Title: Shout In The Night
Author: myforgottenpain
Pairing: Vam, Missy/Jonna
Rating: PG-17
Summary:Sequel to 'Love On The Rocks' What happens when the public is made aware of how real Vam is? Will Bam and Ville be able to with stand this new hardship?
Disclaimer: I don't own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends....no matter how sexy that would be.
Warnings: Angst, Drama, joy, and fluffy love all wrapped into one little fan fiction
Authors Notes: none
They were never going to leave him alone. The phone calls were endless, the hate mail was endless, not to mention the fact that they had to shut down his Myspace and Offical Website due to massive amounts of hate filled comments. Same went with HIM, but all that didn't seem to matter any more.
Not when there was a bottle of whiskey held firmly in your grasp. Not when the world was spinning because you couldn't remember the last time you ate. Not in light of the angry face of your mother coming your way. Bam slowly pushed himself up and off the counter, taking a long drink from the mostly empty bottle in his hand. "Hi April... want a drink?" He asked, holding the bottle out to her.
In one swift movement, April knocked the bottle from his hand. He didn't blink as it shattered on the floor. What did cause him to wake up was the swift smack across his face. He actually staggered backwards, his hand pressed against his red cheek. He was too stunned to speak, especially after how quickly April's anger turned to sadness. "Why Bam? Why?!"
"Why what?" Bam asked, head spinning even more now.
"That?! You were doing so well!" She yelled, indicating to the pieces of glass on the floor. "Why did you go back to drinking?"
Bam looked down at the mess on the kitchen floor. It wasn't just that he didn't know how to answer, he didn't want to answer. So instead he was silent, which seemed to piss April off all over again.
"Why?!" April yelled hitting Bam until Phil pulled her off. She leaned against her husband crying.
Seeing his mother cry, made Bam want to cry. "Ape...?"
Hearing the commotion in the kitchen, Ville came in, looking between everyone. "What in gods name is going on in here?"
"We don't want to hear anything from you." Jess snapped, looking at Ville angrily.
"Where the hell did that come from?" Ville asked, getting into Jesse's face.
"Oh don't give me that shit. You have done fucking nothing to help my brother, this entire fucking time." Jess growled, getting right back into Ville's face.
"Alright, that’s enough..." Bam said, trying to get in between his brother and Ville.
"Knock it off Bam! I am not going to sit here and watch you two drink your lives away!" Jess exclaimed.
"Where the hell do you get off, coming in here, acting like you know everything that’s going on!?" Ville yelled.
"Where the hell do you get off acting like some sort of marder?!" Jess countered.
"Because I am suffering!"
Bam looked to Ville instantly, "Oh and you're the only one who is suffering?!"
Ville looked to Bam, crossing his arms. "Umm... I don't recall saying that."
"But that’s what you meant. You're the only one here that is suffering?" Bam asked, anger flaring in him, fanned by the booze in his system.
"I lost my fucking band Bam! In case you forgot." Ville said back, his own inhibitions suspended due to his own level of intoxication.
"Oh you lost your fucking band, excuse me for fucking living then!"
"Oh don't fucking talk to me like that. That band was my fucking life!" Ville yelled back, pushing away from Phil when he tried to separate them.
"You two are getting worked up! You are going to say something you will regret!" Phil cried, as Jess tried to pull Bam away.
"The fuck I will regret it! I lost my fucking sponsors! My fucking show! My fucking life!" Bam yelled back.
Ville went to answer, but his mouth was covered as Phil drug him from the room.
"This can't carry on between you two." Jonna whispered softly, sitting next to Ville. He didn't answer her, so she continued talking "What are you doing Ville? You're drinking again, your fighting with Bam. This is not the time..."
"Don't you think I know that Jonna?" Ville suddenly asked, not meeting her eyes. His voice was filled with such sadness, his eyes shimmering with tears. "Don't you think I know how much this is hurting us both? I promised Bam we wouldn't go down this road again. I promised I would never drink again. I promised I would never run out on him."
"You haven't yet. You are still here Ville. It's not too late to start making things better." Jonna said, trying to be reassuring.
"That’s not the problem Jonna. The problem is this god dam media circus. I can't stand what they are saying about Bam. I can't stand what they are doing to him and our friends..." Ville said, his voice rising a bit.
"And what about you?" She asked softly.
Ville shook his head, "I don't like it... but I can deal with it. It... It's just not fair. We didn't ask for this to happen. We have done nothing to deserve this." Ville stood up and walked around a little bit. "I just... I just feel so powerless to help Bam. I don't know what to do to make things better." Ville shook his head, "I just feel so useless..."
"You're not useless Ville." Jonna said, stepping up behind him, wrapping her arms around him. "This is out of your hands right now."
"I just don't know what to do Jonna..." Ville whispered, a tear running down his cheek.
"You can put the bottle back down... and go take the one from Bam." Jonna said, moving the lanky man to face her. She reached up and gently brushed the tear off his cheek. "Now go..." She pushed him gently to the door, smiling up at him. "Go... he needs you now more then ever before."
http://vammyluv.livejournal.com/3954.html http://vammyluv.livejournal.com/4219.html http://vammyluv.livejournal.com/4491.html http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/3438838.html http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/3447222.html http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/3451606.html http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/3453050.html