(no subject)

Aug 16, 2008 12:54

Title: Forbidden Love
Author: pebblesandbam
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bam and Ville think they have good friends, understanding parents, everything. But when they finally confess their love for the other they are in for another big surprise when they find out that no one is willing to stand by them when things get tough.
Disclaimer: I do not own any one from this fan fic. Although I wouldn't mind, it's the sad truth.

CHAPTER FIVE- Forbidden Love

The house was pretty much empty except for two of Bam's friends were on the couch watching TV.

"Oh I see how you guys are. I tried everything possible to get ANY one over here the day that I was sitting with nothing to do. And everybody had stuff they HAD to do. So get your ass's off my couch so Ville can sit down since how he was the only one that came through for me when I needed him the most." Bam let the two men know that was sitting on the black leather couch with fake stunned faces at having their heads bitten off by Bam's tiny out burst.

Both the boys got up and started to the door but before they made it all the way there Dico called Bam's name and as soon as Bam turned to see what he wanted, Dico pulled down his pants, turned and flat out mooned Bam and Ville.

"Oh that's just beautiful sweetheart." Ville joked as Dico pulled up his jeans, laughing. Dico and Raab walked out the door talking among themselves about how to get Bam back for kicking them out.

"Bam you didn't have to do that." Ville said feeling bad for Bam's friends.

"The hell I didn't, I called them at least three times each and all they ever had to say is that they had to go because they were extremely busy. So that's what they get." Bam finished, flopping down beside Ville on the couch.

"What do you want to do, Willa?"

"Well I thought you had to work. And as soon as we get that out of the way then the faster we can play...or talk." Ville looked toward the window as a slight blush came to his cheeks.

"Sure thing, you just go and get some beers and I'll go and start up the computers." Bam said getting up from the couch and holding out his hand to help Ville up.


Sometime later Ville and Bam was in his Editing room working, drinking, talking, and secretly falling more and more in love with each other. "I think this scene is way to fucking long." Bam said watching the way Ville was concentrating on the computer screen. His green eyes piercing through the screen with all his attention on that one little object. oh how Bam wished he was that object.

"I don't know maybe you should just speed it up some, but you can't just cut it out. It explains the way it ends better."

"You know Valo, I think your right." Bam said doing as Ville had suggested. They worked some more until they heard April call them for dinner. Bam thought for a while then turned to Ville with a smile on his boyish face that Ville loved so much it hurt him. "Hey Ville, do you want to just go out some where for dinner?"

Ville sit there letting the idea roll over and over in his head before saying what was on his mind. "Don't you think April would get mad at us if we let her to think we were going to dinner here and then just go out to eat."

"Okay, it was just a thought anyway, no big deal." Bam replied, eyes going to the floor and face going a small shade of red.

"Bammie, darling. Don't look like that" Ville said even though he wished Bam wouldn't because he looked just so damn adorable like that. "I do want to go to eat out it's just that I didn't want to hurt April's feelings... but I would rather not hurt yours, so lets go out to eat. But you are dealing with April if she has anything to say about it."

"Deal." Bam got up and walked to the door opening and stepping back to hold it open for Ville.


April hadn't given them any trouble about going out instead of eating what she had prepared. So now they sit in a little cafe in town, across from one another. They ordered and sipped their drinks of choice until the food came, eating it over conversation then deciding that it was time to go.

Bam and Ville stood at the same time. Bam thinking Ville was going to go strait to the door, but instead stepped to the side of the table and went to take out his wallet causing Bam to have to squeeze in between Ville and the table to keep from running Ville over. Bam had to pass on his tip-toes to keep from letting the table hit him in the nuts, but one thing that he didn't think about is that that put his ass right against Ville's manhood.

Ville felt a soft moan slip from his throat by accident. Then held his breath hoping that Bam didn't hear it. But as his luck would have it he felt Bam tense up before continuing his quest for the door. Sighing, Ville followed out to the hummer with out saying a word.

Bam turned in the parking lot staring at Ville with piercing blue eyes. "What was that, Ville? What was that sound that you made when I pushed up against you?" There wasn't any sarcasm in Bam's voice, more along the lines of desperation. 'That's just stupid, why would he need to hear he turned me on to the point of having to think about Gas jacking off to get rid of his not yet hard enough to the point of noticing boner'. Ville couldn't help but to think But was pulled from his own thoughts as Bam's phone went off in his pocket.

Bam answered his call with more of a huffy tone to his voice then he should have. As Bam talked to the person on the other line Ville found himself feeling like Bam was cheating on him because in the back of his mind, their little dinner was like a date. They made their way back in to the hummer, Bam still on the phone.

The ride back to the house went pretty much the same, Bam talking on his phone to who knows, and Ville sitting there debating rather or not he should tell Bam his true feelings for him.

A/N: I wanted to update this about a week ago but then my mom went into the hospital and had surgery so then I was taking car of her, so after 7 weeks you have just read the next chapter. I really hope you like and that my updates aren’t coming to far a part for my readers. If so then tell me and I’ll try to do something about it. IF YOU READ THEN PLEASE COMMENT. The more comments I get then the better I try with my writing, and the faster I push myself to update.

Thanks to everyone in advance for commenting, they mean the world to me!
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