Beautiful seduction (Part 4 of ?)

Feb 24, 2009 23:34

Title: Beautiful seduction (Part 4 of ?)

Author: Alicez

Pairing:  Bam/Ville

Rating: R to NC-17.

Summary: He was ensnared by that soft voice..

Warnings: Dubiously consensual, OOC-ness.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Ville Valo or Bam Margera.

Authors note: Sorry it took so long, but school has been hell. Anyways, I won’t keep you longer, so enjoy;)

Seconds passed and neither of them said anything.

Time turned into minutes, long minutes, and still there was nothing but silence.

Bam didn’t know how to feel. On one side, he was glad for the silence. He had no idea what to say to Ville, and he was sure that if he opened his mouth, he would start babbling nonsense. Futhermore, he hated small talk, it always made him feel insignificant and rather uneasy.  On the other hand, the silence was getting more uncomfortable as minutes slowly ticked away.

He chose, however, to say nothing.

Instead he kept his eyes on Ville, not letting them wander off. He studied the sharp lines of his face; the high cheekbones, the straight nose, the small ears and the soft, delicate lips.

It was the lips that fascinated him. Even though the looked delicate, as soft as petals of a flower, he knew they tasted and felt different. Every time those lips had touched his, they had been hot and demanding, with a rough edge of harshness.

And he couldn’t deny it. He liked those kisses, made him feel wanted. They warmed his body, aroused him, sent shivers down his spine.

And yet, he felt confused by them. Confused by Ville. The question that had whirled around his head since he met Ville. What did he truly want from Bam?

He was so lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice the gaze upon him. Only after a few moments, he felt it’s intensity and he snapped out of his thoughts.

Green eyes met blue eyes. Blue eyes widened for a fraction. He noticed Ville wasn’t watching the road at all, he was just staring at Bam.

“Watch the road, idiot! You might hit something if you keep looking at me like that!”

Ville smiled slightly.

“Not to worry. I’m an excellent driver, and besides, we’re only going straight on. No turns for a couple of miles.”

It was true, even though Ville kept eyes firmly locked with Bam’s, the car had not moved an inch sideways since his eyes met Bam’s. Bam’s mouth opened for a moment, then closed itself as he realized it made him look stupid.

“Oh. Sorry.”

“That’s alright. And might I mention, you have been watching me ever since we left your house?”

Bam didn’t know how to respond to the question. Though it wasn’t really a question, it was more of a statement. So he averted his gaze, and remained silent.

Ville smiled slightly and returned his gaze to the road.

After a few more minutes of silence, he slowed down and stopped the car.

“We’re nearly there. Just a few more kilometers and we’ll be there. I just want you to,” He said, while removing a silken strap from his pocket. “Put this in front of your eyes. You will only see where we’re going, when we arrive there.”

Bam blinked, and nodded, giving his consent. He turned his head away, allowing Ville to wind the piece of silk tightly around his eyes.

“How many fingers?”

He shook his head, and shrugged.

“How should I know? Uh.. three?” He guessed.

He flinched slightly when he felt cool fingers brushing against his cheek.

“Nearly correct. Two.”

He frowned at the mock in Ville’s voice, but kept his mouth shut.

He felt the car coming back to life again, and after a few more minutes, the car once again came to a halt. He heard the other man getting out of the car, and he made to do the same, when the door opened. He would have fallen to the ground, if arms hadn’t caught him around his waist. He was set upright, and the arms left him.

“Now, we just have to walk a little further. I will guide you.”

Bam swallowed, not knowing if he could trust Ville, but allowed it as a cool hand grasped his, twining their fingers together. He allowed himself to be lead, and only stumbled a few times, to have Ville catch him around his waist again.

“Careful,” He heard the other man chuckle as he stumbled for the fourth time. “We’re here anyway. You may remove your blindfold.”

He tentatively reached his fingers to the back of his head, and loosened the tight knot. The silk slipped down in his and he opened his eyes.

He gasped.

They were on top of a hill, that gave them a clear view of Westchester. Trees surrounded them and he could hear nothing but the soft rustle of leaves as the wind blew past it.

He turned to look at Ville, and stopped, stunned for a moment.

The moonlight illuminated his eyes, making them glow green even more. His pale skin was even paler than usual and glowing eerily, much like the first time he had encountered this strange man.

The man smiled at him, and motioned for him to sit down. He sat down next to him, gazing up at the stars.

For a few moments neither of them said anything.

“I- Where- Why are we here?” Bam asked, not looking at the man next to him.

Silence was his only answer for a few moments, before he got an answer.

“Well.. Actually I don’t really know.”

Bam frowned and turned to look at Ville, hoping to find a more useful answer.

None came, however.

Silence fell again.

He tried again.

“Is there something you want to tell me? Something you didn’t feel comfortable, for whatever reason, telling me at my home?”

No response. He sighed in frustration and decided to try once more.

“You can tell me. I swear I won’t run away screaming or something like that.”


He nodded, straightened himself and got to his feet.

“Right. Well if you only brought me here to sit together in silence, I don’t see the point of that. I might as well leave.”

He turned himself away from Ville, and started moving down the hill. He didn’t get far.

His wrist was caught in an iron grip and he was swung around to face Ville. There it was. That dark look in his eyes again, dangerous and ferocious.


“No, what? Let me go.”

Ville didn’t respond, but tightened his grip.

“No. You’re staying here.”

He tugged at his wrist, and was surprised when it was released. He whirled around once more, and stalked downhill once more.

Suddenly something made him stop.

It was a voice.

Softly it sang, and oh so beautiful. Sad notes wove in and out of the strange song, and he was startled to find hot tears running down his face. It felt like something fragile shattered inside him. He was paralyzed.

Invisible strings wound around his body, and he was slowly spun around, and moving, moving towards the man who was singing. Slowly, he was moving closer, until a few inches separated them.

The voice abruptly ceased it’s singing and he was able to move again. Slowly, he raised his gaze to meet Ville’s.

“W-What are you?”

The creature only smiled at him, and cocked his head in a questioning way.

“H-How can you do that? M-Make me feel this way?”

Eyes held his gaze, and he finally got an answer.

“I’m a siren,” the voice softly whispered. “I’m a siren.”

He didn’t know how to respond, or whether to believe him or not. It was true the man in front of him was strange, but somehow he didn’t know if he should believe him.

“You’re a siren?” A mocking note in his voice, made his disbelief clear.

Ville’s eyes narrowed slightly and he nodded.

“Yes. A siren.”

Bam blinked again and looked deeper into the other mans eyes. There was no trace of amusement, or mockment.

“Okay. Can you prove it?”

It was Ville’s turn to blink.

“Prove what?”

“That you’re a siren?”

Green eyes narrowed once more.

“What is it,” he hissed. “with those stupid humans who are only willing to believe if they can have proof or see it?”

Bam shrugged.

“Fine. I’ll show you. Look at me.”

Bam complied, and once again felt the strange sensation caught hold of him. This time however, there was no voice. Only those eyes, locking their gazes together. He couldn’t move again.

Ville abruptly released him, and he stumbled for a moment.

“Wow. How do you do it?”

The annoyed look disappeared from the other’s face, and a smile graced his face.

“I just can. Fairy tales, myths and legends, and that kind of crap, teach you that sirens are just beautiful creatures with a wonderful voice. You should not believe them. A siren is designed to lure people to them. We sirens, do not hurt people. We are however, not totally innocent. Once we have captured a human being with our voice or eyes, they will fall into a trance, much like the one you found yourself in a few moments ago. We will not release them once we have caught hold of them. We will want to keep them with us, to keep us company. Because the voice doesn’t always work on people, for instance on a deaf person, we can also use our eyes to lure people to us.”

That certainly explained a lot, Bam thought. Suddenly something occurred him.

“Wait. I don’t understand. You just said you don’t hurt people, but you do. What about Tom? I know he has always been strange, but ever since he landed in the Institution he seems to have reached the point of insanity. And if I am not incorrect, you have something to do with it.”

He hissed the last few words.

Ville’s smile fell, and he sighed softly.

“Yes. Tom. That is a .. different case. I do have something to do with him, but I cannot tell you anything more. The only thing you have to know, is that Tom was already insane, even before I met him. He has been hearing voices in his head ever since he was a little boy. I had nothing to do with it. I did not cause his insanity, nor the fact that he finally is in the place where he belongs, the Institution.”

Bam felt something burning inside him. Anger, he realized after a moment. Incredible anger.

“Right. So you might have been right about the fact that he has been hearing voices since he was little, but you did see to it that he really lost his mind. How else is it that he only landed in the Institution now, and not before you turned up? And how do I know if I can trust you? How do I know if you’re telling me the truth?”

Ville’s gaze darkened, and he knew he had gone to far. He whirled himself around, and made to run, but he was caught.

Arms snaked around his waist, and his back hit Ville’s chest. The hands moved to his hips, nails digging into them, drawing blood and leaving marks. He struggled, but Ville only tightened his hold.

“Fine. Fine. You want to know the truth? You’ll get it.”

Bam continued to struggle and broke loose for a moment, only to grabbed around his waist once more and slammed back against Ville’s chest.

“Don’t think you can run away. I’ll catch you anyway.”

He felt teeth at his neck, biting and nibbling. A tongue slipped out, and traced a wet path from his jaw to the shell of his ear.

He stopped struggling, realizing he couldn’t escape. For the first time since he ever met Ville, he truly felt afraid. Shivers ran down his spine and he felt his hands trembling slightly, betraying his anxiety.

It was almost like Ville was the insane one, even more insane than Tom. One moment everything was fine and Ville was teasing him, and the next he was angry and dangerous. It almost seemed like he had two different personalities.

He noticed Ville had not said anything yet. He tried to turn himself in the tight circle of arms, but Ville wouldn’t allow it. Instead, he lowered Bam’s body to the ground. He sat down next to the terrified boy, winding an arm around his waist to keep him close and prevent him from escaping.

“Right. You wanted the truth, so you’ll get it.”

The words were whispered, but that didn’t make them seem less harsh. Slender fingers caught his chin, forcing him to look at Ville. The green eyes still held a hint of anger, but most of it seemed gone.

“You know what I said before? About the fact that sirens don’t let people go after they have caught hold of one?”

Bam nodded, still terrified.

“I meant it. You are meant to be mine.”

Bam’s eyes widened in realization.

“B-But why me? And why didn’t you keep Tom, when you sang to him?”

Ville smiled.

“I never said I sang to Tom. It was you, I wanted to sing to you.”


Right, that was it for now. Another cliffhanger, sorry I seem addicted to them. Hope you enjoyed it, and I promise I won’t take to long with the next update!

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