Let me wake up in your arms...

Sep 06, 2007 19:26

Title: A Lie In A Song
Rating: PG...no swearing O.O. No sex. *gasp*
Pairing: If it weren't Vam, it wouldn't be here. Duhness : P
Summary: A bit of pointless flangst, not meant to impress, just to entertain. The actual real first Vam I ever wrote.
Disclaimer: Film>Words when it comes to Vam. Sad to say, but it's true. So if I owned them, you'd be seeing a video file instead of reading this. HEHE.

"Bam?," Ville whispered as he let himself into his best friend's castle. It was six in the morning, but Bam had told him to come whenever, so he figured it was okay.

"Bammie..." He looked around the house and saw that everyone was asleep.

Slugging up the stairs, his slim frame weighed down with his heavy bag, he went into the guest room and deposited it on the bed, then sat down to regain his breath, sucking down a shot from his inhaler.

Involuntarily he flopped on the bed. The twenty hour flight had drained him as usual and all he wanted was glorious sleep. But he couldn't sleep without his Bammie. Whenever he was in Castle Bam,he and Bam always slept wrapped around each other after drinking themselves into oblivion and falling onto Bam's bed, and while it was easy enough to get by when he wasn't in this house, it was hell trying to sleep when everything in the Castle reminded him of Bam.

His head hit the pillow and he closed his eyes, but his arms felt empty, his body felt cold. Sighing, he stood up again and went downstairs to get a beer, hoping maybe he could intoxicate himself until he was groggy enough to sleep.

He made his way into the kitchen and to the refrigerator, wincing at the squeak it made when the door opened. He grabbed a Brewskie out of the icebox and shut the door. He was about to walk out the door when a low humming noise caught his attention, coming from Bam's basement bedroom. He was tiptoeing down the stairs before he could stop himself, going quickly when he heard a quiet choking noise, just a little louder than the hum of what he could recognize now as his music.

"All I ever wanted was you," his voice sang as he reached Bam's door and gently nudged it open, not wanting to disturb his friend if he was sleeping.

He clapped a hand over his mouth to muffle his gasp. Bam was sitting on his bed next to his music player with his knees to his chest and his arms wrapped around them, resting his head on his legs, in just his heartagram boxers and a black tshirt with HIM written across it in dark purple, and he was...crying. His body was shaking with sobs and every once in a while he'd let out a little choking noise like he was gasping for air, a wet, heartbroken sound that made Ville want to get in bed with him and cry, too.

"Oh, Bammie," he whispered sadly behind his hand. But confusion warred with his sympathy for a moment and Ville wondered,Why's he crying while listening to me sing?

Bam answered that a second later, turning anguished eyes that shattered Ville's heart in his chest just looking at them to his music player and glaring at it. "Never thought I'd see the day you'd lie to me, Willa," he hissed at the little black box as his voice sang "You're all I ever wanted, just you, my love."

Before Ville could say anything, he started to cry again, curling up in a ball on the bed and not smothering his sobs with his knees anymore. Ville could hear them loud and clear, every single inhale and sniff, and he wished he'd brought his earplugs down with him so he didn't have to. The fact that he was the reason Bam was crying made him wanna burn to ashes and blow away in the wind; how could he have hurt his sweet little Bammie like this?

It didn't help that he had no idea whether or not he was actually lying to Bam in that song. He'd never really thought about it before, but it wouldn't surprise him if he was in love with the little curly haired, blue eyed skater that had become his biggest fan and his most trusted friend. He and Bam had always had an affectionate relationship, more so than most guy friends, and yeah he was bisexual, but did all that touching and calling each other pet names translate to love?

He only had to move his eyes back to inside the room where his Bammie was crying like he'd been stabbed in the chest to know the answer was an undeniable yes. Every second that passed where Bam was still crying was  ripping a piece of Ville apart and all he wanted to do was run into the room and take the younger man into his arms and stop the tears.

He pushed the door open a little more, careful not to disturb the shaking form on the bed and stepped inside the room, biting his lip nervously. If this didn't work, he didn't know what else to do. Parting his lips and taking a quiet deep breath he started to sing along with the song softly, "Yes, you my love, you're all I ever wanted, you...ooh ooh..oh my love..you're all I ever wanted you my love...."

Bam's head raised and his ears perked as though he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Ville continued to sing, silently walking to the bed where Bam was starting to sit up, his head turning almost involuntarily toward the vocalist. His puffy red eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. "Wh-what are you doing,Ville?"

Ville kept singing, sliding onto the bed next to Bam and running a gentle hand down his cheek. "I'm showing you that you're wrong, darling, I didn't lie to you, I would never lie to you."

Bam winced. "How long have you been standing there?"

Ville smiled sadly. "Long enough, but it doesn't matter. You are all I've ever wanted, I just didn't know it then."

The skater's eyes were wary. "And now?"

Ville grasped Bam's hand and gently pulled him close, the younger man's head pillowing on his chest. "I love you, Bam."

Bam choked on another sob as his crystal clear blue eyes moved to Ville's face. "Really?"

Ville smiled fondly at his Bammie's insecurity. "Yes, enkeli, really."

Bam buried his face in Ville's chest and hugged him tighter. "I love you, too," he mumbled into Ville's shirt, and Ville grinned at the wide smile he could feel against the fabric.

They slept like that, and Ville's arms didn't feel empty anymore. Neither did his heart, as he heard a sleeping Bam humming the song in his ear.

Okie. I know it sucked, or at least compared to my others it did. But I wanted to post it, and it's entertaining, if rather plotless and pointless, for at least a few minutes, right? Comments are love, darlings, and you know how much I love all of you :)

fic:one-shot, genre:angst, rating:pg, author:s

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