Blind Hope - Ch 9

Jul 10, 2008 19:54

Ville stirred the food dish angrily; eyebrows pulled together in thought as he pondered what had happened, what was happening, and just the general philosophical meaning of life.

His hand moved quicker against the pan now as he recalled what had occurred just moments ago - him spilling his feelings to an empty room besides himself. And how hurt he’d felt when Bam didn’t even seem to care about him…

Not that he had to, Ville was a man. He could take care of himself - and the last thing he wanted was sympathy for his…illness.

Was that what it was? An illness?

Ville chose not to believe it as that…seeing as it was more an act of fate than anything else. It had to mean something; for whatever higher power there is would not simply bestow such a curse upon him for no reason…

Would he?

He shook his head, figuring it wasn’t good to dwell on problems you’d never have the answers to or think about things that weren’t logical - that’s called insanity, my friends.

Though to Ville, insanity wasn’t being crazy; it was simply being different than others and not quite having the under-


His thoughts were interrupted by a rather quiet voice coming from the kitchen doorway.

“What?” He muttered, knowing it could only be one person - also recognizing the voice.

Bam cleared his throat, stepping fully into the kitchen now; watching as Ville stirred some vegetables in a pan and noticing a few scattered ones that had fallen out.

He carefully picked them up without the Finn noticing and threw them away. For some reason the simple action made him sad, frowning deeply as he stared at Ville.

How could such a beautiful creature deserve to be blind?

The skater shook his head and raised a fist to his mouth as he cleared his throat.

“Well, I uh, just wanted to see if something was wrong…you seemed rather, uhm….irritated? with me, and I just…wanted to know why or what was up.” He blabbed senselessly for a few more seconds; spewing out random words that Ville really didn’t care to hear or make sense of.

“Bam…” The man, upon hearing Ville’s voice, shut up and licked his lips.

“Yeah, Ville?” He questioned cautiously, watching as the Finn grabbed the pan and felt around for the bowl he’d placed near him and dumped all the contents into it.

Ville still hadn’t answered when he carefully walked over to the small table and set the bowl down as close to the middle as he could guess.

Finally he turned around, eyes closed, and folded his arms over his chest.

Lips pursed he spoke slowly, “Nothing, is wrong. Nothing…Bam. So, can you please just accept it and sit down? Please?”

Bam swallowed, nodding, “Yeah, yeah…sure. Sorry.”

Ville reached out for a chair and sat down, bringing the bowl closer to him to spoon out some vegetables and rice onto his plate. A little missed and Bam frowned, having the urge to go over and place it back on the plate. Though somehow he refrained and took his own seat.

Coughing, he casually asked, “So, what is this?”

Ville stopped mid spoon raise and blinked, looking up to where Bam’s voice came from.

“It’s rice and vegetables, Bam. Are you blind?” He smirked a little at himself before placing the food in his mouth.

Bam snorted, shaking his head as he ate a little of the vegetables. He normally wasn’t one for food that didn’t contain some sort of meat, but he supposed it would have to do.

Midway through their silent dinner, Bam’s eyes strayed back behind Ville towards the window where his cane rested. Just seeing the foul thing made his heart clench and stomach burn.

Bam cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak when suddenly Ville stood and pushed the chair back, picking up his plate with both hands.

He walked slowly to the sink and placed it in; turning the water on to wash off the remains.

“When you’re done put your plate in there, I’ll be in the living room when you’re finished, watc - listening to the telly.”

Bam was confused, but mumbled a “Sure” nonetheless.

There had to be something wrong with Ville; unless this was his usual behavior, which Bam highly doubted.

No matter, he sat there in silence…alone, and finished his meal.


Ville sat down quietly on his sofa, still trying to get over what had happened earlier, but it was difficult. He knew sooner or later he was going to have to repeat everything he’d said, but to Bam’s face - if he didn’t suddenly disappear on him, that is.

Just as his hand touched the remote, his cell phone buzzed in his back pocket. He grabbed it quickly and snapped it open, saying hello in Finnish, followed by English.

“Is he there yet?” Burton’s voice asked suddenly, quickly.

Ville sighed, “Yes, he’s here. We just had lunch.”

The pianist let out a grunt sound before whispering, “And he’s all checked into the hotel and everything, right?”

The Finn swallowed, “No, I told him he could stay here for the few days.” And now I’m thinking that was a mistake…He thought to himself.

Apparently so did Burton - if the growl he uttered was no evidence.

“What? Why?! I specifically told him - and you - that he was to be staying -“

“I know what you told me, Jaane, but what I do is my business. I’m a grown man, I can take care of myself.”

“Well…Ville, I-I know that.” He spluttered; mentally beating himself up for he had been about to say ‘But you’re blind!’

Ville sighed, as if knowing somehow what the man had been about to say.

“Look, I can take care of myself; I’m fully capable of doing so, Burton, and you know that.”

Burton sighed as well, overly upset with the situation.

“Well…fine, but if he tries anything funny-“

“I’ll kick him out and then call you; got it.” Ville replied rather cheekily before hanging up with a growled ‘good-bye.’

Bam cautiously crept into the living room after hearing Ville set the phone down rather recklessly. Of course he’d been listening the whole time, and of course he didn’t know what to think about what he had just heard.

“Ville? Everything alright?” He asked the helpless man on the couch.

“Quit fucking asking me that! Everything’s bloody fine!” Ville roared - much unlike himself.

Bam jumped back, startled by his outburst.

“Well, shit, Ville…sorry if I care about you enough to ask what’s wrong.” The skater mumbled irritably before stomping off to ‘his’ room and shut the door.

Ville growled low in his throat, hating how this was going already.

There was no way they were going to last three days.


Two hours later and Ville still lay upon the couch - t.v. on mute and his eyes closed; as they were half the time.

Bam had spent those few hours to catch up on some sleep himself and awoke with a small cry; jolting upright.

His hand clutched his chest, near his heart, as he breathed raggedly - sweat covering his clothed body.

“God…” He whispered shakily, running a hand through his already tousled hair.

That had to have been the worst - or almost the worst - nightmare he’d ever had. His tongue slipped out to lick his lips and he shook his head as he groggily stumbled out of bed.

He peeled off his shirt and decided to go and take a quick shower when he remembered where he was…and whom he was with.

His strides slowed before stopping when he reached the bedroom door and - with a deep intake of breath - he turned the knob and stepped into the living room.

The lamp light had been doused and the t.v. sat, playing it’s show soundlessly on the stand.

Bam’s eyebrows rose, wondering where Ville was when he heard a cute snore emit from the couch - or, the person on the couch.

He smiled lightly as he stepped around it - watching the sleeping Finn; hands nestled under his cheek and a look of utter peace on his face.

“How beautiful…” Bam whispered aloud, before bending down to stroke the angel’s pale, soft cheek.

He moved a strand of hair from across his nose before sighing and eyeing the length of the man’s body.

It wouldn’t be too much of a strain weight-wise, but he wondered if he would be able to deal with the height of him.

Shrugging his shoulders a bit, Bam carefully lifted up the sleeping man into his arms and carried him towards his bedroom.

It was a bit difficult getting the covers up and him under them, but he soon managed.

He felt dirty as he took off his socks and jeans, piling them on the floor near the bed. Thank God he was wearing boxers.

Bam turned around to leave when he heard a small, “Thanks, Bam.”

“Huh?” He looked back at Ville - his eyes were still closed, but it was obvious he was awake.

“I’m…sorry for the way I acted today; why I did…it…well, it wasn’t your fault. I-I don’t really feel like talking about it, but, well…I just apologize for my rude behavior.” The Finn whispered, swallowing nervously.

Bam smiled and nodded, “Well, thanks, Ville. And, if you ever feel like talking to me about it, I’m here.”

Ville smirked, nodding his head, as well.

“I’ll remember that Bam.”

He turned to leave when he remembered, “Oh, is it okay if I take a shower?”

The older man nodded as he took off his shirt, “Yeah, sure; it’s the room next to yours if you hadn’t already figured it out.”

“Yeah…I…had.” Bam said slowly, after which he quickly bolted out of the room, closing the door before the Finn could strip down in front of him anymore.

Letting out his breath, he shook his head to clear it as he walked to the bathroom.

He took his shower quickly before going back to bed, wondering if tomorrow would be any better.


This story will be going on hiatus for a while so I can work on hopefully finishing up HOC before the end of the summer. My other story, Sleepwalking Past Hope, will also be on hiatus. This will be the last - crappy - update on this story for a while, then.

There was going to be more to this chapter, but I barely got this out - took me three days. I mean, I had the idea all out in my head, but I just couldn't write it now. I apologize for the shortness and boring-ness of it. xD

Well, anyways, please review if you read. <3

And sorry if the font seems dark - too dark, because I can't seem to change it. :P

Edit: I apologize for the totally screwalicious font - it is going whack on me as I try to fix it, so I'm not even going to try anymore. *sighs*

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