Forbidden Love- Chapter Three

Mar 09, 2008 13:22

Title: Forbbiden Love
Author: pebblesandbam
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bam and Ville think they have good friends, understanding partents, everything. But when they finally confess their love for the other they are in for another big surprise when they find out that on one is willing to stand by them when things get tough.
Disclaimer: I do not own any one from this fan fic. Although I wouldn't mind, but it's the sad truth.
Author's note: I'm sorry for not posting sooner, but something happened to my computer and I was just able to get it fixed. Now I'm posting this while trying to catch up ASAP, I missed two weeks. *flips my computer off* damn thing. Okay well I'm done with my bitchin about my read!

Bam's Prov
Bam moaned as he reached his orgasm staring straight into the eyes of Ville Valo. "Oh god, Vil-baby". Bam moanedout as he placed a hand in the middle of the random's back to push her face further into the pillow. Only to be rewarded with a muffled moan that he told himself was Ville. Bam pulled out and sit back on his heels, panting and just stared at the picture hanging on the wall above the headboard. This had been a perfect plan, with perfect results.

"What are you looking at?" The random ask, turning over to face Bam.

"Nothing. I thought that picture moved or something." Bam joked, licking his lips as he pictured Ville laying under him panting, sweaty, and smiling up at him as Bam pulled out of that heavenly beautiful Finnish god.

"Oh. Well can we sleep now? You kinda tired me out."

"I'm going to sleep. But you can't sleep here. My girlfriend is going to be home in like an hour or whatever, so you have to be gone." Bam lied through his teeth. He didn't have a girlfriend anymore, he and Jenn broke up over a month ago.  The only plans he had for when she left was to either call, text, or e-mail Ville.

"Alright then, I'll leave. But you didn't have to make up some kind of bullshit story about your girlfriend coming home to make me go." She huffed before getting out of bed, getting dressed and walking out of the door. Bam waited until he heard the front door slam before falling out on his bed and closing his eyes.

Bam rolled over on to his side to get his jeans that were still in the floor. Grabbing his phone out of the pocket Bam dialed Ville's numder and smiled before pushing the little green button that stood for 'talk'.

"Hello, Sweetheart. Have a good time?" Ville ask as a greeting.

"How did you know I went out?"

"Darling, I've known you for years."

"Yeah right, don't lie to that poor boy. You called his house phone and Ape said he went out." Mige told Ville loud enough that he knew Bam heard, like he was supposed to.

"Okay yes, I called your house sometime ago and was told that you were out with your friends." Ville said with a slap to Mige's head snitching on him.

"Why didn't you just call my cell phone if you wanted to talk?" Bam ask kind of hurt that he had missed a chance to talk to Ville.

"It wasn't important so I didn't want to interrupt your good time."

"Ville, it was important to me... I mean I'm the kind of person that when my friends need some one to talk to, I'm always there." Bam said trying to make up for his little slip. Things were silent for a while before Bam broke it with, "so what are you doing?"

"Well I'm trying to get a taxi from the airport back to my house. The tour is finally over and now I can go home, get a good nights sleep and then in the morning get a flight over to America to spend my vacation with you. What are you doing?"

Bam thoguht about his reply and smiled remembering their last conversation. Ville had taken it upon himself to talk into the phone in a seductive and teasing voice. So now it was payback. "I'm laying here in my bed naked, on top of the covers, knees slightly bent... and I'm all alone." Bam smirked.

Ville cleared his throat and turning away from Mige he walked over to a bench and sit down to keep from scaring the little children that were around the airport with a sight they'd be asking their parents about. Ville crossed his legs before saying, "Oh really?"

"No not any more, it got cold so now I'm under the covers." Bam said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Bam, I have to tell you somethin-" Ville got out before Mige interrupted him by saying. "Come on Ville. Or I'll get in this taxi and leave your ass here to wait an hour more to get another one."

"I'm coming, Mige. Just a second."

"Tell you what, Just keep in mind whatever it was that you wanted to say until you get here, okay?" Bam offered Ville with a smile on his sexy boyish face.

"I will. Mige has a taxi so I have let you go now but if you want I'll call you when I get there."

"I'm going to take a shower so if I don't answer then that's the reason."

"Okay, Love. I'll talk to you then, bye." Ville hund up and smiled at the way Bam's breath had caught in his throat when he called him 'love'.    
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