DVD in the making ch9

Oct 06, 2008 21:02

Title: Digital Versatile Doom in the Making
Author: mortica_69
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, never happened.
Summary: Ville's coming over, and Bam gets ideas
Author's notes: Told you I'd update soon! :)

previous chapters

A shot sounded through the theatre, and immediately after, a certain Finn dropped to the ground with a sickening thud...


The whole theatre went silent for a split second, before it erupted in screams. Bam ran out onto the stage, and ignoring the strange looks he was getting from various people, he held Ville close in his arms, rocking him backwards and forwards, with tears streaming down his face.

He looked up briefly to yell at a roadie to call an ambulance, only to be told that many of the fans had already informed the emergency services, and that an ambulance would arrive momentarily. He thanked the man profusely, before glancing into the audience to see Jenn being dragged away by two burly policemen. She seemed to be putting up a fight. "Bam! Bam! I want BAM!"

Bam ignored her and turned back to his lover, to see his eyes open slightly. He tried to talk, but all he could muster was a groan of agony. Bam winced at the sound and kissed his forehead, continuing his rocking.


A tense ambulance ride and four hours later, and Bam and the rest of the band were sitting in a small waiting room in hospital, nervously awaiting any news of the singer. A doctor walked in, looking pale and very serious. When Bam saw his expression, his heart sank to his boots, yet he still leapt up, eager for news of his Ville.

“We have managed to get Mr Valo to a stable condition, but his wounds are still very serious. We need to keep him in our care for a few days as a precaution, but then I recommend a long break, and no serious physical activity. Understand?”

Bam’s face fell at the mention of no physical activity, but he managed to nod sullenly. The doctor nodded curtly back and said, “He’s allowed visitors, but only a few at a time please.”

Bam followed the doctor to Ville’s room, and could only gasp in sadness at the sight which met his eyes. Ville was lying on the bed, so frail and thin looking in an over-sized hospital gown. As he slept, Bam noticed his eyebrows were creased slightly, probably from the pain. Trying to be as quiet as he could so as not to disturb his love, Bam sat on one of the uncomfortable chairs beside his bed.

He took his hand and rubbed small circles in it with the pad of his thumb, gazing sadly at the frail man on the bed. A single tear slid down his cheek. “I swear I’ll make that bitch pay for this Ville. There was no way a person as kind and beautiful, and loving as you deserved something like this...”

Bam’s voice cracked, and he began to cry softly at his over’s bedside. “This is all my fault...My angel...My beautiful angel...” Bam looked up when he heard a slight hiccup beside him. Ville was awake, and his eyes were glazed over with tears.

“Bam, please don’t cry.” he whispered. “You know how I get when I see you cry...” Tears began to fall as he gazed steadily into Bam’s features, which were slightly shocked. Bam had to physically restrain himself from smothering the Finn in kisses, such elation was he feeling that Ville was awake.

Instead he settled for a long deep kiss that he felt got his feelings across just as well. “Bam, please understand, it’s not your fault that bitch has issues.” He tilted Bam’s chin so he was looking directly into his eyes. “This doesn’t change a thing. Except I’m presuming I won’t be fit enough for sex for a few weeks.” Bam winced at the very mention of it. “Yeah...That’s such a shame...”

TO his deep satisfaction, Ville let out a slight chuckle, and Bam couldn’t help himself from smiling, seeing Ville’s lips curve upwards like that. Suddenly Bam let out a long yawn. Glancing at the clock, he saw it was 1 am. “Join me?” Ville asked, scooting over in his bed a little.
Bam grinned and got in carefully, so as not to hurt the Finn, and with their arms encircling each other, they fell to sleep peacefully.

comments are love :)
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