Life Is Sucky

Jan 16, 2008 13:27

Title: Cherry-Flavored Popsicles
Author: myforgottenpain
Rating: PG-17 Things get smutty pretty quickly....
Pairing: Vam all the way!
Summary: Bam decides to surprise Ville with his favorite frozen treat. But will he get more then what he bargained for?
Disclaimer: I don't own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. I, however, could not pass up a great idea for a fan fiction!
Warnings: You may never look at popsicles the same way again.
Authors Notes: This is sort of an interlude between 'Love On The Rocks' and the actual sequel which will be called: 'Shout In The Night.'

He didn't... no he couldn't have... THAT BASTARD! Bam was in utter shock over what had just happened. One second Ville is giving him some delicious eye candy, the next he is inviting people in?! Something just didn't add up here, and Bam lost himself in trying to process it. Ville took the moment to scurry out from under Bam, and go and answer the door. As much as ignoring their company so they could fool around on the kitchen floor, sounded appealing; he wanted to toy with Bam a little longer and prolong the moment. Thankfully, Bam was still holding onto his sheet so as Ville moved, he pulled the still stunned Bam along with him.

April, Phil, Missy, and Jonna came through the door. Missy and Jonna were glued at each other’s sides, kissing and giggling... that was of course, until they saw the two men heading towards them.

Ville was wrapped in a silky maroon sheet like some sort absurd toga. His lips were stained from the popsicle he was eating, and there was a devilish gleam to his eyes, as if he was intentionally letting them walk in on some sort of scandalous moment. He approached Jonna first, who chuckled at him with a shake of her head.

"I don't want to know,” she replied, giving Ville a hug, kissing his cheek. Ville chuckled and moved on to Missy.

"Don't you think it's a little early for popsicles?" Missy posed as Ville gave her a one arm hugged.

Ville chuckled some more and shook his head. "Never too early for them darling."

He moved on to April, who was looking past him. She was perplexed by her son, who was still holding on the bottom of the sheet. He was pouting like a small child who had been denied his favorite afternoon snack. Bam slowly following Ville over to the front door, visibly sulking.

Jonna and Missy giggled and each took a side, hugging Bam together. "You poor thing." Jonna replied sweetly, running her hand over the side of Bam's head.

"Is your Willa Walo being mean to you?" Missy asked, trying to control her giggling at how cute this was.

"Very mean." Bam replied, shooting Ville a playfully scornful look, which just made Ville laugh.

"What's going on?" April finally asked, looking to Ville.

"Bam bought me my favorite snack. Wasn't that nice of him?" Ville replied, extending his arm to show April his popsicle.

April was still confused, "That was very nice of you Bam.... but I still don't see why you're..."

Bam cut her off as he snapped, "Ville won't share his popsicle with me." He went back to pouting, applying his best puppy dog expression.

April chuckled and looked between them. "Well technically, he doesn't have to,” she replied which visibly surprised Bam. She silenced him and added, "I do seem to recall a certain person, who shall remain nameless, refusing to share his sundae with Ville."

Bam's eyes went wider and his jaw dropped more. He knew April was talking about him, and he knew she was more than a little correct here. He went back to pouting, though, it was not as convincing as before. Ville's triumphant smirk was egging him on and he longed to enact revenge on his lover.

"Now Bam, it would be nice if Ville would share," April continued, looking to Ville quickly. He managed to wipe the smug look from his face, lowering his eyes, as he quickly shoved the popsicle in his mouth.

As April turned back to Bam, Ville's eyes meet his boyfriend’s, and they shared a grin. A light flashed in Bam's eyes and caught onto the game Ville was playing. Oh, he was good....

"But..." April replied, missing the little exchange. Bam was pouting again, but with an heir of theatrical drama now. "It is his present, and he doesn't have to share it, unless he wants too." She finished, smiling at both of them.

Ville's eyes caught Bam's and he let a grin form on his lips. "I'll share it if he makes it worth my while." He openly challenged his lover, running the tip of his tongue over his lips.

Bam's face lit up and a devious smile spread over his lips. "Oh, I would be more then happy to." He answered, advancing towards Ville.

That was, until Phil stopped him. Shock washed over Bam's face all over again. "PHIL!?"

"I'm sorry, but you have work to do." Phil replied. Despite how kind and caring his tone had been, he might as well of hit Bam with a steel truck. Bam certainly felt like everyone was out to kick him in the balls today.

"But! But! But! VILLE!" Bam stammered, while gasping for air, waving his hands about; until he finally just indicated to Ville.

Ville pretended to be shocked and then hurt, "Oh, that's just too bad Bam. Maybe later? You know when you get your work done." Jonna and Missy giggled softly, amused greatly by the game that was unfolding before them.

"Poor Bam..." Missy replied softly.

"Poor Bam nothing... Ville isn't going to walk straight for a month when Bam finally gets his hands on him." Jonna whispered back, which made Missy blush and giggle.

"That's a good idea." Phil replied, smiling at Ville proudly, for choosing work over pleasure.

Bam pouted for real this time, "Can't it wait for like... twenty minutes? You can give me twenty minutes right?" Bam pleaded, his stomach bursting into lusty flames when he saw the evil smirk Ville was sending his way.

Phil chuckled and shook his head. "No…You have been putting it over four weeks now. If you wait any longer we will have an ungodly mess on our hands. Then you really won’t have any time for anything fun. Honestly Bam, why can't you be more responsible like Ville?"

Ville nodded, with a look on his face like he agreed whole heartily with Phil. "Your father's right Bam, you should listen to him. Work is important." Under the surface, Bam knew that Ville wanted him, as much as he wanted Ville. But the Finn was going to make Bam work for it, and that was fine with Bam; it made the final moment that much sweeter.

Bam's mind fought for something to say as Ville slowly crept to the stairs. "Can't Ville come too?" He asked, pulling on the sheet, forcing Ville to stumble back over to him. Ville cried out in amused surprise as he attempted to keep the sheet around him. He met Bam's heated gaze, and for a moment, it looked like they might just pounce and devour each other on the spot.

"He can't...." Everyone turned to Missy, who was smiling at them.

Ville's jaw dropped in glee and a giant smile broke over his face. Bam scowled at her, growling deep in his throat, scrunching up his nose. Missy continued anyways, peeking at Jonna through the corner of her eyes. Jonna had her hand over her mouth and was shaking her head slowly. She couldn't believe that Missy was getting involved, especially considering this was denying Bam something he wanted.
"He already promised me that he would help me today." Missy added.

She shrugged her slender shoulders as he looked at her husband directly. "Sorry B. I really need his help." She tried not to giggle, taking Jonna's hand as they walked over to Ville. "Come along Ville we have a lot of... work... to do." Missy replied, taking Ville' hand. She knew it was a bad idea to toy with Bam, but she hardly ever got a chance to mess with him, she wasn't going to miss out on it now.

Ville yanked the sheet away from Bam and restrained his grin as much as he could. "Awww... too bad. A promise is a promise after all. What kind of man would I be if I broke a ladies heart? Sorry love." He kissed Bam on the tip of his nose, before letting Missy lead him away. He peeked over his shoulder at Bam, his eyes so intensely sexual, Bam almost started to run after him.

"That's not fair!" Bam finally managed to cry out, indicating to the retreating figures.

Phil, who missed the underlying issues at hand, brushed Bam's indignant response off. "See everyone is busy today Bam, not just you. Besides you know you would never get any work done with Ville around. He would distract you too much."

"But I'm already fucking distracted!" Bam whined, not caring that he sounded like the spoiled child he was always pegged to be. "You have no idea how fucking distracted I am!" He added, tugging on his shirt in sheer frustration at not being able to have Ville right this second.

April chuckled and helped Phil move Bam to his office. "Some how I think you will survive. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Bam half whined and half cried, informing his mother that he did not need a fucking Hallmark moment right now. She drew in a breath as Bam drug his feet down the hall. "The sooner you get your work done the sooner you can go and play."

"But I want to play now!" Bam whined, stopping when he heard his name being called. He was tense and alert for a moment before suddenly breaking away from his parents. "I'll be right back!" Bam stopped in the living room and looked up, an aura of expected excitement on his face, as he meet Ville's eyes. God that man was so fucking sexy. Drawing in a breath and smoothing his shirt out, Bam attempted to look casual.

Ville was leaning against the upstairs banister, sucking on his popsicle in a deliciously suggestive manner. It made Bam's body even more tense and Ville was well aware of the affect he was having.

"I'll make you a deal," Ville replied coyly.

"What's that? I hope it's not boring," Bam replied, with as much indifference as he could muster, with the agitation that was coursing through his body.

Ville smirked softly, loving the little exchange that was happening. His voice dropped a bit lower, adding a sensual tone to it. His bedroom eyes made Bam's heart flutter, and for a moment he forgot about the game. Bam's throat was suddenly very tense and his mouth was dry.

"If you can get your work done before I'm done helping…” His smirk grew for a moment, confirming that as Bam had thought, that it had all been bullshit. “…Missy with showering and getting dressed..." Ville replied, pausing to enjoy his popsicle in the same way he would Bam's cock. He figured those three things should give Bam enough time to get back to him. See, he could be nice...

"I'll share my popsicle with you," Ville finished.

The look on Bam's face was all the answer he needed. The challenge had been accepted with great enthusiasm, leaving Ville confident that Bam would soon be upstairs for some intense sex. He pushed away from the banister and with one graceful movement, pulled the sheet from his body. With a quick flick of his wrist he tossed the sheet down to Bam.

"Hurry lover..." Ville added, his voice thick with desire. "I need you..."

With that said, he strolled down the hall and to their bedroom, dragging his fingers along the banister.

Bam caught the sheet and brought it closer to his face, taking in a deep breath of his lovers scent. "You are so on!"
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