing me completely. What the hell just happened…? Normally, whenever anyone isn’t able to pay him, he beats the living fuck out of him. Could it be that he’s just stopped caring? No, I couldn’t be that lucky. Besides, if he had truly stopped caring, then he would throw my ass out on the street. So what the hell has him in such a good mood today?

Deciding not to dwell on it too much, I fumble around in my pile of dirty clothing until I find the pants I had worn the night before. Making sure that my back is to him, I reach into the pocket containing the money I had earned last night….Bam’s money was still in my coat pocket. I take a big gulp and hand him the cash before turning back to my clothes and pulling on a pair of sweatpants.

“Oh, and Ville,” he calls to me. Here comes the catch I suppose. “I’m going to need a favor from you.”

“W-what do you need?”

I hope he’s not sending me to another one of his friend’s parties. I fucking hate being set up at those. All the men do there is take turns passing me around, spitting on me, hitting me, and on a few occasions, burning me with cigarettes.

“Its nothing too serious, so wipe that nervous look off your face,” he said gently. The bastard knows me too well.

“All I need is for you to let someone stay with you tonight,” he says.

“Um…who is it?” I ask, biting my lip. He’s never had one of his friends come to our apartment before. Honestly, that seems a bit more dangerous than going to their places.

“It’s a new recruit,” he smiles.

“Really?” I ask with raised eyebrows. “Then why not have him stay with the other boys in the warehouse?”

“I tried that last night,” he admits. “The boy wouldn’t stop crying and screaming. Apparently he’s afraid of the dark,” he laughs.

“Then why not get rid of him,” I scoff. Honestly, this new caring attitude is kind of scaring me.

“Well I would, but this one is special. I would say that he ranks in yours and Jonne’s category.”

“And that’s high?”

“No need to be so humble Ville,” he smirks. “You know that you and Jonne are my two best.”

“What an honor,” I say with a fake smile.

“Indeed it is. Thank you for helping me with this though. I’ll drop him off here later tonight. You and Jonne can take the night off, I suppose.”

“Really!?” I’ve never had a night off from working for him. Never! Is this really Viggo, or is it just his doppelganger?

“Yes,” he sighs. “Don’t get too excited. Its only one night. I just need someone to help him with the transition.”

“What kind of transition?”

“Well he just got into the country a couple of days ago. I have a friend in Germany who runs a brothel, he and I…do exchanges from time to time,” he explained, looking as if he was holding back a smirk. Well…this explains why no one has heard from Gerard in a few weeks.

“Anyway, just be nice to the kid, and maybe he’ll start to relax and warm up a bit. At the moment he’s afraid of his own shadow.”

“Kid? How old is he exactly?”

“He’s sixteen, but at the moment, he’s acting like a scared two year old.”

Can you really blame the teen? From what Viggo’s told me, it sounds like he’s been forced to be a prostitute since a young age, and now he’s been trafficked to a foreign country where he’s all alone. Poor boy…. Honestly, that is such a heartbreaking story. I really don’t know what comfort Jonne and I will be. But I feel like I should do something to help the poor teen.

“Ville?” Viggo’s voice calls to me. I turn my head to find that he is unbearably close to me. I almost let out a tiny gasp, and he laughed. “Are you alright? You were drifting off there.”

“I…I’m fine,” I lie. “I was just thinking…that since Jonne and I have the night off, I could rent us a movie…or something.”

“That sounds nice. I hope you kids have fun tonight,” he smirks. “Anyway, I must be going. Again, thank you for doing this for me.”

“Not like I really have a choice,” I mutter.

“No, you really don’t,” he replies with an evil grin. “But I thank you anyway.”

With that last comment, he leans in and kisses me one last time before turning and taking his leave. A breath I didn’t even know I was holding escaped me once I heard the front door close. Thank God he left. I hate being around him. It feels like my entire body is cold and being stuck by a million tiny needles whenever he touches me and yet, there is not a damn thing I can do about it.

I hear the door open again and immediately tense up, hoping that it is not him coming back for something else. There is no slamming sound though; normally, when he enters, he slams the door behind him, showing that he has no respect for our little home.

“Is it safe to come in?” Jonne’s tiny voice whispers from behind me. Thank God, its just my little pixie friend.

“Come on in traitor,” I say, hiding my smirk from him.

“Hey, no need for name calling,” he pouts.

“Well, what do you expect? You left me alone with the bastard.”

“I’m sorry,” he apologizes, bowing his head. “Its just, you know how I hate being around him. I get scared and I choke on my words…”

“So do I,” I retaliated. “Only when you’re here, I feel a little better.”

“I’m sorry,” he mumbles again.

“Its alright…” I sigh. To be fair, I’m not really all that angry with him. Its his natural response I suppose. Whenever he was frightened, he would find a safe place to hide until all was calm. Despite the fact that he’s twenty-one now, he still holds on to this little habit. I can’t condemn him for that.

“So what did he want? He had said that he wanted to talk to you alone.”

“It was nothing horrible,” I tell him, noticing the relieved look in his eyes. “He just wants us to play host to some sixteen-year old he just bought.”

“Really? That’s all?” He asks, looking about as surprised as I did. “The way he was talking, it seemed like he was going to ask for so much more. Remember when that business convention was in town and those customers who had an S&M fetish?”

“Ugh…don’t remind me of that kulta. It still gives me nightmares,” I say shivering.

“Sorry,” he apologizes, reaching out to pat my back. “So, how are we going to watch the boy if we’re out on our corners tonight?”

“Well, that’s our next surprise,” I smirk. “We’ve got the night off.”

“Holy shit! Really!?” He screams, his blue eyes growing wide.

“Yep,” I nod. “I have some cash left over, so I thought we could order an extra large pizza and rent a couple of movies,” I suggest.

“Acting like a couple of regular Joe’s? Sounds wonderful,” he sighs, flinging himself down on the bed. “I want extra cheese on my pizza though.”

“Sounds like a deal kulta,” I smile, ruffling his hair.

“Alright then. So what should we do until the kid gets here?”

The next few hours turned out to be very unexciting. Hell, one would figure that on our only day off, Jonne and I would take the time to go around town, do some shopping or what-not, but no. No instead, we opted to stay home, cuddled on the couch watching horrible daytime television. It was so mundane, so boring… and so wonderful. Who would have thought that watching something as so horrible as badly written soap operas could be so relaxing. Jonne and I had a great time just sitting together, laughing at the horrible acting. Honestly, we should make a drinking game out of how many times the actors looked at something slightly to the left.

Our boring, good times came to an end though when there was a knock on our door around 7:30 that night. Viggo had come early apparently. As soon as we heard the banging on our door, Jonne and I gave each other a small glance, let out a sigh, and turned off the T.V. before we got up to answer the door. Sadly, our afternoon of normalcy had come to end too quickly.

I turned the doorknob and slowly opened the door. Viggo was on the other side (of course), but he was alone. I gave a confused look and he replied by rolling his eyes.

“Good evening boys,” he began, a hint of annoyance in his voice. “Sorry but I can’t stay, I just want to thank you again for doing me this favor.”

“Its no problem,” Jonne said in a soft voice, refusing to look at him.

“Where is he?” I asked.

Viggo sighed and side-stepped, revealing a small teen. The boy was, for lack of a better word, absolutely stunning. He was a tiny thing, but that was to be expected, after all, Viggo liked his whores to be petite. He had thick black hair with random blonde highlights that was covering half of his face….It was a bit shocking how much he looked like Jonne. They had the same shaped face, the same lips, nose, and eye shape. The boy’s eyes were thickly lined with dark kohl, giving them an Asian appearance. And his eyes, they were such a warm brown color…and they held so much fright.

“Go on in,” Viggo instructed the boy. “Don’t worry, they won’t bite.”

The boy looked at him and then to us. I tried my best to seem as none threatening as possible, but unfortunately it came out as an awkward smile. The boy furrowed his brows in confusion and leaned into Viggo for protection. Bad idea kid.

Viggo sighed and rolled his eyes. “I don’t have time for this,” he growled before shoving the boy through our door. “I’ll leave you three to get acquainted. Things go well, and you boys might have a new roommate.”

With one last smirk, he winked at us and closed the door, leaving the three of us standing in an uncomfortable silence. Jonne was standing next to me with his arms crossed, looking down at his feet while I tried to think of a way to talk to the boy without frightening him. He looked so damned scared. He was trembling slightly, looking at the door with misty eyes and a quivering lip.

Taking a deep breath, I reached out slowly to touch his shoulder. He jumped as soon as my skin made contact. I jerked my hand away and the boy backed himself back up to the door. His knees must have given out though, because he fell to the ground, bringing his knees to his chest as a single tear left his eye. Huh…I can remember a time when I had been in that very position. Poor boy.

“Is he alright?” Jonne asked softly.

“Apparently not,” I replied.

I took a big gulp and got down on my knees in front of him. When I reached my hand out to him again, he flinched. Taking the hint, I withdrew my hand and racked my brain for a way to calm him down and communicate with him. I think Viggo said that he was from Germany….I had taken lessons in school many years ago, but I might be a bit rusty. It was worth a shot though.

“Hallo,” I said softly. The boy sniffled a little before turning his eyes towards me. Well…it was a start…

“Wie ist ihr name?” I asked. He let out a tiny hiccup and darted his eyes away from mine. Come on sweetheart, we’re not going to hurt you.

“B…Bill,” he finally answered. Thank God, we’re getting somewhere.

“Sprichst sdu Englisch?” I asked, hoping that I said that properly. Bill took in a deep breath and wiped a falling tear from his eyes before nodding. Thank God for that. I don’t know how much more German I remembered.

“Ok then….Bill, my name is Ville and this is my friend Jonne,” I said, pointing to my blonde friend. Jonne gave a nervous wave to the frightened boy, but Bill seemed to be relaxing so I suppose that we were making progress.

“T…those are Finnish names?” He asked quietly.

“Yeah…” I smiled to him. “I was born in Helsinki…. Where are you from?”

“Leipzig,” he answered. “I…I want to go home,” he sniffled.

The poor boy. This had to be one of the most pitiful sight I have ever seen. I would have loved to have put my arms around him, comfort him somehow, but seeing how he reacted to me merely touching his shoulder, it didn’t look like that was going to be a possibility.

“I know sweetheart. I know,” I whispered.

“You…you guys aren’t going to…hurt me? Are you?” He asked, tugging his bottom lip between his teeth.

“No, of course not sweetie,” Jonne assured, kneeling down beside me. “No….We work for the man too….We’re just going to watch over you for a little while, alright?” Bill didn’t reply or make any movements.

“A…are you hungry?” I asked. His eyes shot towards me instantly. “Jonne and I were going to order some pizza and I was going to go out and rent a movie. Does that sound ok?”

He looked down for a moment, as if thinking it over in his head before finally answering. “C…can I have pepperoni?”

“Of course you can, kulta,” I smiled warmly.

I lifted myself off of the floor and extended a hand to him. He eyed it suspiciously for a moment, as if it were a vicious cobra about to strike. I tried smiling at him again, hoping that he would learn to trust me. Lord knows this kid has been through enough in his lifetime. Finally, he took my hand and I helped raise him off of the floor.

“C-can I put my bag down somewhere?” He asked, gesturing to his small backpack.

“You can throw it anywhere,” Jonne smiled. “Its not like we really care about cleanliness here.”

“O-ok,” he nodded, setting his bag down next to the sofa.

“If you’d like, you can throw on your pajamas and get comfortable. We weren’t really planning on doing much tonight,” I suggested.

“I…I don’t really have any,” he replies softly. “I always slept in…the nude.”

“Well then, you’re in luck because Jonne and I have some extra pairs. Good thing you’re so tiny, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to fit,” I giggle. “Although I think you’re a little too small to wear mine. You’re more Jonne’s height.”

“Hey,” Jonne pouted. “I can’t help it that you’re a giant freak,” he said, sticking his tongue out.

“I’m not a giant freak, you’re just a short pixie,” I retaliated, poking my tongue out in return.

“Umm…its ok, you don’t have to if its going to make you fight,” Bill’s soft voice spoke.

“Oh sweetheart, we weren’t fighting,” I smirked. “No, Jonne and I tease each other like that all of the time. He’s like a brother to me so we fight like siblings.”

“Oh….I-I had a brother once…”

No one really said anything after that cryptic comment. Honestly, what the hell do you say to that? Jonne cleared his throat and excused himself to find Bill a pair of pajama pants. Bill stared after him until he was in the other room before bowing his head and wrapping his arms around himself. He started shifting from foot to foot like he didn’t really know what to do with himself.

“Sit down sweetheart. You’re making me nervous,” I laugh slightly.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized.

“Don’t be sorry darling, it was just an expression,” I explain. He just nods and takes a seat on the couch.

“Found a pair!” Jonne announced as he came bouncing out of the bedroom. “These should fit you. I hope you don’t mind pink.”

“T-thank you,” Bill said, taking the pants out of Jonne’s hands gently.

“Well then,” I sighed. “Why don’t you go ahead and order the pizza? I’m going to try to get to the movie rental store before they close.”

“Alright,” Jonne smiled. “Try to find a good comedy. Oh! And a horror movie too!”

“Ok,” I laugh. “Bill, anything in particular that you would like?”

“I…I like musicals…,” he answers.

“Ok then, comedy, horror, and a musical,” I nod. “Hopefully I can find something decent. I’m not really sure what the new releases are.”

“Anything will be fine, really,” Bill tells me.

“Don’t worry, I’ll find something good,” I smile at him.

With that, I turn and take my keys off the hook beside the door and head out of the apartment. Honestly, I felt happy to get away from that awkwardness. I mean, I felt bad for the boy and I wanted to comfort him, but I didn’t really know how. Hopefully Jonne will be ok with him. Hell, Jonne will probably have him chattering like a preteen girl by the time I come back. Jonne may be nervous and awkward at first when meeting someone new, but that usually lasts about five minutes before the person warms up to his loveable personality. When I met Jonne, I think that it took only ten minutes before he became my best friend. There’s just something about him that makes you want to open up and just smile. I don’t know exactly what it is, but hopefully Bill will see it too.

The walk to the store wasn’t long, thankfully. It was chilly again tonight and the cool air was beginning to bite through the hoodie I was wearing. It was only four blocks from my apartment though, so I was able to walk through the cold. Honestly though, I can’t complain too much about it. It could be worse after all, I could be standing out on my corner instead of just running a task.

Once inside the store, I had searched around to find some of the newer releases. I never really keep up with the most current movies, so its hard for me to pick something decent. Jonne had mentioned something about a movie called “Twilight”, but as soon as I saw three little girls drooling over the boy on the cover, I knew that the movie wasn’t for me. I did manage to find my classic “Nightmare Before Christmas”, which would fulfill my movie needs, and hell, Bill said he wanted to see a musical. There was another newer Tim Burton musical that seemed interesting, “Sweeney Todd”, and it was also a horror film, so that takes care of Jonne’s needs. Besides, I never could turn down a Johnny Depp film…. Dear God, that man could do whatever he wanted to me and I wouldn’t charge him a cent…

After picking up “Monty Python and Holy Grail”, I decided that I had enough for the night and made my way to the counter. As I was in line though…something very odd began to happen. I heard the faint sound of…techno music? Strange….The music became louder and louder and I heard a few surprised gasps and squeals. I turned around to see what the commotion was all about, when I saw what was likely one of the most disturbing sights in my life.

There was a man, wearing nothing but a black speedo thong and bowtie, grinding on a woman to the beat of the music. The man laughed as he dry-humped the helpless woman before trotting off to his next victim; another man with a large black camera followed him. The strange dancer began to gyrate for the group of girls near the “Twilight” display. Some of them squealed in shock, while a few others began to giggle uncontrollably. I had no idea what the hell was happening, but I couldn’t look away. Then he spotted me….

The man in the black speedo and I made eye contact before I could look away. He smiled and laughed again before he began to dance his way over to me. I didn’t know whether to walk away or to punch the man’s lights out, but it was too late to decide. He began to dry-hump me and flex his muscles. It probably would have been hilarious, had I not been mortified.

“Hey sweet-thing,” the supposed dancer laughed. “You like to party?”

“W-what?” I asked. That sounded an awful lot like a cheesy pick-up line one of my Johns would use.

“Do you want to party with the Party-Boy?” He asked, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked, trying not to laugh, despite myself.

He wiggled his eyebrows again and then began to look downwards. I dared to look down at what he was smiling at and my eyes were met with a rather impressive bulge between his legs. A bulge that was being thrust dangerously close to me…. Oh hell no! This is my fucking night off damn it!

“Haista vittu!” I growled, shoving the man away from me.

“Hey, hey…Calm down sweetie,” he smiled, raising his hands in defense. “I just want to party!”

And with that, he began to dance again, giving me one last pelvic thrust before he began to trot away and out of the store, the cameraman following him. I stared after him for a moment, wondering what the hell just happened.

“I can help the next customer,” the clerk shouted, trying to control her laughing. Shaking off the strange event, I turned to the clerk and placed my movie choices on the counter.

“What the fuck was that?” I ask, pointing to the empty spot where the “dancer” once stood.

“That? Oh, that was just Party Boy,” she laughed. My blank expression must have surprised her because her eyebrows raised slightly when I gave her no reaction. “You know, Chris Pontius?”

“Should I know who that is?” I asked, becoming rather annoyed.

“Only if you don’t live under a rock,” she smirked. “He’s on this really popular show on MTV. They’ve been filming in the city all week.”

“Whatever,” I say with a roll of my eyes. I just want to go home and wash my hands of this weirdness.

The wind was blowing a bit colder on the way home, biting at the tip of my nose. I folded my arms around myself as I walked, hoping to maintain some warmth. I fucking hate this time between winter and spring. It is the time of the year where one day it could be bright and sunny, and on another day it feels like it could snow. This was one of those latter days.

“What are you doing out here William? This isn’t your street.” The horribly familiar voice causes me to freeze in place. I know who it is, he’s the only man who calls me by my street name other than my John’s, but I don’t want to turn to face him.

“Is this your new corner or something?” He asks and I can just feel the superior smirk I know he is sporting.

“Can I help you….officer?” I asked, slowly turning around to face him and just as I thought, he’s standing before me, arms crossed and a smirk on his lips that I want to smack off.

Officer Bale, one of the most aggressive cops with the local Vice unit, is one of the people that I despise most in this world. About a year ago he busted me while I was with a client. It wasn’t the first time that I had been caught by the police, but that wasn’t what annoyed me. When he arrested me, he had given me an ultimatum. Either I could be brought into jail and forced to pay the maximum fine, or I could service him whenever and wherever he liked for as long as he wished….I had spat in his face. Since then, he has been constantly harassing me, looking for any reason to bust me.

“Answer my question William. What are you doing out here?”

“What concern is it of yours?” I growl, feeling very frustrated and annoyed.

“It is very much my concern, William,” he smiled as he began to walk a small circle around me. “For all I know, you could be out here trying to corrupt more citizens. What’s in the bag?” He asked, pointing towards the bag of DVDs that I had just rented.

“None of your business,” I replied, pulling the bag closer to myself.

“Really?” He smirked again. “Let me have a look then.”

“Where’s your warrant?”

“I don’t need one,” he said, walking closer to me. “I have probable cause.”

“And what would that be?”

He didn’t answer me. Instead he gave me a dark look before reaching around and grabbing my ass firmly. Shocked at the sudden violation, I reacted before I could think, pulling my fist back to punch him in the face. He caught my hand midair and pinned me against the wall of a building in a heartbeat.

“Attempting to assault a police officer. That’s a serious crime William,” he laughed.

“Get the fuck off of me!” I growled.

“Or what? What are you going to do William? There’s no one here to help you. I’m a cop, sweetheart, and you’re just a stupid hooker. I could snap your neck right now and no one would miss you.”

His words stung a bit, I’ll admit. They hit really close to one of my personal fears of truly being alone. Lord knows that I have Jonne, but as far as close relationships goes, that is about as close as it gets. And Jonne didn’t really have any power to help me….But I knew someone who did. Smiling slightly, I turned my face away from the wall so he would be able to hear my words.

“Oh Christian,” I spoke with a small pout. “You know that’s not true….Viggo would miss me.” That got his attention.

He immediately loosened his grip on my arm and removed his elbow from the back of my neck. I turned around and pushed him away from me completely, enjoying the frightened look in his eyes. Like most of the dirty cops in the city, Officer Bale was on Viggo’s payroll. He had been paying Christian off for years for him to look the other way to his crimes. It was actually quite hilarious that night he first busted me when he figured out who I worked for.

“What’s wrong Christian? Cat got your tongue?” I mocked.

“If it wasn’t for your keeper, I would have cut out yours by now. You’re lucky Viggo considers you his prize whore, otherwise-”

“Look,” I cut him off, growing rather tired of his little rant. “Is this speech going to be long? Because I would like to go home and watch the videos I just rented with my friends before I have to get up in the morning.”

“No….No I’m done with you William….For now,” he said, trying to sound ominous I suppose. He gave me one last death glare before walking by me, purposely bumping my shoulder on his way.

This has been an extremely weird day…. I just want to go home, curl up on the couch with Jonne, and try to salvage this evening with some normalcy.

Third Person (POV)

Chris Pontius walked into the lobby of his five star hotel with a smile plastered to his face. It might have to do with the cute girl who had gotten a number from not five minutes earlier, the fact that he was enjoying the dirty glares he was getting from the suits in the hotel (like they’ve never seen a shirtless man before?), or it could have been the fact that his friends were currently waiting for him upstairs in their suite with a few cases of beer. Well, anyone who knew Chris, would know that it had to be the latter choice.

Filming that day, no matter how much fun it had been or how great it went, was exhausting and all he wanted to do was kick back with his buddies and drink away the evening. Hopefully, if they got too stupid, they would be able to film some great filler material. Last night they had been able to get footage of Dunn stumbling around drunk and half naked in the hallways, mumbling to people to get out of his room. It almost got them kicked out of the hotel, but damn, it was funny.

Pontius made his way up to the suite, hearing his friend’s laughter before he even got near the door. His smile grew wider and he let out his trademark laugh before entering his room. Once inside, he made his way into the suite’s living room to find his friends gathered around the television set, apparently going over some of the other footage the other members of the crew had gotten.

“Dude,” his closest friend, Steve-O shouted. “Its about time you got back. How the fuck long does it take to grind your nuts on strangers?”

“Ah, but grinding isn’t a simple task my friend, it is an art form. Perfection can’t be rushed,” he laughed.

“Whatever man,” Dunn said with a roll of his eyes. “What do you have for us?”

Pontius reached into the pockets of his cargo shorts and pulled out the small tape he had gotten from Rick and tossed it to Dunn. The tape they were just watching had just ended, so he popped it out of the VCR and replaced it with the new one.

“Whose tape were you watching?” Pontius asked, picking up a full bottle of Heniken and taking a place on the couch next to Steve-O and Ehren.

“That would be mine,” his blue-eyed skater friend admitted, taking a swig of his beer. “It was some shit that I filmed a couple of days ago. I don’t think that the producers are going to air it though….It’s a bit racy.”

“Really?” Chris asked, his interest heightened. “What the hell is on it Bam-Bam?”

“I’ll tell you later,” the skater replied. “Lets see what Party Boy has for us.”

All of the men fell into a hushed silence as the wobbly footage began to play out. Most of it was the same. Chris had tried his devil skit out on a few different streets, the funniest being the one near St. Patrick’s Cathedral…that was definitely going into the show. There were a couple of shots of Pontius on his skateboard, including one of him going face-first into the pavement, until they finally reached the footage of Pontius’s trademark “Party Boy”.

The segment began with Chris talking to the camera. “I’m Chris Pontius, and I feel like partying.”

The film blacked out for a moment before picking back up to a shot of Chris inside of what looked like a movie rental store with a boom box in hand. Chris was wearing his blue tracksuit and black bowtie as he was talking to a helpful male clerk. He asked the clerk if he could recommend any good movies for parties. The clerk suggested a couple of horror movies, but Chris had said that he wanted something that people could dance to. The clerk then brought him over to the musical section and suggested the Daft Punk film “Interstell 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem”, because of the heavy techno. Chris nodded and seemed to be considering it for a moment.

“Yeah, this seems good,” Chris nodded. “But I really want to party. Do you have anything like this?”

With that, Chris pressed play on the boom box and his techno music of choice began to play. The clerk gave him a confused look before Chris ripped off his tracksuit and began to dance in front of him. The man began to laugh and Chris danced over to a woman who was trying to pick out a movie. She looked frightened as Chris gyrated his pelvis at her, and the crew began to laugh uncontrollably when he made his way to the group of teenage girls.

“Oh! Here comes my favorite part!” Pontius shouted to the rest of the crew. The boys watched in anticipation as Chris gave a hungry look towards someone standing in line at the register. Bam nearly spit out his beer when he realized what he was looking at….

Chris was grinding on and muttering something to a lovely brunette who looked like they wanted to punch Chris’s lights out. Bam’s jaw dropped as he watched the scene unfold and his friends laughed at the brunette’s overreaction to Chris’s “Party-Boy” routine.

“Damn…she’s hot,” Steve-O said.

“Actually, it was a he,” Chris admitted with a goofy laugh.

“Still fucking hot though,” Steve-O muttered, taking a swallow of his beer.

“W…where did you shoot this?” Bam asked quietly, his eyes never leaving the screen.

“I don’t know,” Chris answered. “Why?”

“No reason,” Bam blushed. “I-I just want to know.”

“I don’t know,” Chris shrugged. “Some store in the Bronx. I wasn’t really paying attention when Rick drove there.”

“So, Rick took you there? He knows where the store is?” Bam asked, his voice becoming a touch frantic.

“Yeah, I guess he does,” Chris responded, giving his friend a confused look. “Why? What’s the big deal?”

“N…nothing,” Bam shook his head. “I…I’ve got to go guys.”

Bam shot out of his seat and raced out of the suite, slamming the door shut behind him. His friends stared after him for a moment, wondering what the hell had gotten into their friend. After a moment, they just shrugged it off, blaming it on Bam’s impulsiveness. Who knows what was running through his mind?
to avoid confusion here are pics of a few of the lesser known characters in the story. (i.e. anyone not Bam, Ville, or the ever reacurring Jonne). sorry if they are a bit big.

Viggo- Ville's pimp:

Bill- a teen sold to Viggo:

Officer Bale- a dirty Vice cop who harasses Ville:

glad to be back ^^
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