
Dec 29, 2007 14:18

Author: Loki_the_Sinner
Pairing: Vam
Rating: R
Summary: Based off the movie Homeroom
Disclaimer: I own nothing…. 
A/N:I must say, for everyone who’s been waiting to read this you are very lucky that I typed it up…
I have strep throat and feel like crap….
My back/ass hurts (I wonder why…Hm, could Conner possibly be involved I wonder?…)
I’m all achy from god knows what else and to top it off I have to train two dogs!
Two adorable, Gorgeous dogs that I love more than anything except maybe my other dog…And Conner…I guess

So on with the story and I hope you enjoy!


Detective Martian Van Zandt walked slowly through the door of room 203 Westchester high school.

Only minuets before the room had been filled with the terrified screams and cries of its students as they tried desperately to escape with there live.

Only minuets before gunshots had been fired in the room, killing six and wounding two. T

The shooter, a student himself, had been taken down by an officer only moments before.

The detective cringed as he looked around, it seemed as thought the body’s covered the floor.

There were bullet holes in the walls and overturned desks and chairs littered the room.

It looked as though there had been a war.

He stopped beside the body of a girl and knelt down. She looked about sixteen, seventeen at the most.

She was still warm and hadn’t lost much color, if it weren’t for her eyes, frozen open in pain and fear, she could have been sleeping.

5 hours later

“If you think of anything, anything at all, please call us.” The man, a father of one of the victims nodded and walked out the door, leaving the detective behind to watch him go.

“I think that’s about it sir. I got statements from all the other kids.” Detective Donald Grey paused for a moment.


Martian turned and began walking down the hall, “What’s the story with Harper and Wheeler?”

“Well they went to talk to the suspects parents, they had a warrant…” Grey replied lamely.

Van Zandt sighed, “I already know that Don. Why haven’t we heard back from then?”

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you,” The other replied in an exasperated tone, “They called in fifteen minuets ago. The parents are dead sir. Multiple gunshots, they were still in bed. Homicides’ on the scene now.”

Martian paused for a moment, “The shooters dead, the parents are dead. We’ve got nothing?”

Grey nodded, “Yes sir.”

Detective Van Zandt let out a loud sigh, “What about the girl who saw it happen?”

He’d seem them load the teen into a car as he’d been leaving the scene.

“Still hasn’t said a word. And sir?”

“Yes, Grey?”

“He’s a boy.”

“Names Ville Valo, he’s from Fin-land. He was standing right next to the perp when he went down. It was, um, it was messy.”

Van Zandt nodded, “Yeah, I saw.”

Don took a breath and continued, “We brought him straight here but, like I said, he hasn’t said shit. We thought you might have better luck.”

Martian turned away from the other man and lent heavily against the wall, “When I was in high school there was this kid, Paul Ashley was his name. I hated him, really despised him. So one day I decided I was gonna do something about it. We ended up throwing punches in the soccer field after school. I gave him a black eye. He broke my nose.”

He paused for a moment, “You can hardly tell.” Don said quietly looking at the other mans nose closely.

Martian rolled his eyes, “Anyway. I remember when my parents found out. They lost it; I was grounded for a month. Lost a girlfriend over it.”

“What happened to Paul Ashley?”

The detective smirked, “We became best friends. This kid today was packing a very powerful gun, with two clips to spare. High schools not a place for kids anymore.”

The two men walked into the small dimly lit room and sat down across the table form the kid. It was the first time Detective Van Zandt got a good look at the boy.

His long dark brown hair fell in loose curls down past his shoulders, his skin was a pale creamy color that Martian had only ever seen before on his nieces’ porcelain dolls.

His clothing, obviously made for girls was all black and very formfitting.

But the things that really grabbed the older mans attention, roped him in and drew him closer to the teen were his eyes.

Lined in thick black makeup and framed with long dark lashes where the most amazingly green eyes the detective had ever seen.

They were like emeralds, the color seemed almost inhuman and Martian found himself checking the boys file to see if they were real.

The boy ‘Ville’ sat up straight, “Can I bum a smoke?”

His voice was deep and his accent was still fairly thick.

Grey reached into his jacket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, he moved to hold them out to the boy but stopped suddenly, “Wait, How old are you?”

“Give me a cigarette and I’ll tell you.” Ville kept his eyes down and talked softly, reaching out quickly to grab the pack and lighter.

“Ville, My name is Martian Van Zandt. I’m chief detective for the county and I’ve got a big mess on my hands. I was really hoping you could help me.”

Ville watched as Detective Grey pulled out a voice recorded and started it.

“I want you to understand that you are not under arrest. There are no charges pending. I looked you up and I guess you know have a file. There’s an outstanding shoplifting complaint against you but were gonna forget that for now.”

Ville shifted in his seat still looking at the floor as the detective continued.

“Having said that we’ve taken a number of statements today which have caused us to keep you here. Statements that seem to confirm that you and the suspect in question were, acquainted. Is that correct?”

Ville looked up at the man before quickly lowering his eyes once again.

“Look! Did he tell you, did you know this was going to happen?” Detective Grey shouted suddenly.

The boy jumped and let out a small whimper but quickly coved it by calmly looking up at Grey, and flipping him off.

Van Zandt was quick to jump in, “Hey! Let’s slow it down okay?”

He turned to Ville and smiled, “Look Ville, I need you to know if you were aware of this in advance and didn’t say anything you could get into a lot of trouble. Not shoplifting trouble. Real. Damn. Trouble.”

Martian stopped and looked over at the green eyed Finn, a sudden urge to reach out and take his hand struck him. He was quick to puss it down.

“All we really want to know Ville is why.”

The teen looked up into the older mans eyes and Martian felt his skin grow hot, he ignored it as best he could and kept talking.

“Ville, did you know this was going to happen?”

Ville looked around the room slowly, breaking eye contact with Van Zandt.


The Detective sighed, “If I find out different.” He paused and looked the teen in the eyes, “Please, don’t let me find out different.”

Ville put his cigarette out in the ashtray before him,

“Can I go now?” he muttered softly, as if he ware almost afraid to speak.

Martian nodded, “Sure.”

He sat as Ville left, watching the boy go.

“Why the hell did you do that!” Grey exclaimed the second the door shut.

“He’s got something to tell us. He just wants to do it on his own.”

“Bullshit Martian, what the HELL was that!”

Van Zandt ignored the mans outburst and stood calmly. “I wanna know more about this kid, pull his school records, you know the drill.”

The other man stood quickly and grabbed his things, “Yes Sir, we have to. These kids think that they can’t tell us anything. That we don’t get it. Were not a stupid as he thinks we are!”

Martian nodded, “By the way. How much did that lighter cost you?”

So there’s chapter one!

I’ll get started on chapter two soon!
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