(no subject)

Jul 06, 2008 17:08

Title: The House That Man-Love Built
Author: myforgottenpain
Pairing: Vam, Johnny Knoxville/Ryan Dunn… actually multiple pairings might be more appropriate…
Rating: R for content and ES for Excessive Smut.
Summary: What brought Bam, Ville, Johnny, and Ryan together….
Disclaimer: I don't own anything connected to Ville Valo, Bam Margera, Ryan Dunn, or Johnny Knoxville. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends.
Authors Notes: This started off as a crack fic for Jezebel1389… but it deserves its own mini series. Enjoy! This too is dedicated to the lovely Jezzie!

“Ville?” Ryan asked softly, knocking on the door. When there was no answer, he pulled out his wallet and withdrew his driver’s license. Crouching in front of the door, Ryan quickly jimmied the lock, slowly pushing the door open. “Ville?” Ryan asked softly, peeking into the dark room.

Ville, he could see, was a lump in the middle of the bed. Closing the door as gently as he could, Ryan slowly made his way over to the bed. “Ville… are you alright?”

There was a jerk from the figure on the bed, before Ville slowly peeked at Ryan. “Ry?”

“Hey you…” Ryan said softly, sitting on the edge of the bed cautiously.

Ville peeked at Ryan from the confines of his hoodie and his blanket. “Hi Ryan.”

“Isn’t that hoodie dirty?” Ryan asked, noticing which one Ville was wearing, trying to engage the Finn in some casual conversation.

“Only a little.” Ville whispered.

Ryan smiled, “Don’t you want to wear a clean one?”

“It wouldn’t smell like Bam then.” Ville answered simply.

“No…I suppose it wouldn’t.” Ryan answered back, moving a little closer. “I don’t suppose you want to talk?”

“Not really.” Ville said, pulling the hoodie down, eyes never meeting Ryan.

I could talk and you could listen to me… if you want?” Ryan offered.

“If that’s what you want…” Ville said with an air of indifference.

“Alright…” Ryan said with a little more of an upbeat tone, scotching on the bed, leaning back against the headboard. “I realized I was gay… when I was a teenager. I was camping out with Bam and some of the other guys… and I just looked at Bam and knew… I knew I wanted him.”

Ville continued to lie on the bed silently, though he did listen to the other man, picturing what he was saying.

“But I didn’t have the guts to say anything to him. I wonder sometimes what might have been if I had only had the courage to tell Bam how much I cared about him. Would he had have gone to Johnny? Would we have been with Johnny? Would I have Johnny now and would Bam have you? How much different would we all be then?” Ryan asked softly, looking down at the other man.

“When Johnny came on to the scene…. I could tell right away that they wanted each other. They barely hide it from anyone else. To say I was jealous… well it was an understatement.” Ryan said, his tone breaking a little, unaware of the shift on the bed next to him. “I was very jealous. I wanted Bam… and if I had only known he was gay… I might have asked him.”

Ville sat up a little, finally looking at the side of Ryan’s face. He wanted to say something in light of what Ryan was revealing to him, but he could barely look at Ryan in the face.

“But I guess it doesn’t really matter what might have happened, since it happened and it’s done and over with. But, it doesn’t mean things can’t change for the better?” Ryan offered, meeting Ville’s gaze. “Johnny can be a wonderful lover… honestly he can be. He just gets… carried away sometimes.”

Ville nodded, looking down once more. “I just wish you and Bam would have been there.”

“Me too… we could have had some fun… and kept Johnny in check…” Ryan shook his head. “I’m sorry…but I have to say this. Bam has always been great in bed, but he has gotten even better…. He took some plays from your book for sure.”

Ville smiled, “I’m glad that you and Bam had some fun together.”

“We had lots of fun. I wish…” Ryan paused for a moment, looking down now as well. “I wish I have thought to suggest… “

“Suggest what?” Ville asked softly, eyes on Ryan.

“You probably would have been better of letting Bam top you first.” Ryan shook his head, looking close to tears. “God I’m so fucking stupid. I should have known Johnny would pull something foolish like this in the end. I should have known…” He shook his head again, unable to speak again right away.

“Bam tops?!” Ville asked with general surprise. Never had he pictured the other man as a top before.

Ryan nodded, “He is a pretty good top too. Plus, he knows you. He would have taken into consideration things better than Johnny did.”

Ville frowned a little, eyes filling with sadness as he looked down. “There is so much about Bam I don’t know.” He mumbled, his hair falling in his face, shielding his eyes.

Ryan reached out and brushed Ville’s hair from his face. “Come here…” He pulled Ville close so the older man’s head was resting on his stomach. He continued to smile, running his fingers through Ville’s hair. “Tell me about what it was like when you fell in love with Bam.”

Ville smiled, wrapping his arms around Ryan’s waist. “I couldn’t stop looking at him. I loved everything about him. His smile, his eyes, you know… stupid little things he does. It all made me so happy. I just wanted him to always be happy, so he would always smile… because then I would always be happy.”

Ryan closed his eyes as he listened to Ville, his fingers running through Ville’s hair. “I know the feeling all to well.”

Ville closed his eyes too, “I hope he is happy.”

“He is very happy… but then again… Bam is always happy. He is always loved.”

“I hope he is always loved.” Ville said softly, enjoying the attention from the other man. “He deserves all the love and attention in the world.”

“Speaking of attention.” Ryan said, opening his eyes so he could look at Ville again. “We should give your injuries some attention.”

“How do you know I have any injuries?” Ville said quickly, looking away from Ryan.

Ryan smiled at the older man gently, “Why else would you be up here?” He sat up, moving off the bed. “Come on… let me see the damage… how else are we going to keep you clean and bacteria free?”

Ville lingered under the blanket, “I took a hot shower already.”

“Did you use any antiseptic medicine?” Ryan asked, crossing his arms, a determined look on his face. “Some how I doubt you know what to do with some of those… Injuries.”

Ville’s cheeks broke out in a blush, practically glowing with embarrassment. “How did you…?”

“I just know these things. I know my lover… and I know you. You don’t have sex like he does. It was destined to turn out poorly.”

Ville sat up slowly, still stiff and sore, “I suppose you are right. I guess… I was just holding out some hope that he wouldn’t be like that… or that I could handle it.”

Ryan frowned when he saw how Ville moved, “But that’s the nature of the beast.” He said softly, moving off the bed with Ville moved to the edge of the mattress. “How badly did he hurt you?” Ryan asked softly, touching Ville’s cheek.

Ville frowned and slowly pulled his hoodie off, letting Ryan see the extent of the damage. “You can’t see the one that hurts the most.” Ville said in a low tone full of self loathing.

“Oh Ville…” Ryan whispered, pulling the other man close.

Ville pressed his face into Ryan’s stomach, arms wrapped around him, holding him close. The tears he had refused to shed before, threatened to come out now. “I was so weak…”

“No… it’s not your fault Ville.”

“Fuck…. It hurt so much Ryan. And he didn’t care. He didn’t fucking care at all. It was the worse experience of my life.” Ville said, a few tears sneaking out.

“It’s alright… we’ll talk to Bam and Johnny….”

“No!” Ville yelled, pushing Ryan away from himself. “No! You better not tell Bam!” He quickly brushed his tears away, shaking his head in a frantic manner. “Don’t say anything to them!”

“We have too Ville! We have to tell them or things will get worse!” Ryan cried back.

“No! Absolutely no!” Ville yelled, hurrying to a standing position despite how much it hurt. “Don’t say anything to Bam… nothing…do you hear me? Nothing! You better not say anything to Bam!” Ville cried his face contorting as he lost the battle with the sadness that was overwhelming him.

“Ville!” Ryan hurried back over to the other man, wrapping his arms around him, holding him close. “I won’t say anything… I promise.” He said softly, running his hands up and down Ville’s back.

Ville wrapped his arms around Ryan’s neck. “Please… don’t say anything.”

Ryan frowned with concern, “What will you do when they want you to play with them again?” Ryan asked gently.

“I’ll bear it…” Ville answered without a moment’s hesitation. “I’ll do anything to ensure Bam’s happiness.”

“What about your own?” Ryan whispered, brushing away Ville’s tears.

“As long as Bam is happy, I’ll be happy.” Ville reasoned, looking down despite lingering near the younger man.

Ryan wasn’t sure how long that could last, or how healthy it was, but decided not to say anything. “I’ll get you some medicine… You stay here and relax alright? I’m sure everything will be fine.”

Ville nodded, slowly walking over to the bed, so he could lie down again.

Ryan slowly walked to the door, afraid to leave the older man alone for a moment. Waiting until Ville seemed comfortable; he hurried down to his bedroom. He barely paid attention to the men on the bed, answering them about what he was doing as he searched through his nightstand. He hurried from the room, vaguely aware of their giggles as he rushed back to Ville.

“There we go. Now pull your pants up… everything should be alright. Just make sure to keep the area clean.” Ryan said, moving away from Ville so he could go into the bathroom and wash his hands.

“Thank you.” Ville said softly, pulling his pants on more.

“Going to the bathroom is going to suck… at least moving your bowels.” Ryan continued when he came back into the room. “Just make sure to use the wipes I gave you and this cream.”

“You sure know a lot about this.” Ville said, watching as the younger man walked over to him again.

“I’ve had to do it once or twice before.” Ryan said with a smile, standing next to the nightstand.

“For yourself?” Ville asked with a slight tone of concern.

It touched Ryan to see that, smiling as he leaned down to kiss Ville gently. “Me and Bam both… I told you he can get carried away.”

Ville frowned, “I’ll fucking kill him if he hurts Bam like that again.”

Ryan chuckled, “Bam likes to be hurt like that.”

“I don’t care what Bam wants. If he gets hurt like this… Johnny is getting my foot up his ass.” Ville said in a very serious tone.

Ryan chuckled, tossing the tube of ointment on the nightstand, when something caught his eye. “What’s this?”

Ville’s eyes went wide as Ryan picked up the same object Johnny had before. He opened his mouth to react in the same way, but thought better of it. For some reason he found it very easy to trust Ryan, besides, he had been there when Ville needed him. So he looked down and waited for Ryan to figure it out.

Ryan rolled the pen like object in his fingers until he reached the label on the side. He read it softly to himself, quickly realizing what he was holding in his hand. “Is this yours?!”

Ville rubbed the back of his neck and slowly nodded.

“You have Epipens?” Ryan asked, sitting on the bed next to Ville.

“Yes.” Ville said softly, peeking at the other man.

“Since when?” Ryan asked, looking to the Epipen in his hand in amazement to have discovered such a thing.

Ville shrugged, “For years. I’m allergic to shellfish. I have to carry them around with me in case I am accidentally exposed to some.”

“This is incredible. Why didn’t you say anything before?”

Ville looked down again and shrugged, “I didn’t trust you guys.”

Ryan nodded, looking down as well. “But… now you do?”

“You anyways.” Ville answered softly, reaching out to run his fingers through Ryan’s beard, cupping his cheek in his hand. “Bam has known for a while.”

Ryan blushed, looking down at the pen in his hand. “He knows how to work it?” He asked softly.

“Yes… I figured he should know since we are always around one another.” Ville said, drawing in his bottom lip to hold it between his teeth. Slowly moving his hand from Ryan’s cheek, he ran it across his neck and chest. “I can show you how it works?”

Ryan’s eyes lit up, “Are you serious!?”

Ville smiled at Ryan, “Of course… I need someone to be there to help me in case Bam isn’t around.” He took the pen gently from Ryan’s hand. “You hold it like this.” He demonstrated the correct position for Ryan, gripping the thick marker shaped object so his thumb was on the bottom, his fingers wrapped around it securely. “And you take the lid off like this…” He moved his hands like he would take the lid off, without actually doing it.

Ryan moved onto the bed more, watching everything with general interest.

“And you thrust it into my hip like so.” Ville said going through the motions. “And hold it there for 10 seconds. It releases epinephrine or adrenaline into my system, which will slow the drop in my blood pressure that results in my difficulty with breathing. It gives me a few more minutes to wait until the ambulance comes.”

“That’s incredible… and it happens when you eat shellfish?”

Ville nodded, rolling the Epipen in his hands. “Even the smallest amount can throw me into Anaphylactic shock in minutes and have me dead just as quickly. Its one of the main reasons I became a vegetarian. So there is no excuse to have any meat cooked around me.”

“That makes sense… thank you for sharing that with me.” Ryan said, unable to stop himself from smiling.

Ville smiled too, his eyes moving from his own hand to Ryan’s. “Here…” Picking up Ryan’s hand he pressed the Epipen into Ryan’s hand, closing his fingers around it, before holding Ryan’s hand in his own. “Just in case you need it.” He added, gazing into Ryan’s eyes.

Ryan’s face lit up like he had just been handed the keys to the city. “Thank you Ville…” He held the Epipen close to his chest. “I promise I will learn everything I can about your ailment, so I can be prepared for an emergency!”

Ville chuckled, leaning in to kiss Ryan gently. “I am touched, but it’s not necessary… I haven’t had an attack in years and like I said, Bam knows what to do in more details…. And I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t be here.”





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