Dark Light

Jul 19, 2008 13:40

  Title: Dark Light 
Part: 2/?
Author:  lillithvalo & black_heart1992
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: PG - NC-17, depending on the chapter
Summary: love after life, fights before death. should it always be like this?
Disclaimer: We wish we owned.. but sadly we don't *pouts*
Warning: Hmmm. none yet
A/N: Inspired by DNA Angel

I didn’t see Bam for months on end, his friend constantly asked around for him; they had been around Bams house and yet weren’t allowed in.

I began to worry about Bam, maybe I had taken it too far? Maybe I had hurt him? No, I know I hurt him. I hurt him in the most painful way possible.

Hands slammed on my desk and I jumped, looking up at the familiar face of Lindé.

“You know something about Bam. Don’t you?”

“I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” I grumbled, looking down at my work. We were studying history of the town we lived in, and the tales of our angels past. Even though I know quite a lot, it was quite nice to hear people’s opinions.

“You do, I know you all too well.” Lindé quietly whispered, motioning the girl to move so he could sit next to me.  The girl nodded and headed to the front of the class.

Lindé parked himself next to me and pulled the pen out of my hand. I rolled my eyes and turned away from him.

“You know something, tell me!” Lindé whispered loudly, forcing me to look at him.

“Will you bloody leave me alone?!” I growled, turning away from him.

“Ville, do you have a problem?” the teacher asked, looking at me funnily.

“No Mr. Hiragana, sorry.”

“Good. Now, there were two angels that lived in this very town. Their names were Dark and light, no-one knows their last name.”

I cringed as soon as the name Dark was said; Lindé noticed and grinned, leaving me alone.

The teacher continued to talk, but the talk was slowly blocked out by a different voice, saying the same words.

‘These angels were like Ying and Yang, that is why they are called Dark and light. Dark was also known as the phantom thief, he stole priceless artefacts that could potentially kill him or Light. If light had a hold of them, he would have killed Dark in a flash...’

‘But he could have killed me in an instant if he had the chance...’

But if Dark could kill Light... why didn’t he?

I walked slowly down the road, walking past the TV shop and spotting the news. I stopped and stared at the multiple screens, all flashes the same report.

“The legendary Phantom Thief, Dark, has apparently appeared for the first time in years. The note from Dark, still written in the same old language, tells the police that the first artefact that is to be stolen for the first time in so many years is the necklace of courage.”

My eyes widened and I blinked once, twice. Bam was going to steal? For the first time? He wouldn’t... would he?

I sat on a small branch outside the museum, where the Necklace of Courage was held. The police force was out and so were the reporters and so many girls and boys were waiting patiently. I was well hidden because the tree was well covered in leaves, thankfully I could see through it.

The clock of the bell tower a few blocks away from the museum rang out and I chuckled as I felt the wind pick up slightly. Bam really was gonna steal the necklace.

“Oh my god! Look up there!” I looked up and saw a hooded figure with wings as black as the night sky. Lights flashed up towards the figure and I caught a glimpse of blue eyes, I smiled and watched the figure fly away from the museum, losing the audience and hiding away behind the museum.

Maybe I should join him...

I snuck into museum easily and walked quietly towards the glass case. My black wings shuddered, I was still not use to the wings and sometimes, when left alone with my thoughts and the voice in the back of my mind I would panic. I thought back to the moment my mother and father had told me who I was. Thinking about everything she told me.

“You are the new Dark, the Phantom Thief that hated Light. Your friend you said that had white wings, Ville, he is supposed to be your worst enemy. You two will be at each other’s throats. I’m telling you Bam, stay away from him, you’ve only just discovered who you are!”

“You’re mothers right Bam. Besides, because of the altercations, you and Dark are one, you two cannot shift into each other, all you can do to change your appearance is Darks wings. You can hear his voice, and you bear his wings, but he’s just another part of you, not someone inside of you. It’s the same for Ville, you both have powers beyond belief.”

‘You mother, was right. We would be at each other’s throats... kissing and nipping...’

DARK shut up!

The voice chuckled in my mind as I looked at the target. The necklace of courage was right in front of me, only a few inches away.

“So, you finally understand what I meant?”

‘Look, it’s your lover boy.’

Shut. Up. Dark.

“What do you want Ville?” I asked, turning my head slight to acknowledge the white angel behind me. Ville crept up behind me and looked over my shoulder at the necklace of courage.

“So, that’s what you’re stealing?” I quickly turned my head away from the angel behind me, grabbing one the black feathers and began to chant a dark spell. The necklace started to glow a light blue and I closed my eyes to concentrate.

An arm wrapped around my waist and I gasped out loud. Ville distracted me from my chant and the spell broke, the necklace loosing the beautiful blue glow. My back smacked against a wall and I groaned, staring up angrily at Ville, his eyes holding lust as he smiled down at me.

“You look pretty sexy with those wings...”

A small smile spread across my face as I tilted my head looking into the sea greens before me.

“Sexy huh? You gonna try and rape me again?”  I grinned and pushed my hips against his, watching his eye lashes flutter before he realized what I said.

‘Good Bam. Distract him so we can get the necklace and get out of here. Unless you want to play with lover boy first?’

Hurt flashed across Ville’s face and his grip on me loosened.

“Do… Do you…Bam I didn’t…”

‘Awe… Little lover boy is upset’

“Shut up Dark.”

I felt Ville’s long fingers slip from my hips. I didn’t want him to stop touching me. I liked his touch. It made sparks rip through my veins.

“Bam that’s not what I was doing… I mean… I just couldn’t stop myself. I feel like I have loved you for so long.”

My eyes drifted over to the necklace. I had to think of some way to get it and get out of here.

‘ Do you still have the feather Bam?’

“Yes.” I said back to the annoying voice in my head.

I could hear the white angel in front of me talking. Saying things about love and hate, death and rebirth but, I was too busy listening to the voice in my head to really understand him.

“I understand.” I whispered placing my hands on Ville’s hips.

“You do?” Ville said excitedly, looking deep into my eyes.

Shit! What was he saying? Love. Yes that’s it.  I smiled slyly and pulled him against me, moving my hands lightly over his wings watching him shudder till my arms rested over his shoulders.

Again I held the feather out. Closed my eyes and pressed my lips to Ville’s.

‘Good. Now keep him distracted and we’ll have that necklace.’

I have to admit, distracting the beautiful angel before me was not what was running through my mind even as Dark chanted. Yes I knew I had to if I was to get the necklace but what was running though my head was what I had heard Ville say. That he loved me for so long.

My heart beat wildly in my chest as Ville’s long fingers slipped under my shirt and gripped my waist, pressing our hips roughly against each other, the feel of his need digging into me. His tongue slowly slid over my lip and plunged into my mouth. I couldn’t help the moan that rose from my chest as his warm tongue moved against mine. Everywhere he touch tingled I wanted nothing more than to feel what he could do to me.

He opened his eyes and noticed I was looking past him.

“What are you…”

He turned and saw the necklace glowing.

“No! Bam. Stop!”

The necklace burst into a ball of light and zipped around the room. I shoved Ville back and watched him stumble. Eyes wide as he glared at me.

“Please Bam… it will destroy us!”

I froze. I knew that these things would destroy us but this was my fate, my life and it was his to try and stop me.

“I... Ville… I…”


“Right!” I yelped, running past Ville and jumping to the window.

“Dark Please?”

I watched the light spin above us and dart towards me.

“Maybe next time we meet we can continue where we left off at. " I licked my lips and winked at him as the light flew into my hand.

“Till the next time my love.” I smiled and fell back through the open window.


I darted to the window in time to watch him fall.  He looked up at me, silly smile still plastered on his face.  His huge wings flew open. Feathers flapping in the air, catching him and slowing his fall.

He saluted and blew me a kiss and was gone.

I leaned against the windowsill watching one small feather float through the air. I reached out and let fall into my hand. There had to be away to end this. I don’t want to hate him anymore. Not after I fell in love with him.

I sighed and ran the feather against my cheek. Smiling. Knowing he had left it behind for me.

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