Hidden - Chapter 19 - Ville

Mar 01, 2009 10:43

Rating : PG 13 - NC 17 (Locked when needed.)
Disclaimer : To my knowlage, Bam has never killed a soul, and Ville so far in life, is childless, and so this would mean that this tale is pure fiction.
Summary : Bam is a mass murderer who has been able to avoid the law for some time.
Ville is a proud father to a teenage daughter, whos mother died during her birth.
When the law starts to catch up to Bam, he flees to Finland and takes refugee in the singers home.
By holding his daughter hostage, Bam is able to convince Ville to lead a normal life. But Ville is able to wear the man down, and soon discovers the kind hearted man behind the hardened image and just why he turned to a life of crime. But will he allow himself to fall for the man threatening his daughters life? And what happens when the police close in on Bam?
P.O.V. - Alters between chapters until characters meet. (Odd - Ville / Even - Bam)
This story is now dedicated to the victims of the Virginia Tech massacure.


Chapters 1 - 18 http://bonevalo.livejournal.com/1256.html


With my hands in the air, I walked into the apartment, trying hard not to react to My Lily’s whimpers of pain. Any sudden movement could be fatel.

“Sit,” He ordered. And I did, moving as quickly as possible, hoping it would end Lily’s pain. The man smiled at me, a warm friendly smile...was he mad? Then he threw Lily into my lap. She clung to me, sobbing. I didn’t dare comfort her. “Go on, hold her,” said the beautiful blue eyed man, as he nodded. I       bite my lip, and slowly, pulled Lily close. She buried her head in my shoulder and sobbed. The man nodded again, and I rubbed her back and shushed her.

“There there kulta,” I whispered in Finnish. “Everything’s going to be okay, I promise,” She didn’t respond, just held me tighter. I held her close, afraid to let go. “What do you want from us?” I questioned the blue eyed man. He sat down opposite us, careful not to remove his gun from my line of sight. He rubbed his chin for a second, as if this had been a split second decision and he didn’t know what he wanted.

“There’s a man I’m after, he’s imprisoned in this city. He’s responsible for my mothers death. I want to kill him, and I will. I just have to wait. And I’ll be waiting here, and you WILL NOT be telling anyone. You know how I know?” He questioned, a venomous smile p[laying on his lips. I shook my head. “The ring! Her necklace too! I know what they are and I want them!” I didn’t move, Lily simply sobbed harder. “Now!” Screamed the man as he waved his gun at us. Biting my lip, I slowly removed my hands from around Lily. She whimpered and held me tighter. Eyeing the gun, I carefully removed Jules’ ashes ring from my left ring finger. I held it out to the man, shaking. “The necklace too,” He snarled.

“Daddy no!” Lily whimpered, but I simply shook my head, shushed her.

“Darling her has a gun. I’m so sorry my love, I really am.” I kissed her forehead, wiped away her tears. She nodded once, and then closed her eyes so she could not see me undo the clasp, and could not see the necklace fall into my outstretched hand. I held the ring and necklace out to the man, who took them with glee.

“Thank you!” He said, pocketing them. “Now, I’m hungry, point me to the kitchen!” He said, waving his gun yet again.

“LILY, Kulta, you’re going to have to move,” I whispered, again in Finnish. For a second, she held me tighter, then slowly slid off my lap. She stood beside me, trembling, tears pouring silently from her eyes. “Follow me Mr... Mr..?” I said, standing and gesturing towards the kitchen.

“Mr Margera, Bam Margera,” He said importantly, as if he were some one famous. I nodded and walked into the kitchen. “Excellent!” He cried as he opened the fridge. “You guys allergic to anything?” He asked as if we were having a normal conversation.

“What?” I whispered, my voice shaking.

“I’m making dinner. ARE. YOU. ALLERGIC. TO. ANYTHING?” He asked as if I were stupid. I shook my head quickly.

“No...no we’re not,” I said, my voice trembling.

“Good, now out! Go on, get! I’m making dinner,” Bam said as he pushed me from the room.

“Dinner?” I asked, confused.

“Yeah dip-shit, I’m hungry, and I’m not going to sit there an eat by myself now am I, that's not how my mother raised me!”

“Oh..o..ok” I whisper, walking swiftly back to the living room. I sit down and immediately pull Lily back into my arms. Together we sit in silence, as sounds of cooking emerge from the kitchen.

An hour later, and the 3 of us are sitting around the dinner table, as if we’re a family. My heart races at the thought, but not through fear. I was attracted to Bam! How could I be? When he was threatening to kill us? When he took the necklace and ring containing Jule’s ashes? Was I sick? Was there something wrong with me?

“Yo! Eat up, I’ve not poisoned it,” Bam piped up, as he ate quickly, as if to prove his words. Lily and I exchanged anxious glance’s. I nodded at her, and we both began to eat. It was the most amazing food I’d ever eaten.

“This is brilliant Mr. Margera!” I said with a smile, hoping it would please him.

“Thanks,” He said, blushing - he looked so adorable with colour in his cheeks - and looking down with embarrassment. “My mom taught me how to cook,”

“She must have been an amazing cook,” Lily piped up quietly, not looking up from her meal. Suddenly, tears leaked from Bam's eyes, and I had the strongest urge to comfort him.

“Yeah...she was,” He whispered. And, as quickly as he had become upset, he became angry. “How DARE you talk about my mother!” H e screamed, sweeping everything off the table. Lily screamed as plates of food crashed onto the floor. She ran to me, and we clung to each other as Bam continued to destroy the plates.

“I’m sorry Mr Margera,” Lily whimpered, her eyes shinning with tears. Bam suddenly stopped, looked around terrified.

“What did I do?” He whispered. And again I fought the urge to comfort him. “I’m so sorry!” He said, biting his lip in embarrassment.

“It’s okay,” I said, but he shook his head.

“No, no it’s not!” He cried desperately. “My mom would hate me! She didn’t raise me to be like this!” And with that, he started to cry. Again I wanted to comfort him, but this time I didn’t fight it.

“Daddy!” Lily cried as I let her go.

“Darling, just trust me on this,” I whispered in Finnish. Looking confused and hurt, she bit her lip and nodded. Slowly, I walked towards Bam, and, before he could protest, I wrapped my arm’s around him. For a few seconds he did nothing but sob, but then he wrapped his arms around me too.

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