High School Vam

Oct 28, 2007 01:24

Disclaimer: If I owned them then I sure as hell wouldn't be making up silly stories, now would I? Don't sue, I'm broke.
Rating:PG[bad language]
Summary: High school vam...um yeah can't think of a summary...

I sighed, looking up at the gates of hell a.k.a. Henderson High.

I walked in, ignoring the strange looks I was given.

I walked into the office, waiting for the woman to look up.

I cleared my throat, finally she looked up.

"May I help you?"

"Um, yeah I'm a new student."

"And your name is?"

"Ville Valo."

"Ah, here you are," she said handing me a schedule, before continuing to chat away on msn.

I suppose asking for a map would be far too much of an inconvenience.

Stepping outside, all I heard was "Watch out!!!", before I fell flat on my ass.

"Hey man, you ok? I am so sorry."

Looking up, I was met with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.

"Y-yeah. I-I'm ok."

"You're new here, right? I'm Bam, " he said, holding out his hand to help me up.

"Ville," I said, accepting the help.

He smiled slightly.

"Nice name, where ya from?"


"Cool, so uh what's your first class?"


"Me too, c'mon lets go!" he said before running towards the class, but not before grabbing my hand, dragging me along.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all...

A/N: I'm sorry it's short! It's my first vam, so be nice.
Con-crit appreciated.
This is gonna be a series[as you can tell]
Comments give me vammy ideas

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