(no subject)

Jan 01, 2008 03:33

Title: This Year Won't Suck
Rating: R for swearage.
Pairing: Vam/ implied Bam/Missy
Disclaimer: A new year has come and yeah, still don't own em! If this happened, man I hope so, but if it did, I don't know about it.


It'll be a new year in seven seconds.

So the fuck what. What's good about this year?

I got married, ooh. But it wasn't to the one I wanted to marry. He wasn't even there.

She's sitting at my side, counting along with my friends and family as the ball drops on our big screen. I can't bring myself even to smile, because there's something missing from this lovely get-together I'm throwing.

Or someone, really. Yeah, someone. A certain someone with long dark hair and a figure that's becoming entirely too slim. A figure with eyes of a green you'll rarely see anywhere else.

My favorite person in the world, and he's not here. I only have these things at all so he'll come and visit these days.

And he's not here.

I released my movie this year, too. It wasn't as good as Haggard, though.

Not enough of him in it.

Viva La Bands was alright, I guess. I actually kinda got bored with it because it was keeping me away from him. He was in the States for a limited time and I got to see him, what? Three, four times?


Fuck this. I get up and walk out of the house, away from the mass of people I love waiting to herald the new year. I light a cigarette as I'm sitting on the back deck, hanging my feet over one of the railings and swinging them. It's a Marlboro. It's his brand and it's the only comfort I have at the moment. I need something that smells like him.

Salty moisture falls down my face and extinguishes the cigarette as it sits in my hand while the other holds my chin. No, I can't seriously be crying for him, can I? It's been a month since I've seen him now and he doesn't even know how I feel.


I can hear the screams and cheers from the house and my friends are singing random drunken anthems, probably swaying back and forth like morons.

I can't believe I'm seriously sitting out here crying for a man who doesn't even know while everyone else is over the fucking moon.


I wipe my face on my sleeve hurriedly, whirling around so fast I almost fall right over the edge of the deck. He's standing there. Holy. Fuck. He's here.

Well, he's not over there anymore. He's holding my arm to keep me steady as I swing my legs back over the railing so I don't fall like a n'idiot, like I was just about to a second ago.

"Hey, Bam..." He says. He sounds tense and for a second I wonder if maybe he's not as oblivious as he's always pretended.

"Hi," I say. What the fuck else am I supposed to do? Fall into his arms like a fucking girl and proclaim my devotion to him?

I've got a wife in there. If he wants to do something about the way I feel, he's got to feel it, and he's got to do it.

We've lost our chance for the cliche happy ending anyway. That one ended about five seconds ago, when we could have been kissing like everyone else was.

"Bam, I..." Oh, oh, here it comes. I love you, Bam. I've loved you forever.

"...I'm sorry I'm late." Damn it.

I shrug. "No biggie." I love you anyway.

"No, no, it really is, because..." What the hell could surprise me now?

"...I wanted to kiss you when the New Year came." He blushes and looks away like he's embarrassed. Wow, I must've been more subtle than I thought. I could've sworn aliens in space would know how I feel about him, but he's actually scared I'll reject him.

I throw a glance at the house and no one's coming out. I doubt Missy'd be surprised anyway. She's always known me better than I have.

And even I know I'm in love with this man.

So fuck it. "I don't care. Just kiss me now, then."

And he does. Fuck, that man can kiss. His mouth is just as good at kissing as it is at spouting out all those lovely words.

When we pull apart, there's nothing left to say but we love each other, but we don't.

I see Missy go back inside out the corner of my eye. She's smiling. What the fuck?

Guess she really is the cool girlfriend. All she really wants is for me to be happy. I'll have to kiss her for it later.

Right now, I just whisper, "That rocked," to Ville, and let him take me away.

Maybe this year won't suck as bad as the last. The lips against mine say it won't, at least.

Happy New Year, darlings! I do hope your year is lovely! Leave me some love to let me know what you thought, tell me your crazy (drunken or not) stories from tonight, yell at me 'cause I should be updating one of my many unfinished fics...whatever you wish. Comments are the air I breathe and the ink to my pen or the pixels to my typing fingers. :)

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