As Promised....

Oct 09, 2007 21:23

Title: Love On The Rocks
Author: myforgottenpain
Pairing: Vam
Rating: PG
Summary: Bam's new found friendship with Ville had made him question parts of his life he has long since repressed. Through an unexpected visit from the Finnish rock star, many bottles of beer, and a special tattoo; Bam must decide if he wants to embrace a side of himself that he has always longed to explore.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. **I do not own "I want to hold you" by the Rolling Stones, or Mick Jagger. I just thought it worked well in the story.**
Authors Notes: I don't know if I'm actually covering any real life time lines/events correctly. I was just going with what I thought would be an interesting fan fic.

Bam woke up, stretched and yawned. He couldn't remember the last time he had woken in such a good mood. He reached around him, his eyes popping open when he realized his bed felt empty. He sat up and looked over to the other side of the bed, his heart dropping when he realized it really was empty. "Ville?" He thought he saw movement through the corner of his eyes, going into the bathroom. He got up and peeked into the bathroom, no one. He heard the door creak so he turned rapidly to look at the door to the hallway. Ville was just walking out of the bedroom, wearing only a pair of low riding jeans. How did he miss Ville in the bedroom? "Ville?" He grabbed his pants and pulled them on, following Ville down the hallway. "Ville!" He got to the top of the stair case and Ville was gone. He hurried down the staircase when he thought he heard something in the living room. He looked in, just in time to see Ville heading into the kitchen.

He got to the kitchen and Ville was walking off some place else. Panic washed over Bam as he raced around his house. It seemed like no matter how fast he was going, Ville was always just out of reach; always dodging around a corner, ignoring his cries. Bam made his way back to the living room and spotted Ville in the front yard. Bam threw himself up against the window, pounding on the glass, yelling Ville's name. Ville looked around and right past Bam, no right through him. He appeared lost and continued walking away from Bam. Bam raced to the front door and went to open it, but it was locked and Bam couldn't get it open. He tried the windows, same result.

He went to the back door and still had no luck. He was locked inside and Ville was outside. Bam raced back to the living room and looked out the window. He couldn't see Ville now, but he could swear he heard Ville's voice. He pounded on the window, trying to get it to break open, unable to even scratch the surface. His hands were bleeding now and he streaked the red substance down the glass as he slide to his knees, unable to stop himself from crying. Ville's voice got louder and louder, echoing wordlessly in his mind. The louder it got the more Bam cried. What was happening?

"Bammie?" The voice made Bam look up suddenly, back to the window were it seemed to originate. He shot to his feet, completely ignoring the fact the window suddenly seemed much larger then it had been just a few minuets ago. "Ville!" Bam yelled, tears still running down his cheeks as he looked through the blood smeared window at Valo. "Bam?" Ville asked again, looking through the glass, pressing his hands against the window. "Ville...." Bam whimpered, putting his hands up to the spots where Ville was touching. Ville was against the glass, trying to see what was on the other side. The indifference in Ville's face not only broke Bam's heart, it frightened him. Bam was soon against the window again, wishing he could push his way through it to the other man.

Bam's eyes slipped shut and he willed himself back in bed, with Ville laying next to him. The sound of familiar laughter made him turn sharply. Ville was standing in the hallway, leaning against the door frame. He was smiling at Bam in a mischievous manner and like before he was wearing only a pair of low riding jeans. Bam cried, afraid to move any closer to the apparition, knowing it would only disappear again. "Bam..." Ville replied lovingly, taking a step closer to Bam. Before he could even stop himself, he was racing towards Ville as fast as his legs could carry him.

He had made it half way across the room when Ville reached out for him. Bam reached out for Ville, as Ville continued to walk towards him. A smile spread across Bam's lips as he imaged the relief he was about to feel, being in those arms once more. He closed his eyes as he came with in a second of touching Ville. Only he didn't stop, he fell right through him...

Bam shot awake, struggling against the bed, since he felt like he had fallen back into it. He was trembling, sweaty, and tears were still streaking down his flushed cheeks. The sun wasn't even out yet, leaving the room dark and silent. He continued gasping softly, trying to separate himself from the nightmare he had just awaken from. He was afraid to look next to him, afraid that the dream was real. It had felt so real....

He reached out blindly and felt around on the bed next to him. It felt cold and empty and that made Bam want to cry harder. He froze when he thought he heard something. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest that he didn't think he would hear anything but it. But it happened again, the gentle sound of breathing... snoring to be exact. Bam wept with happiness, moving to a kneeling position as he reached out in the direction of the breathing. He couldn't feel anything so he assumed his hand was to high. He brought it down slowly and very gently.

He was right at the edge of his rather large bed and if nothing was there he was going to seriously freak out. But a moment or two after he started to bring his hand down he came into contact with something warm and soft. He gasped, actually flinching a bit, expecting to find nothing. He brought his hand down again and gently felt around. His eyes were adjusting to the dark and he could see a shape... it felt like a shoulder. He pulled his hand away when he heard groaning and someone shifting. "Bam?" Bam's smile broke over his face as he brushed his tears away. "Ville..." He croaked out through the tension in his throat from crying. Ville rubbed his eyes as he sat up a little, reaching out blindly for Bam. "Are you alright?" Ville asked softly, still mostly asleep. His hand found the side of Bam's face, feeling the moisture on Bam's cheek. Bam quickly placed his hand over Ville's hand, holding it against his face.

"Ville..." Bam whispered, kissing Ville's hand a few times. Ville moved a little closer, bringing Bam closer in the process. "Whats wrong Bammie?" He asked softly, finally seeing the shape of Bam in the darkness. He could sense that something was wrong, but couldn't figure out what. "Kiss me.." Bam requested. "Bam I..." Ville was cut off by Bam repeating his request. "Please..." Bam added, sounding frightened. Ville leaned in and pressed his lips against Bam's and only then could Bam relax. He returned it, kissing Ville gently on his lips, his eyes, and his neck; before pulling Ville close. They laid down again as Bam snuggled against Ville, pressing his face against the older mans neck, breathing in his scent. Ville wrapped his arms around Bam holding him close.

"I wanna hold you, I gotta hold you, hold you baby close to me. I wanna hold you, I gotta hold you, hold you baby close to me." Ville sang softly, causing Bam to look up at him. "This time its not for fun. That your the only one. What should I say to you?" Ville sang, smiling a little as he exaggerated some of the notes, imagining that Bam was smiling too. "I wanna hold you, I gotta hold you, hold you baby close to me. I wanna hold you, I gotta hold you, hold you close to me." Bam echoed, chuckling since he definitely didn't sing it anywhere near the original. Mick Jagger they were not, but at least Bam wasn't crying any more. Ville brushed away the last of Bam's tears before he continued, serious this time. "But if you let me smile." Ville paused as Bam snuggled closer to him. "But if you know I lie. But after all you gave... I'll be your lover. I'll be your slave." Bam chuckled a little when Ville stopped. "Thank you." Bam replied softly, eyes closing as Ville kissed her forehead. "Anything for you Bam." Ville and Bam settled in together, once more wrapped in each others arms for, hopefully, a more restful sleep.

Dedicated to my new Betta... Baby Wolfgang Amadeus... or Wolfy for short.
I even wrote a LJ post dedicated to him. XP I'm silly like that.
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