The Eyes That Pass Us By Chap 1

Sep 11, 2007 20:02

I fixed it~ so there's spaces now ^___^

Heii ^^ my name is Kayla, and I'm pretty new here xD Hmm.. I dunno what to write.. but uhm.. I will just tell more later ;D haha. well, here's my DeviantART if anyone wants the link ->

Well, I'm starting a Vam-fic ^_^ I hope you will like it~

Title:The Eyes That Pass Us By
Author: Me ;D
Pairing: Vam xDD
Summery:Oh wow.. I don't know how to explain. Ok, here's what it's about so far; Bam's about to get married but when Ville calls him and pulls him on a guilt trip, will he change his mind?
...Wow. That is the worst summery in the history of.. FOREVER. But really, I promise its better than that~ XD I dont want to give away too much. Disclaimer: I dont own anyone in the story.. um, and this never happened.
Rating:Maybe PG 13

She blew a strand of hair out of her way and mumbled “I hate that!”
I felt stupid at that moment as I stood there dumbstruck, “You don’t like it?”.
“Gotta go, k, bye” she said as she pulled a Bluetooth out of her ear and smiled slightly, “What? Sorry, I was talking to someone on my new phone, I should have told you”, she said as she pulled a cigarette out of her black leather purse, “got a light?”
You could tell she smoked by her voice; Or maybe it was just deep.
I nodded, “Here”.
“So, do you like my design?” I asked.
She smiled as she lit her cigarette, “Tell you what” she said heading towards the door, “how about we do this in about ten minutes or so? I have something to do”.
I nodded;
Being in an empty building was an odd feeling; I’ve never been here before, since Kat’s shop is new;
Before I knew it, she was back.
“Ready?” she smiled, putting her cigarette out and throwing it into the trash.
I nodded and followed her to a station.
“So, you’re ready for a new one?” she said glancing at the picture I had supplied her with a smile.
“I’ve always wanted it” I replied; But by her expression I could tell she was amazed somewhat, “why not?”.
She glanced back up at me and gave me a reassuring smile, “Just the whole idea of eyes on your back; It’s kind of creepy and cool at the same time.”
“That’s what people say…yep”, I stop talking when I realize I’m mumbling.
“So…” she grunted as she leaned downward grabbing something out from a cupboard, “what’s new?”
“Not much, I’ve just been hanging around doing nothing ever since-”
“Ever since Bam left?” she asked, finishing my sentence as she placed the design onto my back.
I’m glad that the tattoo’s on my back, because if it was, say, on my chest, she would have seen my face turn a bright red, “Yeah…”, I managed to say; I hope I didn’t sound too sad about it so she will stop asking me questions.
“So, are you going to his wedding? He seemed pretty excited about it on the phone”, she asked.
“I’m not sure”, I replied in a dull tone;
There was a pause between us as I felt a needle drag through my skin; But once again, she would be the one to break the silence;
“I think you should go.”
“Why?” I grumbled.
“I dunno, I just think he’d be bummed if you didn’t go...”
“He shouldn’t be surprised.”
She sighed, “well, ok then…”, as she dipped her needle into the ink once more.
“Please don’t tell him I said that”, I mumbled.
“What?” she asked, not being able to hear me through the buzz of the needle.
“I said that today’s a nice day for skateboarding, he’d love it.”
She laughed for a second and said, “You’ve got to work on your jokes.”
What? Oh god… I look up and sure enough, it’s pouring down rain; But I still mean what I said. I wonder how slippery ramps get in weather like this…damn!
My hand dove into my pocket and I picked up my phone and started dialing his number;
“Yo, Ville, what’s up?”
“Are you skating?”
He pauses for a moment and I can imagine how confused he must look right now;
“No…” he finally replied.
“Umm…. Yeah, I guess?” he paused, “so… Missy and I are getting married…”
“I know.”
“Yeah…so, do you want to come?” he replied with a hint of embarrassment in his voice.
“Ok…”, he said, his voice breaking up somewhat, “I’m sorry…I…I really am…”
I feel terrible, how could I be so rude as to make him feel guilty for loving someone? Oh yeah, he broke my heart and left me for her!
“No you’re not”, I replied grimly;
Kat paused for a second, probably so she could listen into our conversation more easily;
I glanced over at her and said, “Excuse me for a moment”, as I headed towards the restroom for more privacy;
“Ok…” he replied, confused and hurt sounding.
“Not you”, I grumbled, locking a stall door.
“Huh? Where are you?” he asked.
“Getting a tattoo.”
“Of what?” Bam asked with a hint of excitement in his voice; But I could still hear the hurt.
“It’s on my back; The eyes of Edgar Allen Poe.” I replied.
“Why did you decide to get that?” he asked, I could hear Missy’s voice faintly in the background, and I replied, “Because he knows about heartache”, I said coldly.
I could now hear Bam talking to Missy; She had asked him what was wrong and he was repeating “nothing”, trying to get her to leave the room as it sounded.
“Sorry”, he said into the phone after a few moments.
“It’s fine”, I mumbled.
“Ville, please, don’t do this to me!” he somewhat pleaded.
“Do what?” I grinned slightly, careful not to show it in my voice; Serves him right.
“You know what I mean!” he grumbled, “I’m sorry but I had to do it! You don’t understand!”
“No, I don’t; educate me.” I said; Maybe now he will explain to me why.
“I can’t disappoint my parents, Ville, you know that!” he whispered.
“I’m an embarrassment?”
“No!” he practically shouted as he continued to whisper, “they have always told me how one day I’d meet the perfect woman and get married; If I ever married you, they’d lose their wish…” he mumbled.
I sighed, “I don’t think they would be very surprised, Bam, I don’t think they would be too disappointed either. I think you’re making a really big mistake marrying Missy, I know you don’t really love her, do you?”
That question must have stunned Bam, because there was a pause and some footsteps as he replied, “I…I do love her… just not the same way that I love you…” he whispered.
“Where’d you go?” I asked, “and what makes me so different?”
“I just moved another room over… and, look, Ville, I got to go, I’ll talk to you later…”
“Bye, love you.”
My words must have shocked him because he echoed my words back to me but at a much more rushed and tense pace as we both hung up;
“Ready?”, she asked as I sat back down and nodded with a smile, “Yep, ready for anything”.
She looked at me confused and started the tattoo machine back up.
I can write songs as fast as a marathon runner;
I can speak like I’ve created all of the sophisticated words in the dictionary;
Yet I can’t mend my own heart, but I don’t blame that on myself entirely; I mean, it’s quite hard to mend something when someone else has the thread and needle.
Hope ya like it ^^
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