Dark Light 6

Aug 14, 2008 19:17

Dark Light 6

Title: Dark Light 
Part: 6/?
Author:  lillithvalo & black_heart1992
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: PG - NC-17, depending on the chapter
Summary: love after life, fights before death. should it always be like this?
Disclaimer: We wish we owned.. but sadly we don't *pouts*
Warning: yea.. some stuff!!
A/N: Inspired by DNA Angel
Ok.. we have some information to give you to make reading this easier(we hope)
When Dark is talking it will be Bold and Italic.
When Light is talking it will be just Italic.
And when the Other voice is talking it will be Italic and underlined. (((((The OTHER voice is now The Dark Lord and is now a characture int the story.))))

†Chapter 6†

I collapsed to the floor gasping for air like I had been trapped underwater. My body was shaking constantly and it hurt to move.

“This would be a good time to start talking Dark...” I snarled out, I had just endured pain for Dark to regain his memories; I was owed at least to know what he knows.

‘Long ago when me and Light had our own bodies we were in love, like your grandfather said.’ I winced in remembrance of my grandfather but groaned as the movement caused pain.

‘But there was one problem with our love and that was because of the Darkness lord... who is my father.’ My eyes widened and I was silenced into shock. The one person who was supposed to be an understanding father was the one person to ruin it all. I felt some connection though, I mean my parents aren’t at all happy because I love Ville... use to.

‘He was the reason me and Light are, or were, hateful to each other... I think I-I finally understand now....’

“What...?” I groaned, my head already pounding with the new information.

“My father loved Light, but Light didn’t return his feelings...’

“How in fucking god’s name did you come up with that?”

“With the help of your grandfather and some memories I would rather keep to myself... I just have an odd feeling that Ville hasn’t done anything wrong...’ I didn’t like the way Dark was defending Ville, but gathering all the new information I had to think things over... would Ville really try and kill me? He saved my life... took me to a safe place to recover...

“Ville wouldn’t hurt me...”

‘Exactly, Ville is exactly like Light, they wouldn’t hurt anything unless it was for their protection or someone else is suffering...’

“Then where is Willa?” I whispered, closing my eyes and trying to think of the many places Ville could be... my brain throbbing from so much pain.

‘The Hidden Realm...’

“The what?”

‘Hell as you humans call it but we call it the Hidden Realm, wasn’t discovered for so long by the gods in heaven or as we angels call it the christening Realm.’

I frowned and was about to comment when the front door downstairs smashed open. I jumped, new found strength probably from Dark, helped me stand up as I heard yelling to look upstairs.

‘We’re in trouble.’ My eyes looked around and I couldn’t find an exit, the helicopter outside had me blocked from jumping out the window, the cops outside the door to the bedroom.

‘Bam teleportation!’ I tried to think of the one place I could go to, I had to imagine the place but I didn’t have a clue what hell actually looked like. The door burst open and the cops charged in firing at me as I thought of the bell tower and vanished.

I gasped as I opened my eyes and landed on the floor next to the bell. My wing burned and struggled to breathe... looking to my left and seeing the black wing bleeding and taking the new colour of dark red around the wound.

“Great, looks like I won’t be able to fly.”

‘Oh you’ll be able to fly Bammie; you’ll just be in a lot of pain and won’t last very long in the air.’

Thanks... I thought pushing myself up and looking at the rest of my body; thankfully I only had bruises here and there from the fall and from where I collapsed to the floor.

My sensitive hearing picked up a small sound. I looked around and couldn’t see anything that would make a sound.

‘Well, we need help getting into the hidden Realm... we could look for-’

“Shut it Dark.”



The place became silent instantly and I kept still...

There it was the small sobbing sound; it was coming from underneath us... right where the Sword of Unity was. This wasn’t right... it sounded familiar... Ville...

“Ville!” I shouted, running to the stairs and looking down the spiral staircase, the room where I could hear the sobs was lit and I knew instantly that Ville was in there.

I jumped over the banister and landed on the floor gracefully, sprinting in the room and stopping when I saw the white angel crying his eyes out.

“Ville...” the angel looked up at me and I caught my breath when I noticed something was totally wrong. They weren’t Villes eyes... they were black much more sinister, much darker than my Willa’s sweet green eyes.

They were the eyes of a mad man...

‘They’re the eyes of the lord of Darkness...’

A gush of wind knocked me back a few feet and loud laughter followed; I had to shield my eyes from the amount of force that was coming from the supposed lord of darkness.

“It is good to see you again my son, I must say... this body is the closes you have come to being your normal form.”

I looked up, the wind slowing down, and stared at the imposter. A dark black robe covered the body of a god at least two times bigger than me, hood covered the face from view and all I could see was a sly smirked that would piss me right off.

I snarled and put my fists up when the wind had died down, getting ready to fight. I knew I had a small chance of surviving... but it was worth a shot.

“You against me? Pft you may look like my son but you’re more stupid.” I couldn’t take these remarks anymore, I hated people at school doing it to me but when someone was judging me against someone inside me that just made me fucking furious.

I leaped forward, trying to get at least one good punch before I had to take some pain. A large hand shot out from under the dark navy robe and clasped around my throat, I struggled to breathe as I was lifted off the ground.

“Don’t even try it my boy, or you’ll be in hell with your lover very quickly... and you won’t even know him.”

I was flung to the side like a doll, smacked against the wall as I screamed in pain, my wings not being able to take the pain anymore vanished and I was left without a way of moving fast.

The large hand, palm facing towards me, glowed and I struggled up, jumping out of the way in the last second as I rolled across the ground. Staring up to see the palm glowing.

“For fuck sake!” I shouted, leaping out of the way once more, the flow of magical power just missing me by an inch.

“You know your lover was quite nice, especially in bed.”

“You sick fuck!”

‘Bam stop insulting my father... that’s my job.”

“What the fuck?! Shut up Dark!”

I gasped for air as I soon grew weary. Just being able to roll out the way of the last shot, I fell to the ground and stared at my last escape, a gap in the bell towers wall. I struggled up and started to run, hoping to get out of there and try to recover. My hopes faded rather quickly when I was pushed away, my back slamming against the wall.

I laid on the ground, my breathing erratic and all my muscles giving up. I was out of luck, I thought my last goodbyes to everyone I loved and cared about and closed my eyes, hearing the dreaded thud of the boots from the god of darkness.

They stopped a few steps away from me and I opened my tired eyes, looking up at the menacing smirk. I closed my eyes and hoped for my death to be over quickly. I heard and angry shout and opened my eyes with the last of my strength. Just being able to see white wings and feel myself being lifted... passing out a few seconds later.

A cold, damp cloth swiped across my brow and I groaned, the dampness seeping into a wound on my forehead.

“Sweetheart, come on Bambi please wake up...” the voice faded away as I struggled to remain conscious. Using all my strength I pushed myself back to consciousness and I struggled to open my eyes, only getting a small peak at my surroundings.

“That’s it Bam, wake up darling, you’re gonna be okay you just need to wake up.” I forced my eyes open a little more and saw deep forest green eyes and my surroundings were much different, except the enticing green eyes seemed more intoxicating and heavenly.

“Willa...?” I whimpered, trying to push myself up but being unable.

“Easy Bam, you need to rest.” I groaned and pushed myself to finally sit up, then letting myself relax and fall against Ville with a sigh.

“Do you know how hard it is to hide you? Police are fucking everywhere trying to find you!” I rolled my eyes and snuggled closer to the warmth, forgetting everything that had happened just to have the safe feeling envelop me.

“How did your wing get injured?” I moaned in pain as I turned my head, my wing feathers were wavering in the gentle calming wind, the gunshot wound more than evident that before because of the infection that had started.


“Tell me what happened Bam. How did you end up in the tower with… with…”

‘Easy Ville.’

Turning to look back up at Ville I saw the fear and worry in his eyes but it still didn’t calm my anger that slowly started to rise up with in me.

“Where the hell were you… Ville?” I spat at him, moving out of his arms. “What did you do?”

‘Bam you still don’t know what happened. Let him tell his side of the story.’

“Shut it Dark!”

“Bam… I didn’t do anything. What are you talking about?” He moved towards me, hand stretched out to touch my cheek.

“Bullshit!” I growled, That’s not what… what…” I felt the tears sting my eyes and felt them fall. “Grand father is dead.”

“What!” Ville gasped, clapping his hand over his mouth, eyes starting to water.


Don’t act like you don’t know. I hissed at Ville, “I really fell for your act ya know. Really thought you cared. I actually fell for you.”

“Bammie… No.. I didn’t…”

“SHUT UP! Just shut up. I don’t want to hear your lies anymore.” I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up. My legs shaking under my own weight and I had to lean against the wall to hold myself up.

I looked down at Ville. his hand still over his mouth. Tears spilled from his eyes as his shoulders shook.


“Where are the artifacts Ville?”

“Bam please?”

“Where are they?” I reached out. Anger fueling my strength and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. “Where are they you little whore!” I tossed him back, his shirt ripping from his body, still clutched in my hand.

Dust flew up and swirled around as Ville hit the floor with a groan. Pushing away from the wall I walked towards him. The dust burned in my eyes but I still kept my gaze on Ville as he slowly sat up, his back to me.

“Bam I didn’t do anything.” He said coughing, gasping, trying to get his lungs full of air.


“I fell asleep next to you and woke up next to… to… him.”

As I got closer and the dust settled I noticed Ville’s normally smooth skin was red and bruised. Long scratches went from shoulder to ass and there were countless amounts of bite marks on him.

“I didn’t do anything but fall prey to him again.”

His voice was shaky and ragged. I knew he was finding it hard to breath and I patted my pockets for his inhaler. It became habit for me to carry one. Just incase. Ville had always had little attacks, nothing a little slow deep breathing wouldn’t help sooth which was what Ville was trying to do. He took a breath and let it out, coughing and moving away from my footsteps

“He… took… took.” Ville wheezed and tried to take a breath. His airway was closed and he clutched at his chest desperately.

‘Bam help him!’ Dark screamed in my head, he didn’t do it. You heard him. Don’t let him die!’

“How do I know it’s not a lie?” I replied, as I watched Ville’s body slump to the floor and go still.


Jumping as dark screamed at me I yanked the inhaler from my pocket and ran to Ville’s side. I pulled him into my lap noticing he was paler and his lips were tinted blue.

‘Bam stop looking at him and help him!’


I pulled his mouth open, slipping the mouthpiece past his lips and pumped two bursts of medicine into his mouth.

‘He’s not breathing Bam. Do something!’

I held Ville’s head in my lap looking down at him, watching his life fade.


I laid him back on the floor, brushing his brown curls from his face and pressed the inhaler to my lips. Shooting three bursts into my mouth, trying not to gag from the taste I tipped his head back and locked my lips over his, plugging his nose and forced a breath of air and medicine into his lungs. I cringed at the cold feeling of his lips on mine. It was nothing like how they felt before. No warmth. No life.

I felt his chest rise as my breath pasted between our lips. I leaned back and took another deep breath locking my lips over his again and forced another breath into him.

“Dark… I don’t think it’s going to work.”  I whimpered, tears welling in my eyes as I pulled back and took a breath.

‘Again Bam… do it again.’

“I’m going to loose him Dark.” I cried, my tears falling on to his pale cheeks which I quickly brushed away with my thumb.

I leaned down, nose to nose with Ville wishing his eyes would open. “Please Ville… Please don’t leave me. I’m sorry.” I bit my lip, pinching my eyes shut and took one last deep breath before brushing my lips against his softly. “ I love you.” I whispered, before forcing one more lung full of air into his body.

I stayed there. Resting my lips against his for a moment enjoying our last kiss I let my tears fall, felt my chest tighten and fought to hold back the sobs. Why had I been so stupid… so blind? I should have known Ville would never have done such things.
Slowly I press our foreheads together and hauled him back into my arms.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn’t notice his chest slightly rise or his eyelids flutter till I felt a small puff of air against my neck.

“Ville” I gasped, lifting his head from my shoulder and watching his eyes move behind his lids.. “Oh God Ville!”

‘Inhaler Bam.' Dark said softly, trying not to rattle me.

I pushed the inhaler to his lips and shot a burst of medicine into his mouth. He knew and breathed as deep as he could. It still wasn’t enough but at least he was breathing.

“Again.” Ville whispered, not even having enough strength to talk and inhaled deeply as the medicine puffed into his mouth. This time he coughed and sat up, taking lungfuls of air till he relaxed and sighed.

My lip was trembling as I looked over his back. Here he had gone through who knows what and I almost kill him. I felt like the most worthless person alive.

“Bam?” Ville said softly, turning to me and placing his hand on my knee.

“Oh God.” I whimpered, bursting into a fit of sobs. I leaned forward and fell into his lap wrapping my arms around his waist. I hugged him tight, crying harder as my hands slid over the gashes on his back.

“Bam.” Ville whimpered, cupping my face, making my look up at him. “You saved me.”

“I almost killed you.” I weep, pressing my face back against his chest, feeling his warm skin against me and thanking the stars for that.

Ville pulled me up still cupping my face and pressed his forehead to mine, “I knew you wouldn’t let me die. Even as I laid there and my light was fading I knew you wouldn’t.”


“I love you too Bam.”

I closed my eyes as he brushed the tears from my cheeks and pulled me closer. I felt his breath across my face, a tingle in my belly and then he kissed me.
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