More for my pretties...

Dec 17, 2004 21:03

(Possibly a boring chapter..) Yes, i'm having a weird moment. In writing this I realized how many times people can interrupt you, between phones and going places I should've had this up alot earlier. I wrote a little oddly because my train of thought got derailed nearly constantly, but anyways enjoy! Tell me what you think! :)

After a while I let go of him, Bam gazing into my eyes almost as if him putting it off so harshly bothered him. I ran a hand through his hair, showing I understood whilst I tried to comfort him - we were both a mess. He started walking away only to stop at the threshold as I leaned back against the counter staring at him intently. He looked back at me “I’m sor-” I raised a hand, silencing him “You don’t have to say anything sweet heart”, I said as I shifted my weight getting comfortable against the counter top, my elbows helping to support me as my arms hung over the edge, my hands dangling in the air. Bam looked back down the hallway at the sound of voices that had just come to our ears, it was the sound of Raab and Dunn.

Raab was standing where he’d originally petrified himself, but had come back to reality when Dunn walked by trying to aggravate him over the Twinkie issue again - He seemed to love that whole incident. Raab had started their talking though, He’d heard Dunn approaching and right before he said something Raab had turned around and confronted him. Raab was standing there with Dunn next to him in his room in front of the mirror which was still half-fogged “What the hell did you do? Watch yourself jerk off?” Dunn choked on his laughs as Raab shot him a dirty look “No, Hell no! Ville..” He grimaced, Dunn looking at him “Ville..?” He asked, edging him on. “Ville fucked Bam’s brains out on my door!” Dunn held his sides laughing “Dude..” He gasped for breath “You’re just having the worst luck with those two!” he let himself laugh again as Raab rolled his eyes. “You should’ve unbolted the door and joined, aren’t you a little tempted to? After all you’ve been under the bed they were in when Bam screwed Ville silly” Dunn said, his laughter subsiding as Raab shot him a look.

“I still say you wanted some of that Hot Finnish Sex..” He laughed, Raab shoved Dunn into the mirror and he slipped down against it, clearing a line through the condensation that was sitting on it. Raab started laughing, not anticipating Dunn to slip down a door that just had two hot and sweaty men against it - well, in his perception. Dunn started to get up, but slipped when the heel of his shoe slipped on a puddle of what had dripped from Bam’s hand, falling with a loud thud on the hardwood floor. Raab, fighting to hold back his laughter manages an “Ew..” snickering as his face scrunched up “Dammit Raab! Don’t laugh, this is fuckin sick!” Dunn choked. Raab, not being able to control his laugher runs out of the room and down the hall to the stairs laughing like a mad man as Dunn gets up and chases him - One could hear Ape yell something to them about running in the house for a moment and then the house was silent.

He looked back at me with those eyes, walking over I took his cheek in hand and kissed him lovingly, walking towards the room I was ‘supposed’ to be in. When I opened the door I saw Christmas decorations all over the place, my suitcase was safe, but the rest of the room wasn’t. I walked over to the bed that had boxes sitting on it, laying down into an empty spot I closed my eyes only to have something light and cold fall onto me. I opened my eyes, looking down to find Christmas lights haphazardly spread across me - I figured they had fell from the highest blue box to my right. The lights tangled themselves around me as I sat up hearing the familiar footsteps walking down the hall, leaning over I found an electrical outlet and plugged the cord into it. I looked forward and saw Bam in the hallway when I was leaning back against the bed, the lights shining brightly.

A smile came to his face as he walked slowly over to me, his eyes drifting up and down looking at me with an amused expression painted across his features.  Once he reached me he sat on my lap and looked into my eyes “Did you tangle yourself in those?” I snickered at his tone when he asked “Santa wants to know what you want for Christmas..” I grumbled trying to sound fat and somewhat jolly, his eyes lit up. “I think what I want is all pretty and decorated already” he said looking around at the lights that adorned my body “Oh, so you want Willa Walo?” He giggled at my comment “Of course..” he replied as my arms wrapped around him “Then you’ll get your present tonight..” He tilted his head questionably, much like a puppy would “.. You can have me” I whispered into his ear. His face red he peered out the window “You know what?..” He asked “Hm?” I said raising a brow “..I don’t think I can wait any longer.” He untangled me, unplugged the lights and dragged me into his room by my wrist.

He stopped to lock his door and landed on his bed with a plop, me still standing at the door where he had let go of me to lock it. I looked around for a minute, stopping heh, I don’t care if anyone else is in here, they’ll just have to watch. I walked over to the bed, and sat next to Bam’s leg, closest to the window that was on the other side of the bed, the cool light from the twilight outside covering Bam in a blue like aura - he was so handsome. He leaned up and kissed me deeply, quickly getting me back into the mood I was in while I was in the bathroom. I felt a hand grasp my left wrist and then a tug as Bam let himself fall back; Catching myself with my other hand which was placed to the right of Bam’s head my face ended up inches from his.

“Ville..?” He spoke softly, my eyes immediately finding way to his “What is it, love?” I asked gazing into those beautiful blue eyes “I want to feel what you felt last night..” he said smiling, my eyes widened and my jaw felt like it’d dropped a good foot. He leaned up and kissed my parted lips, pushing a hand against the back of my head as another hand met my back, pushing me closer and all I could do was obey. My body pressed to his was nearly heaven, I’ve wanted to be this close to him all day. I felt his hand slip from my back as he pushed his tongue into my mouth, the warmth seeming to drive my senses wild - I felt a hand between us, he’d unbuttoned my pants and was doing the same to his. As soon as I felt my zipper go down my body got a chill, Bam moving the hand from my head to help the other with my pants.

I leaned into him, wrapping my arms around him deepening our kiss as I grinded my hips into his which didn’t help with him trying to get both of our pants off. He groaned and I took my dead weight from him, feeling my pants slip from my hips soon after. He sat up, pulling away from the kiss ever so slowly as he fumbled with his pants to get them off, I leaning to yank mine from my calves.  He took my shirt off, wrapping his arms around me whilst he firmly planted his lips on the dip in between my collar bones, kissing sloppily. I closed my eyes and moaned, clawing at his side then managing to pull his shirt from him - last to come off were our boxers which we tossed aside just like everything we’d taken off.

The room had darkened a little, but I opted out from getting up to turn the light on - the dark just seemed more romantic to me. I leaned down and bit the muscle that connects his shoulder with his neck pulling him close, he moaned softly trying to pull me back against the bed with him. My teeth slid from his shoulder and I obeyed, falling with him back onto the bed, our lips finding each other as we kissed deeply, me moving to be in between his legs. I pulled away slowly; seeing the trust in his eyes as he nodded, I slowly pushed in some noises of pain emanating from Bam. “Are you sure you can deal with that pain for a while?” I asked and he just replied with a quick nod, his hands gripping the sides of the bed tightly as I continued to push in, raising one of his legs I pushed myself in further.

My eyes closed and a groan came from me, he was so warm inside. I felt hands on me, pulling my arms close to him - Opening my eyes I saw a soft smile across his face as he pulled me closer and embraced me. I moved a bit, Bam’s body tensing in pain until I found rhythm, softly rocking him as I kissed him passionately. His arms around me felt so good, it was better than being wanked in front of that blasted mirror. I started thrusting, Bam gasping in pain as I pulled my lips from his only to have a hand move to my head and be pushed back against his lips. He whimpered and groaned from the back of his throat until I found something in him that made him cling to me desperately, he moaned my name begging for more.

I moved faster and he allowed me to pull away to contend to other things. I leaned towards his ear and moaned softly, his reaction forcing him to claw at my body - the pain was such a turn on. I groaned, nibbling on his ear lobe before pulling away to bite at the spot on his neck right under his jaw line; he seemed to like that, letting loose an exasperated moan of my name as his head tilted back. Bam and I had grown sweaty and the sheets were nearly sticking to the both of us. I pushed myself up thrusting as hard as I could into him, my eyes half open and my mouth ajar - his hands were clawing at me again, pain sweeping my body when he tried to pull my back down to him by digging his nails into my skin. I moaned loudly, pushing against his nails to increase the pain - I’m such a masochist deep down.

He finally fought me to being back down against him as our bodies slipped against each other in my forceful movement. After a bit of tugging at me he leaned up and bit my shoulder as hard as he could at the moment, which wasn’t much seeing as he was close to orgasm, but I was too so that made my struggling against his pain a little hard. His body shuddered as his eyes rolled back, Bam in complete euphoria - I wasn’t too far behind him. I pressed against him, moaning loudly, moans turning into sobs of pleasure, those turning into near screams, and all the while Bam was doing just the same, meshing our fingers together, pushing his hips into me, tears falling from his eyes. We lost ourselves at the same time and I’d landed next to him, panting for the life of me. I weakly reached up and wiped  his tears, dragging him over to lay against my chest; he fell asleep before me.

Late that night I woke up having the insane urge to take a bath. I shrugged it off, what’s the problem with a little late night bath? I got up being careful not to wake Bam up and grabbed some of his clean clothes, putting my boxers on as I walked out the door, gently closing it. I walked to the closest bathroom just in case if I heard Bam having a nightmare, I’d definitely run to his room and wake him and be there to comfort him - I’m so cheesy. Well after I got a good amount of hot water drawn into the tub it still seemed like it was missing something, looking around I found a rose - yes.. That’ll work. It was in a vase with a lot of others so I don’t think anyone would mind.

I picked the one that was the most vibrant red out of the bunch, tearing the petals off and sprinkling them about the tub. They all floated; perfect. I got in and soaked a bit, I like to relax before I bathe. I heard a noise at the door and saw Bam on the other side, he walked in “Damn, You’re as quiet as a fuckin mouse Ville” he chuckled. Yet his expression changed when he saw me lying back in a tub of water that was up to my chin, steam about the bathroom, and rose petals floating over my body, yeah, he definitely liked that.
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