Wee! More!

Dec 15, 2004 15:10

I thought about this one for a few days, Sorry about that, I just wanted it to be as good if not better than that last one that everyone thought was hillarious - Tell me what you think about this one! Enjoy :)

After a long silence, maybe a half hour soft snoring started it sounded almost like it was from a cartoon. I slowly crawled from beneath the bed to look upon to men, Instead of Bam snoring in an uproar his face was buried in Ville’s neck, Ville’s cheek almost resting on Bam’s face. They looked so peaceful, the moonlight blanketing them in a cool light - disgustingly cute. What the hell am I thinking? That’s not supposed to be cute! I walked over to the door, being careful not to trip over anything, unlocked the door and walked into the hallway, closing the door quietly behind me. Meeting eyes with Dunn, who automatically started laughing “Were you involved or did you pick a bad hiding spot?” I glared at him “Man Dunn, I was stuck under their bed!” this elicited a roar of laughter from Dunn, his face as red as an apple. I kicked him in the side hard and he yelped, silencing his laughter I walked off, Him following me and making strange comments - saying I was lucky.

Back to Ville-

I awoke feeling a little sore and beat up, but damn that was an experience I never want to forget. After I forgot about the pain everything just seemed so right, except that odd feeling that we weren’t alone; Oh well. I opened my eyes, finding Bam cuddled into my neck his warm breath giving me goose bumps. I groaned in effort to shoo the sleep from my body, Bam’s arm coming over and holding me close to him, rolling over taking me with him. My eyes widened as I lay under him, a minute later his azure eyes slowly opened, looking sleepily at me “Ville?” I nodded “.. Morning” He said groaning as he pushed his face into my neck - he obviously didn’t want to get up.

I wrapped my arms around him, stroking his back with my fingertips; He groaned again, this time pushing himself to his feet. He stood there for a moment, looking at me lovingly, then walked across the room to get some clothes. He returned, tossing a pile of clothes at me while he started putting on a black CKY shirt and a pair of blue jeans.  I stood up and replaced my boxers, falling asleep in the nude is a little awkward - well, anyways I put on the Elvis shirt and the baggy gray cargo pants Bam handed me. The pants were a little too loose on me, they just rested on my hips “You look cute” Said Bam, smiling at me warmly. “Come, I’m hungry” I nodded in return, obediently following Bam.

When we got down the stairs and to the kitchen we found that it was noon and everyone already had breakfast. I walked over to the pantry and grabbed a package of Top Ramen, acquired a pot, water, and found myself minutes later at the oven patiently waiting for the water to boil as Bam fumbled around in the refrigerator. He pulled out a toaster pastry and walked over to the toaster, sticking it in there and pressing the lever down, turning to watch me drop a slab of raw ramen noodles in the pot. I walked over next to him and grabbed a large cooking spoon, stopping momentarily to plant a kiss on his cheek. When I got back over to my original spot in front of the oven I looked over at Bam, he was smiling softly at me, his hand on the cheek that I kissed. “Hm?” I tried to look innocent, tilting my head “Ville slobber is not good in the morning..” He chuckled. “What? Are you saying you don’t like my kisses?” I pouted and he started walking over to me “I didn’t mean that, if you’re going to kiss me when I’m half awake..” He dragged me into his arms and kissed my cheek as gently and tenderly as he could “..You have to do it like this.” He looked up into my eyes as I blushed.

The toaster spat the pastry up into the air with a loud clatter, the pastry flying an inch up and then landing back the way it was in the toaster - one more minute. I watched Bam grab a plate from the cupboard, handing me a bowl as he teetered back over to the toaster, hastily throwing the hot pastry onto the plate. “Thank you..” I smiled, him turning and smiling back as he chewed open an icing packet. Once it was open, he turned and spread it over the pastry, completely covering it. I opened a seasoning packet and dumped it in the boiling water, mixing it with the spoon as I turned the heat off, quickly pouring it into the bowl Bam had handed me. Bam, taking huge bites of the pastry walked over to the counter near me, opening a drawer and handing me a fork as he popped the last piece of his breakfast into his mouth.

He swallowed and smiled, looking at me happily as I took the fork in hand. “Bam..?” He looked at me questionably “You’ve got something on your lip..” the second before he moved I halted him “..Lemme get it” I leaned over and licked a drop of icing from his lip, pushing my tongue into his mouth as I wrapped my arms around him. He kissed back, sucking on my tongue which made a soft noise emanate from the back of my throat. I pushed my hips into his, Bam pulling back and looking up at me “That’s for later..” he smiled deviously as my eyes went wide. He wiggled free of my grasp, reached over to my bowl and took a noodle, slurping it down whilst he took the bowl and handed it to me “Thanks..” I said as I was shoved to the island in the middle of the kitchen.

I leaned against the island and ate as fast as I could; a total of nine minutes. Taking the bowl and fork I placed them in the sink to follow Bam back to the room where the stairs were. Raab was talking to Dunn in there, we heard them on the way there so Bam hid us and eavesdropped from behind a nearby wall. “Dude, you’ve gotta be kidding me.. Stop giving me that look!” Raab yelped sounding a little perturbed “Heh, I bet you liked what you saw when you scampered out of that room” Dunn said laughing as an audible “OW” was heard from him “Dammit Raab, can’t you take a joke?” he choked “Yeah, but only if you stop picking on me about that, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong damn time..” He growled “I still say you wanted to get in on some of that hot Finnish sex..” He laughed. I took Bam by the wrist and walked out there, looking at them a little appalled, So that’s what that feeling of being watched was ..damn you Raab.

They both looked at us, Dunn straining to keep a straight face. I smiled in a friendly manner, stopping in front of them as I looked at Raab “You’d probably have more fun with Dunn anyways..” they both stood there looking shocked, Raab’s eyes were bigger than dinner plates and Dunn had a completely straight face. I started walking toward the stairs having that ‘Yes, I know I’m that sexy’ swagger to my hips as Bam followed obediently. “Hey?!” Raab called out, Bam and I looking at him now “Where are you going?” he asked, looking a tad confused “Oh well, you know.. We’re bored” I said smiling; I swear Bam looked at me like I was insane. I started walking again, Raab following us up the stairs. As we passed the door to my room and then the door to Bam’s room Raab chirped in “Hey, you missed your room..” We stopped.

Standing in front of Raab’s open door we looked at each other and then at Raab “Yeah, we know” Bam muttered sneakily, this making Raab look a little worried. “How’s about we try here?” I said turning to Bam and pointing towards Raab’s room - his face changed dramatically from what I could see out of the corner of my eye. “Oh Hell no!” I shoved Bam in there and jumped in, slamming the door shut and locking it. I turned to Bam who was sitting on the bed now, He shrugged at me right when I got an idea. Giving Bam an evil look I turned back to the door, resting my fists above the mirror, Raab screaming for me to open the door - he’s such a child. I waved a finger at Bam and he came running, once he got to me I kissed him sloppily being sure to make some noise off of his lips - he eventually moaned thus freaking the Rabb-on-the-other-side-of-the-door out. I started talking as passionately as I could in Finnish, stroking the door and pushing slightly on it - Raab yelled more. Smiling, I undulated my body, slamming my fists repetitively as I fake-moaned Bam’s name, soon I found the near sound of a moan and stuck with that. I could see Bam from the mirror, he looked a little nervous, then got up coming up behind me. I smiled and suddenly yelped Bam’s name as I felt a hand plunge into my pants.

Raab kept shouting, but I didn’t understand him anymore. Bam’s hand started stroking my erection - Hey, I can’t help it if the pants just decided to rub against me on the groin. His hand moved faster and I was actually moaning his name shortly after, clawing at the door now. Still, he went faster - I was so glad I was wearing really loose pants.. ..He leaned his chin on my shoulder and ran his free hand over my abdomen, Looking into the mirror I met with those piercing blue eyes they looked so prefect right now, the light reflecting from the mirror illuminating them. He went faster and I let my weight fall to my arms that were supporting me from the door, the mirror starting to fog up as I panted softly moans escaping me.

Raab grew quiet after a while. I closed my eyes, I didn’t want this this way, I wanted to be intertwined with Bam’s body, I wanted my lips on his. I got sick of fighting it after a while and let myself sink into what Bam was doing, my eyes opening slightly as Bam pressed his body against mine, a hand running up under my shirt as my panting grew harder. Bam took advantage of my arousal and moved his hand faster, precum giving his hand less friction - I flattened my hands on the door, screaming his name as I pushed my hips forward colliding with Bam’s hand. It felt he squirmed a little then, my moans growing into cries of his name, my body was crying out for him - I wanted him, I wanted to be in a bed or somewhere, I wanted his arms around me and this pleasure to keep growing, I wanted to be where I was last night - I needed it.

He seemed to enjoy tormenting me, my body starting to quiver as I neared climax. “Ville..” He softly whispered my name into my ear, my body tensing as he dragged his nails across my belly. My head tilted back and he bit my neck harshly, another shriek and his arm was tightly around me, my knees gave out as I broke, Panting furiously I turned and laid my head on his shoulder, pushing against him with my dead weight. He unlocked the door when he took his arm from me Raab standing there wide eyed as Bam took his hand from my pants, looking up at him evilly as the reminisce of me dripped slowly from Bam’s hand. Raab just stared at Bam’s hand as he lifted it and licked a finger, smiling and dragging me into the bathroom, me stumbling beside him - Raab still in the hallway in front of his door petrified.

I leaned against the wall as Bam washed his hands “Damn Ville…” I shook my head and walked over behind him, leaning against him as I wrapped my arms around him., pushing my hips into him. He looked at me in the mirror, I know he could see the sheer desperation in my eyes “Later Ville..” he turned and kissed me, I pushed against him, grinding my hips into his as I kissed him deeply. He moaned softly,  making me pull back panting a little “Later, when we don’t have to worry about someone unscrewing the door or something, kay?” I nodded, leaning against his shoulder again. He patted me on the back and hugged me tightly “The night will come fast..” I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes.

Your circle of fear is the same..

*I was thinking about the whole mirror scene when I was taking my TA exam today (all I had to do was clean out som desks.. wee), I Rested my head on my arm and  I accidentally fell asleep and dreamed it while I was still contemplating what should go on in the scene - It was'nt untill I decided on a good idea that I woke up 20 minutes later XD. (That was my funny highlight for the day, i've never fallen asleep thinking like that)
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