How Did VAM Come To Be?

May 23, 2008 21:28

 Title: VAM
Chapter: One; The Trance
Author: (Rebecca)x-SpiderLily-x ( I was lxlEnchantedlxl)
Pairing: None 
Rating: PG
Genre: Fantasy
Summary: Ville Valo, soon to be crowned prince of an alternate world gets kidnapped by Bam Margera; a new king of the land of desert and fire. What starts out as a depressing and serious fic ends up to be a comedy about the plan two men have to get married and rule over all the land.
Disclaimer: I do not own any famous person(s) mentioned in this story.
Warnings: Do not be confused. There are words here that classify types of beings (Shyra, Lavenisha). 
Author Notes: I don't want to post this story up again (since it hasn't yet been finished either), but since there are new members and it's been edited I've posted the first chapter. The rest will be updated in my journal. You have to add me to read!

Other  Names:
Esta: Jyrki (Everyone in this story has different names when they switch worlds. Ex. Rebecca=Earth, Bellatrix=Fantasy World
Shyra: The dark side in this story
Lavenisha: The light side in this story

It started in Autumn, when he could hear the leaves crunch under his black tied up boots and feel change in the air. Winter was coming soon, very soon. Months of icy, cold isolation were arms that were quickly out stretching to embrace him. With a sigh the green eyed stranger began his walk down to fate. Below, at the end of the path in the city woods, sat a body of water shivering with the intensity of the wind. Waiting. It was waiting just for him. Like a monster that sat under his bed as a child, he could hear it breathing, slow and raspy, meant for his ears alone. Green eyes shut for a moment, wanting to close the blinds forever and hide in the dark, under the blankets and away from all the monsters of the world.

Yet they opened again. He knew they would. His blinds have long been broken,for at times only shutting half the way.

The Finnish man knew there were things to be done, places to go back to. And unfortunately, he always, always, went back. In a trance, he watched the waters move around his ankles, biting them with cold. Claws of invisibility slithered around him, pulling the man into the deep. He didn't dare fight back, he didn't want to. Nobody ever wants to fight back. At least not here.

But where was here?

As the green eyed stranger drifted back to reality, he found himself in a place unlike before. Of course, this is what was expected now that he was older. Never the less, it surprised him. The 18th grade. Eighteen winters of this other world. He wrapped his arms around himself, as if his dark red sweater wasn't enough to keep out the cold. The temperature did go way down at this place...

Darkened green eyes searched the land, hoping for some kind of sign that he wasn't alone, finding none. That's what he feared. Being alone. It was forbidden. No one was ever allowed to be by themselves, the leaders had warned that the darkest of creatures were waiting for them, wanting to swoop them off the ground and take them high into the sky and they'll never return. Their big, red wings were made of Lavenisha blood. Their eyes were carved from Nikila hearts, enabling them to see like an X-Ray from the human world. And those teeth, sharp teeth that weren't really teeth at all, but knives were made for torturing. He shivered in fear. He hated the teeth the most, thinking that someday while he is alone those knives would rip off his flesh.


The Finnish man snapped out of his nightmare-like thoughts and turned his head. A friend of his was running in his direction, and some amount of relief flooded in. "Your not supposed to use that name here!" he whispered urgently. "Psh. You are soon to be main ruler of our kind, and you are scared of someone hearing me?" Ville sighed. "That's not the point Esta. You can't say mortal names in a place like this, there could be Shyra around...." his dark haired friend laughed. "You actually believe those kiddy tales?" the green eyed man frowned stubbornly, bottom lip jutting out unintentionally.. "Yes." he replied in his deep melodic voice. "Because they're true." the answer coming from such a tall and vampiric man only caused Esta to laugh more. "I bet in the real world you believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa too!" Light blue eyes twinkled at him teasingly. "Am I right?"


The other man burst into laughter again. "I knew it!" Ville's frown deepened. Well, how could he not believe in those things? It could be true, you know. If there's such creatures as Nikila and Lavenisha, then why not Santa? Esta wiped the tears from his eyes and leaned in as if to tell a secret. "Santa is real, I was just kidding with you." he whispered, drawing Ville in with the secrecy of his voice. "I saw him once, he took all the food from my cupboards. I sent him to weight watchers. You know what, Santa isn't so jolly after that, when he goes to the children's houses now he hides the remote, puts salt in the sugar bowl and leaves the toilet seat up-"

"Enough!" Ville smacked his forehead in exasperation. "I get it. No Santa. No Shyra. Nothing. Let's just go and wait for the horses to come around, alright?" Esta nodded, grinning. They were a distance away from where the horses were to meet them, and it would be dark in a few hours; which meant they had to hurry. "I almost forgot!" his eyes widened as if a great scene had appeared in front of his eyes. Ville turned to look at the other male in question. "My name is Jyrki!!" he yelled in a rushed tone, eyeing a gaping Ville before running off with glee.

"Princess is going to be all alone with the Shyra!" he laughed childishly in his youth as the green eyed fin began to panic. "I'm not a princess!! Wait!!" he yelled in offense, trying his damndest to make his skinny legs go faster. They ran through the winter woods, their shoes becoming soaked in the whiteness. Ville found his breathing becoming labored. His throat seemed to close up and he stopped, panting with watering eyes; Icicles were freezing down his throat and his own drool only added to them. Jyrki was still ahead, not noticing his absence as he got closer to their destination.

A shadow overhead was the last thing he saw; giant, red flapping wings...

Made of Lavenisha blood.

And for the first time, his blinds closed all the way.
A/N: If there was anything you didn't understand, let me know. Chapter two will be posted in my journal tonight! Remember to add me if you want to read more ^_^
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