The Pest Of Westchester [3/?]

Jul 06, 2008 01:54

Title: Pest Of Westchester
Author: Kimmi
Pairing: Vam, Dani/ Migé, Dunn/ Linde, Jonne/ Raab
Rating: NC-17
Summery: Bam is the town queer, also known as the pest of westchester.  What happens when he is outcast and is found by a group of Finnish men.  Will they help him or make his life hell?
Disclaimer: DK, DI, DS


Part 1

Part 2

[I is Back! and this is actually the longest chapter in this story so far! it's still not very long but well...I'm tired cause it's like 2am lol I need sleep xD but I did stay up to give you updates for both stories!  Hope you enjoy!]

For people that had practically kidnapped me, the people here were extremely nice.  I didn’t have a clue what they wanted me for, but hell….whatever it was, I was obliged to except a challenge.

I was sat playing cards with Burton and Mikko .P, but I was currently having my ass handed to me on a plate.  Burton was whipping my ass in every game until it was red raw.  From the corner of my eye, I kept seeing Ville’s eyes travel over my body, but every time I went to connect my gaze with his, he averted his eyes to his boots or to Dani who was sat in the corner.

I took a sip out of the bottle of whiskey sat on the table, a buzz started to ring in my head as the alcohol ran through every vain in my body.  The room was spinning and the numbers on the cards had doubled with my vision.

I felt numb.

And yet, I still felt the sting of his eyes staring at me.

“I win!” Burton called for what seemed the hundredth time in a row.  Mikko groaned loudly, throwing his cards down on the table with a pout.

“No Fair, you always win” He folded his arms over his chest, sulking like a child.  I giggled at the look of the hairy, large man attempting to give the look of a small child, failing miserably.

Ville’s hiccupping laughter followed suit, rising from his place on the floor.

“Looks like I shall show you who’s the boss”  He smirked, pulling my top for me to stand.  I was confused, but soon realised what he was doing.  He was simply stealing my beloved barrel seat.  I scowled at him, shoving his back violently.

The whiskey in my system was making me turn angry, making me feel like hurting the older man “Hey Asshole! There’s a seat right next to mine, why the fuck would you take mine?” I gritted my teeth, suddenly feeling like lunging towards the older man when he gave a simple laugh.

He was the boss, I knew I shouldn’t anger him but this is what the whiskey did to me.

I grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling him off the barrel “Get your fucking own” I growled at him through gritted teeth.  The movements in the room had stopped as they watched my drunken self stand up for a stupid barrel.  I didn’t even know why I was so protective over the damn thing.

His eyes narrowed, hands grasping the front of my shirt.  He lifted me from the ground by my shirt.  The shirt that threaten to tear into two as his fingers clutched hold of the thin material.

“If you want to live, I suggest you fucking shut that pretty little mouth of yours, got it?” He said through clenched teeth.  He turned to Dani, who had now woken from his slumber “Go take him to my room, he can sleep there for the night” He placed me back on the floor with a shove to the shoulders.  The man named Dani stood from his place in the corner of the room.  He was rather small, even against me.  I thought I was small but dammit this guy was diddy….Diddy Dani.

He grabbed hold of a handful of my luscious chocolate locks and pulled me towards the corridor in which the tall man had walk out of earlier.  It was a long corridor, full of -most likely stolen- portraits and painting on the walls.  Gas lamps lined the walls, the flames flickering as we whipped past them.

He pulled to me to the very last door, the alcohol in my system making me ignore the pain in my skull from Dani pulling at my hair.

As soon as we were in the room, I was thrown on the hard straw bed.  Any types of mites could have been living in the shit, yet know one seemed to even care.

“I know what you are” Dani  snarled at me “You are a whore” He stated.  It wasn’t true, I wasn’t a whore.  I didn’t even know why he was saying this shit.

“I’ve seen the way you look at Ville, at Mikko .P, at Raab and Jonne.  You look at them like they are pieces of fresh meat.  Well let me tell you this” His face was an inch from mine, his dark brown eyes boring into mine “Dare even touch Mikko and I’ll have you for fucking dinner boy” He growled.  Man, this guy was a fucking physco.

He placed a quick kiss on my boyishly chubby cheek and smirked “Sweet Ville filled dreams my boy” He said with an evil laugh, inching out of the door.

As soon as the door slammed, the flame of the only oil lamp was blown out, leaving me in darkness.  What the fuck did he just say?  I wasn’t even attracted to Mikko, Raab or Jonne.  Ville…well that’s just a completely different story now isn’t it, one I’d rather not get into right now.

I didn’t understand why some of these people can be nice one minute and cunts the next.  Ville, what a beautiful man, but he is strong and has to be in charge.  The rest of them were nice, well all except Dani.

I stared into the darkness for what seemed like hours, jumping slightly as I heard the old wooden door creak open and slam.  I curled up into a ball, pulling the covers over my head as to go unnoticed.

“Bammie?”  A voice called out.  It was my new boss’ voice.  I could tell from the deepness of his voice and his strange accent, not as thick as the others but still an accent like theirs nonetheless.   I felt the straw bed dip slightly, some stray strands of stiff hay sticking into my back, making me uncomfortable.

“Bammie? Is that you?” He asked me through the darkness.  Even in my still slightly drunken state and the darkness that surrounded the two of us, I could still see his eyes glow.  His eyes were the most beautiful things I had ever laid my own cerulean eyes on.

I grumbled a small answer to his question, lying on my side, my back to him.

“I’m sorry about before, I’m just not used to being stood up to” He have a sweet as honey chuckle, making me smile unconsciously, lying back on my back, head facing him.

“It’s okay” I whispered into the darkness.  The draft from the wind blowing outside, making me shiver slightly.  Not only the cold, but his presence making my being shake.

I felt his hand land on my crotch and I shifted uncomfortably.  I coughed slightly, making him understand, but he simply did not know where his hand was.  All he could see was darkness, just like I.

“V-Ville, uh could you erm, move your hand please” I stuttered, feeling him starting to rub it as if it was my knee.  He obviously thought it was my knee.

“It’s not like I’m touching your manhood BamBam” The man laughed, his teeth sparkling with the small amount of moonlight that entered the room.

“But Ville…The irony is…that you are touching my cock” I let out a small laugh, hearing him gasp and withdraw his hand, whispering words of apology.

I told him to shush, placing my hand on what I knew was his knee, running my fingertips over the tight blue denim trousers he was wearing.

“Well, I must leave you to rest, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow” He whispered to me, obviously sensing I was slowly falling into a unconscious state from the alcohol in my system.

“Goodnight Ville” I whispered, tapping his knee weakly.  He laughed saying his goodnight also, walking out of the room and closing the door.

[Thank for readin m'dears and please comment....I am very much a fucking comment whore xD]
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