I Didn't Forget You Guys!

Apr 21, 2008 05:33

Title: The House That Man-Love Built
Author: myforgottenpain
Pairing: Vam, Johnny Knoxville/Ryan Dunn… actually multiple pairings might be more appropriate…
Rating: R for content and ES for Excessive Smut.
Summary: What brought Bam, Ville, Johnny, and Ryan together….
Disclaimer: I don't own anything connected to Ville Valo, Bam Margera, Ryan Dunn, or Johnny Knoxville. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends.
Authors Notes: This started off as a crack fic for Jezebel1389… but it deserves its own mini series. Enjoy! This too is dedicated to the lovely Jezzie!

“So tell me…” Johnny started, putting his glass down. “How a man that grew up in a sex shop… isn’t more… adventurous?” Johnny asked, his eyes meeting Ville’s, his tone not threatening; just curious.

Ville put his own glass down. “Well we didn’t always have a sex shop. And just because one has a sex shop, doesn’t mean one has to use everything in it.”

Johnny nodded, “Alright… you have me there.”

“My father spent a lot more time in it than I did, and I’m pretty sure he has only partaken in one position with one person who happens to be of the female persuasion.”

“Sounds boring…” Johnny said softly.

“I don’t know… there is something nice about going home to the same person, though I do like to have some fun in the bedroom.” Ville said.

“You are a lot of fun in bed.” Bam put in, smiling at Ville. They leaned in and exchanged a kiss.

“You know Ville… just because you suggested that something could happen… doesn’t mean it has to happen.” Johnny said, wrapping his arm around Ryan’s shoulders. “No one would be mad if you changed your mind.”

Ville drew in a breath as Bam looked down. “Dinner was delicious… did you cook it?” Ville asked, fingers moving over the stem of his wine glass.

“Yes?” Johnny answered, adjusting the way he was sitting.

Ville meet Johnny’s eyes. “Good choice.” Slowly Ville stood up, reaching out for Bam.

Bam was confused about what exactly was happening, but he stood up anyways. He took Ville’s hand, following him into the living room.

“Could you bring the wine?” Ville asked, looking at Johnny and Ryan over his shoulder. Taking a seat on the couch, Ville pulled Bam into his lap. He kissed the skater on the arm before looking up at him, mouthing: “I love you.”

Bam smiled, “I love you too.” He kissed Ville gently as Ryan and Johnny came into the room. When Ville held out his glass for a refill, Bam followed suit.

Ville sipped from his glass as he waited for Johnny and Ryan to get comfortable. His hand moved up the back of Bam’s shirt, touching his skin gently. “I never said… I didn’t want to do this.”

Johnny wrapped his arm around Ryan, pulling him close; they both nodded but remained quiet while they waited for Ville to continue.

“I just… need some time. I don’t know how comfortable I am with sharing the man I love.” Ville added.

“That’s understandable… I would expect nothing less of a loving boyfriend.” Johnny said. “You do know… you are always welcome to join us.”

Ville smiled, which seemed to lighten the mood. “That will definitely take some thought.”

Johnny chuckled, “But you are not against it?”

“No…just concerned.”

“About what?” Bam asked, running his hand through his lover’s hair.

“Ego’s, existing bounds… bounds that may develop because of this. I mean… I’m the odd man out here. You three have history together… intimate history together.” Ville said, his voice failing him at the end. For a moment he looked down, gripping the back of Bam’s shirt. “I… am interested in seeing what this would be like. I find you both very attractive… and I have to admit I have had my share of fantasies.”

Johnny and Ryan smiled, their eyes shinning with joy to hear Ville say that.

Ville looked up at Bam, meeting his eyes. “But I love Bam with all my heart. He will always be the most important person to me.” Ville swallowed, “I don’t want to loose you.”

“You’ll never loose me.” Bam said softly, pulling Ville close, kissing his neck and cheek. “I love you too.”

“You say that now Bam… but what happens next week? What happens when you remember all the fun you had with Johnny and Ryan… those years you spent together? What if that starts to out weight what we have together?”

“If you don’t want to do this… we don’t have too.” Bam said, trying to comfort Ville, who was doing everything in his power to remain strong.

“But you want too.” Ville said, looking into Bam’s eyes. He sighed when the skater looked away. “You want to do this… I’m trying to respect the fact that you are being honest with me. I’m trying to respect the fact that you want me here.” He said, running his hand over Bam’s leg.

“I do want you here…” Bam said softly. “I love you Ville… I don’t want to loose you.”

Ville sighed, nodding to what Bam was saying. “I know. Like I said I am not against this… I just want to be careful. I don’t want to lose in the end.” He turned his eyes to Johnny and Ryan again. “I trust you guys… but Bam is very precious to me.”

Johnny nodded, “I understand that.” He looked to Ryan, smiling at the other man. “I wouldn’t want to loose Ryan… and god knows I wouldn’t want to cause problems between yourself and Bam.”

“Same here… we all have healthy relationships and mutual friendships. No one wants to get hurt. But…” Ryan trailed off, letting Johnny speak again.

“I think we could work well together. If we were respectful and careful, I think we could have something really amazing.”

Ville nodded, drawing in a breath, smiling a little at Bam; rubbing his back once more. “God I’m glad I got that off my chest.”

Bam chuckled and kissed Ville on the check. “You will always be number one on my list. Johnny and Ryan are each great lovers in their own rights… but nothing compared to you.” He looked to Johnny and Ryan. “No offense.”

“None taken…. I agree… you are a great lover and I am sure Ville is too. But no one has ever made me feel the things Johnny has.” Ryan said, smiling at his lover before exchanging a kiss with him.

“Same for you baby.” Johnny said, rubbing his nose against Ryan’s before looking to Ville and Bam, snuggling with Ryan as he did so. “Bam just never learned how to properly submit.”

Bam shrugged, “Was never the submitting type.”

Ville chuckled, “That was the other thing I was worried about.”

“What’s that?” Ryan asked, smacking Johnny when he started sliding his hand up his leg.

“From what I heard… Johnny is a straight up top… am I right?” Ville asked, grinning at the other man.

“You are correct.” Johnny said with grin. “Why?”

“I’m a top too… I’ve never bottomed… not even for Bam.” Ville said, his grin growing.

Johnny’s eyes narrowed in an almost predatory way. “Oh really? Interesting…” Johnny’s eyes moved over Ville in a way that showed he was definitely interested in hearing more about this.

“Oh no… watch out Ville… Johnny is a cherry collector.” Ryan said in a teasing tone, laughing when Johnny hushed him.

“A cherry collector?” Ville echoed, having an idea about what that implied.

“He popped Bammie’s cherry.” Ryan explained, chuckling when Bam blushed and flipped him off.

“And yours.” Bam put in softly.

Johnny grinned as his eyes meet Ville’s, “Maybe I’ll get yours next.” He winked, as he chuckled a little, glad to see that Ville laughed with him.

“Maybe I’ll get yours.” Ville responded easily, the challenged meet and accepted. Ville may not have been ready to rip his clothes off and jump head first into an orgy, but he wasn’t above a bit of flirting; especially with someone he could already tell was going to add a very tantalizing aspect to all of this.

He had never met anyone quite like Johnny and he had a feeling the challenge he brought would be quite addictive. Who would top who, and more importantly, who would be the top dog of the whole situation?

“But that is why we are here?” Ryan posed, looking between his lover and the two men across from them. “To talk… to work things out between ourselves?”

Johnny nodded, finishing his glass of wine. “Absolutely.” He got up, refilling his and Ryan’s glasses, before moving across the room to Bam and Ville. He refilled Bam’s, turning his eyes on Ville. “I think we made some progress today too.” He said softly, slowly pouring wine into Ville’s glass. “Don’t you think so?”

Ville meet Johnny’s gaze and maintained it, the corner of his mouth turned up in a grin as he yanked Bam close, holding the skater securely against his body. “Maybe a little progress.” As Johnny straightened up, Ville sipped casually from his glass. “But you’ll have to really work for it… if you want to get the prize.”

Johnny grinned, eyes dancing with the excitement he was feeling.

“Do you think you have what it takes Knoxville?” Ville challenged softly.

“I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourself into.” Johnny answered just as gently, slowly moving away from Bam and Ville. “I might just surprise you.”

“I love surprises…” Ville said back.

“I’m so glad to see you two are getting along.” Bam said happily, running his hand over Ville’s chest.

“For now anyways…” Ville put in.

“If only you would let me show you how nice of a friend I could be.” Johnny said, sitting down next to Ryan once more. “I’m a great friend… aren’t I?”

Ryan grinned, “A great friend…the best some would say.”

Johnny chuckled and kissed Ryan before looking at Ville and Bam. His hand moved over Ryan’s leg. “You boys spending the night?”

“If you don’t mind.” Bam answered, snuggling against Ville some more.

“No of course not… you’re welcome to stay.” Johnny said as Ryan nodded agreement. He wanted to say they would be even more welcomed if they shared a bed together, but he understood that he would have to be patient.

Ville closed the door behind watching as Bam moved through the guest room. “I have an idea.”

“Oh yeah?” Bam asked, turning so he could face Ville.

“Yes… If I remember correctly… you have some time off coming up.” Ville said, slowly moving closer to Bam.

Bam nodded, “Yes…”

“And I have some time off coming up…”

Bam crossed his arms, looking Ville over. “Where are you going with this?”

“Well… I have some time off… you have some time off… how about we stay here for a little bit?” Ville suggested, reaching out so he could run his hands over Bam’s arms. “Spend some time with Johnny and Ryan.”

Bam grinned happily, “Are you serious?”

“Yes, I am very serious. How else am I to warm up to them?” Ville said, chuckling when Bam threw himself at him. He caught Bam and spun him around before they fell onto the bed. Pinning Bam down on the bed, Ville kissed him deeply.

“That’s a fantastic idea…” Bam said, running his hands under Ville shirt. “Ville…”

“Yes Bam?”

“Would you hate me, if I said I wanted you…?” Bam asked softly, chewing on his bottom lip as he gazed up at Ville. “That I wanted you badly…”

Ville leaned in and ran his lips along Bam’s neck. “I want you too Bam… so badly.”

After slowly pulling their clothes away from each other, Bam and Ville were soon caught in a very passionate moment. One that Bam couldn’t help but get vocal over.

So vocal that certain people other people in the house couldn’t help but hear how much pleasure Bam was receiving from his Finnish lover.



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