project: Pirates!

Apr 07, 2008 10:13

okay, I've been wanting to post a pirate story ever since i started reading pirate Vam stories. so, last night myself and joijoy started a joint story called Freedom Of The Ocean. so really we want to see what people think about this and if they want it continued.

nothing else to say really then from me and joijoy:


Freedom Of The Ocean
Authors: joijoy and Black_Heart1992
Summery:  The captain of The Poisoned Skull stumbles across a small boy after destroying a small town by the sea, who is this boy and why has the captain taken a sudden interest in him?
Warning: Mentions Of Rape among other things I can't think of

The cool crisp clean ocean air blew gracefully through the captain’s hair as he steered the ship to their next sabotage location, Westchester Cape. The captain sighed as the sun began to set beyond the wide expanse of the great blue ocean. This is where he loved to be, on the sea, listening the crashing waves against the boats sides and the blowing winds during the clear cerulean days. Listening to the loud thunders and treacherous rains that thudded down on the uncontrollable waves when the days were hazardous.

This is where he loved to be.

“Captain Valo?” the captain’s emerald eyes turned towards the cook of the ship, Jonne. The timid man who had only been a pirate for a few months stepped towards him and sighed.

“Do you think this is a good idea? I mean, killing people for money then spending it on booze and prostitutes?” the captain chuckled and turned his head the clear waters in front.

“Jonne, I know you are thoroughly upset about killing people. Believe it or not, I was when I was first a pirate. But the idea of killing people isn’t so bad when you have to defend yourself. My crew do not kill the defenceless, nor do we hurt the old and dying. But we make sure they cannot hurt us.”

“That didn’t answer my question captain.”

“Wasn’t supposed to.” The captain smirked down at the cook as the younger man sighed.

“Why do it to steal?”

“Why work as slaves on the cruel land when you can have the freedom of the ocean?”

“why though captain why do we steal?” the captain turned his head and saw Migé and Lindé, his two long time friends and crew on the ship called the cursed Poisoned Skull.

“We steal, because we have to make a living.” Lindé explained softly, he always did have the gentler touch. Jonne sighed and thanked Lindé quietly before walking sulkily back towards his cabin.

“I guess he has been bugging you again captain?” Migé asked as he stood by the green eyed man.

“He is young and unwise about pirates, it’s expected.”

12:35am after the attack on the town

First mates, Lindé and Migé with Ville, wandered down the back alley, discussing the amount of gold they had taken and making bets on who could get the best prostitute. Well, Lindé and Migé were.

The captain stayed silent as he led the pair back to the ship. They passed a few crates and Ville stopped, the two first mates stopped and looked at their captain.

“Captain Valo?” the captain walked towards the small form that had been haphazardly thrown against the wooden crates and felt his gut twist.

The form was of a teenager boy, around seventeen years of age. His torn naked body was covered in bruises, scars and deep cuts. His leg was at an odd angle and a few of his ribs seemed to be dipping, probably fractured or broken.

“Hey captain, he’s holding a book!” Migé shouted, bending down and picking up. He flicked through the pages backwards until he landed on the first page. A small note, the dark ink fading but still readable, was written.

“What does it say?” Lindé asked as he leaned over Miges’ shoulder to look. Ville kneeled down and brushed the teen’s fringe away from the cut on his eye.

“We best take him to the ship.” Captain Valo muttered.

“Listen to this captain;

Dear my sweetest Bam,

I know these times have been tough and I know you are down after the death of me, your father and your brother.  When you read this I will be no longer caring for you. But I know that your sheer sweetness and determination will help you out. I anticipated the attack, so did your father. We tried to send both you and Jess away but Jess was determined to stay. So you’re the only living Margera. I want you to know that I love you dearly. This journal is for your use only, use how you will but I know you will keep this note in here forever.

Love you with all my heart my son, I wish I could have survived to look after you

Your mother.”

Ville sighed and looked up at Migé who was stuffing the book in the sack he had over his shoulder.

“Let’s take him back to the ship.”

6:56am arrival on the Poisoned Skull

Ville rested the small weak teen on his bed and turned to Jonne.

“I knew someone would get hurt. Captain I told you didn’t I?!” the captain growled and the poor younger man yelped, shutting up instantly.

“Jonne, as much as I want to say ‘does it look like I care?’ I do wish to give this poor boy some first aid so go fetch me some salt water from the barrel downstairs and some cleans cloths.” Jonne nodded and rushed out, almost running into Migé who was turning and walking into the captain’s cabin, the book in hand.

He stood before Ville and held the book out.

“I do not know what you want to do with this.” He handed the book to Ville as the captain flicked through.

“Gas and Burton have sealed the gold below deck as ordered. I took that out just in case this... Bam would like it.” Ville sighed and opened the drawer to his desk, throwing the book in before shutting it and locking it.

“For the moment it stays in there.” Migé nodded and turned to see Jonne run in with a bucket full of salt water and a arm full of rags and cloths.

“Thank you Jonne, you and Migé may leave now.”

They both nodded and left, Ville grabbed a seat and dragged it to the bed, dipping a cloth and soaking it in salt water, he dipping it into the cut on the teens arm and the boy woke with an agonized groan. His eyes opened and Ville gasped quietly.

The colour of the boy’s eyes was beautiful. The deep blue reminded him of the ocean.

The freedom of the ocean...

Sorry For It Being short, we wanted to leave it at that

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