i feel like a very determined ...

Apr 09, 2008 15:21

Chapter 3

April smiled sadly and let go of Bam’s hand. She walked over, pulling Ville into a tight hug who returned the gesture.

“You best sit down Ville, it’s a long story.” Ville nodded and sat down on the bed, holding Bams hand in his as he listened as Ryan started the story.

“Bam and I received a fax from Jeff, saying that Bam had a stunt to do and he should head over to the skate park. Me and Bam left without telling April or anyone else. When we got there the entire jackass crew had already arrived, Johnny was in an argument with Jeff and everyone seemed to be tense. We asked Knoxville what was going on and that’s when we were told Bam had to drive his hummer up a quarter pipe. We weren’t amused.” Ville sighed and gripped Bams hand a little tighter.

“Bam did it after speaking to Migé, telling him to tell you what’s going on. Migé also told Jess, Ape and Phil so they could come and help out if there was a problem.”

“There was,” Jess took over. “Bam had drove the hummer up the side of the quarter pipe and as everyone had predicted it had completely flipped and caused Bam to be trapped in the wreckage. The roof was completely collapsed in and the seatbelt that was holding Bam in snapped and while we were waiting for the services to come, the backseat broke off the main frame and crushed Bam’s knees. While the services came though the skate park Bam had slipped into his coma.”

Ville sighed shakily and looked at Bam’s still face. “Do they know when he’s gonna wake?”

“No, but they expect it sometime soon.” Ville smiled miserably and nodded, resting his hand on Bam’s cheek and staring him with a sad expression.

“I wish I was at home so I could have stopped him.”

“It’s was gonna happen no matter what Ville, Migé couldn’t convince him anyway.”

“It wasn’t that I wasn’t convinced...” everyone turned their heads to see Bam’s eyes slightly open.

“It’s just I didn’t have a say in the matter.”

“Bammie.” Ville whispered, holding Bam tightly in a hug who returned it weakly.

“If you ever do something as stupid as this then I will make sure you’re locked in my tower for fuck sake.” Bam chuckled and grinned.

“Is that such a bad thing? Reminds me of that damn fairy tale...”

“Bam-Bam! You’re awake!” Bam smiled weakly as Dico and Johnny stepped in. Johnny holding the digital camera.

“Did you get the pictures?” Johnny nodded with a grin.

“You will seriously think Bam wasn’t even in this Ville. It’s that fucked up...”

“What are you all doing in here?” everyone turned to see a doctor stare at them with a slightly confused expression.

“Because we’re worried about Bam, what are his injuries?” Ville asked softly, moving so Bam can curl up against his side.

“Well, he’s broken his arm in two places so that’s the reason it’s now in a cast. He’s banged his head pretty good and had to have a few stitches. He sustained three fractures in his left leg and one in his right when the backseat and collapsed down on him. But I’m afraid to say Mr. Margera that...”

Bam frowned and sat up a little, staring at the doctor who had a sorrowful face.


“You might not be able to skate again.”
sorry for the shortness. sorry for errors please comment!
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