Title: Tribute to a lost love
Author: Meduusje
Rating: pg 17 sex but nothing to explicite!
Pairing: Vam.
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, own nothing, so...
Summary: Ville writes a new song and thinks back to past times...
AN: this is not the story i allready have finished, i just wrote this today cause i wanted to write... dunno how soon there will be updates and stuff... its not beta'ed, so if anyone wants to beta... i'm not pretty coherent so sorry if this is crap
i'll put the memories in blue, the recent parts in black
Chapter 1/
Chapter 2/
Chapter 3/
Chapter 4 He should have just got out of the car and ignored the skater but he had only partly done that.
Without saying anything Ville had gotten out of the car, opened Bam's door, pulled him out and into his arms.
"I missed you too." the Finn whispered in the American's ear.
They found a quiet spot at the party that Bam had organised and talked the night away, the distance between them becoming smaller and smaller until the party died down and they could finally give in to the urge they had been suppressing the entire night.
"Let's go to bed, you must be exhausted." Bam whispered as he came up for air from their passionate kiss. "Hope you don't mind sharing with me?"
"I'm used to sharing a tour bus with 4 other guys, I think i can handle a few days with you." Ville smiled.
They had undressed each other so slowly it almost drove Bam crazy, exploring the body they had missed after only getting to know it for that one night, making sure they would remember it on the lonely nights spending miles apart in the future.
They didn't find release that night but still spend it in heavenly bliss, falling asleep curled up.
So many mistakes, and yet so many good times...
They spend the days flirting, teasing, seeing who would be the first to crack and pull the other in a dark corner for a quick make-out session.
"Willa!" Bam screamed of the top of his lungs.
"Yes Bammie?" Ville purred into the mic.
"I asked you to flirt with the camera not fuck it silly! It has feelings too you know!"
"I'm sorry, it's just so hot under these lights."
"Fine! Half an hour brake!" Bam said as he trew his hands in the air as if he hated the idea of a brake.
Ville grabbed his cigarettes and swayed outside, he relaxed and enjoyed his smoke.
Ville got slammed into a wall.
"this isn't a dark corner!" Ville panicked.
"You wanted to cool down, the fresh air will do us both good." Bam babbled while getting on his knees, setting free Ville's hot part.
Ville's protests quickly got replaced by moans as Bam worked hard to give Ville the much needed cooling down.
As Bam got back on his feet Ville murmured some kind of thanks;
"No thanks needed and you even have time to take a cold shower." Bam grinned hoping the singer would get the hint.
Ville had gotten the hint and they didn't make it in time but with the director and lead singer missing, no one could start anyway!
there one longer chapter with some action ;-)