
Jul 22, 2007 20:37

Babysitting; Chapter Thirteen
Author: Tia_Maria
Pairing: Vam
Rating:  currently 13+
Disclaimer: Everyone belongs to themselves, if they didn't we sure as hell wouldn't be writing all of this, would we?

Summary: Ville has moved to London and finds the add for a posh family's babysitter, thinking it's a good idea. He just doesn't realise that their little 'Bam' is not some sweet six year old, but a hormonal sixteen year old who has scared away his previous minders. It doesn't take Ville long to realise all is not as it seems in the Margera household.

Previous Chapters Link

A.N- Here is the chapter for the sweet Snowisgreat, who has fulfilled all of my wishes in order to get this chapter slightly earlier :D 
Of course, Crimsonyght666 is the reason that this all makes sense, so you can thank her!
Okay, now you can read! x

Chapter Thirteen

Ville's legs drew him closer to the entwined couple as they started to break away, arms slipping from each other's bodies.
He saw the look that passed between them, the small grin from the standing male and the return, unsure smile from Bam as Novak whispered something to him, causing his gaze to drop down to the floor.

A girl with a tattoo spiralling up the back of her neck slid three beers down the bar counter towards them. 
The cause of the activity started to make sense to Ville, he knew the sorts of things that Novak did to get alcohol. 
There was no denying the chemistry between them though, regardless of how much he wanted to.

As if controlled by another, Ville walked between Bam and the dirty blonde haired male to order himself a beer with ice. No hassle for him.

He grinned with a perverse pleasure as Bam's shoulders bunched at the sound of his voice ordering, head slowly swivelled round to stare at him.

"You know if that was what you wanted you could have just asked." Ville muttered, not entirely looking straight into Bam's blue eyes.
He looked ashamed and sorrowful but mostly just too innocent.
Perhaps the poor boy had been caught up in Novak, but then that look as they pulled away, that wasn't a drunken fumble.

Being around Bam was like having a constant heartache, just not always for the same reasons.

"Why are you staring at my face, is there something on it?" Bam asked, his index finger nervously tracing his lip-bruised mouth.

"No."- Just a big stamp in the middle of your forehead that says 'Novak's'.
Ville leaned his elbow on the counter as he sipped his cold beer, enjoying the ice as it cooled his body down from the heat of the club.
Bam kept glancing guiltily at his beer as if he wished he could will it to go away. Serves him right.

Ville watched out of the corner of his eye as Novak leaned over to Bam and whispered something in his  ear. As soon as Bam picked up his glass and started to drink, Novak moved away and back onto his seat.

What was he going to do? There was so much that he didn't understand; yet so much was starting to make sense.

Bam must have thought of him as nothing more than the trampy babysitter all along.
When he was sleepwalking he obviously imagined that Ville was Novak sleeping over or something. 
He had become jealous of Ville talking to Novak by the pool, not because Novak was his friend, because he fancied him.
The reason he had kissed him while drunk was because he wanted to experiment before doing it to Novak.

Where did that leave Ville?

He had tried all that he normally had to do to entice someone to him and it wasn't working. 
It was doing quite the opposite apparently.
Obviously Bam needed it to be spelt out to him.

Ville lowered his drink down onto the bar and started to turn towards the younger male.
"Ba- " He started as a pair of warm hands appeared from behind him and clamped down over his eyes, obscuring his sight completely.

"Guess who, Rakohammas?"


At the sound of a voice with an even heavier accent than Ville's beside him, Bam turned in his seat to see what was happening.

A rockstar held Ville's eyes shut from behind with an arrogant smirk on his face.
He must have been a rockstar, he had the air and manner of cool that only a rockstar can- in a slightly hedgehog way. 
Black hair spiked out all over the back of his head, silver hoops were just visible amongst the black and large sunglasses hid his eyes from the rest of the world. Even skulls decorated his neck; muscular arms and belt buckle with chains swinging from his leather trousers to just add to the overall effect.

How did Ville know someone like this?

"Come one now, Valo." The man leaned forward so his lips were against Ville's ear, a hand left his eyes and travelled down his cheek to circle a point on his neck.
"Even you can't forget someone's voice, especially someone you have known so very well."

Although Bam had no clue who this guy was, he spoke in a way that Bam really didn't like, he was almost menacing.
Was he really a friend of Ville's or was he more, or less? 
He realised that Ville had never said anything about his friends, so he didn't know if this was someone Ville liked, or if he hated him.

Ville jerked his head away from the man's grasp with a frown on his face.

"I know who you are, Jussi. What I don't know is why you are here?" His words had a dull anger to them that Bam had never heard from Ville before.

The man just laughed, pulled his sunglasses off and swung the still standing Ville by the shoulders to face him.
"I'm here for my band's tour. Why, did you think I came for you?" He raised an eyebrow in mock sympathy.

"Of course not." Ville forced out, looking like it was taking a lot of effort to remain calm.

The man Bam now assumed to be called Jussi stopped looking at Ville with a sneer to check out the people surrounding him.

Bam tried not to feel intimidated by the man's gaze, but he found it incredibly hard as dark, thickly lined eyes travelled up and down his seated body.
As they eventually rose to his face and met his eyes, Bam noticed the striking blue of his eyes. They were not warm however, they looked as if they could be nice but right now just looked unfriendly.

"Who are these people, Rakohammas?"

"My friends."

"They are not Finnish."

Ville frowned again, looking angry. "I don't have to only know Finns. I am friends with them because I like them and that is all that matters." He glared at the man, who just seemed to blankly ignore Ville's hatred of him.

"Come and dance, Bam." Ville took a final gulp of his beer and brushed past Jussi as if he wasn't there, slightly unstable on his feet.
With a sharp yank, the arm tugged Bam along after his babysitter and into the mass of writhing bodies.

Why did it have to be him? Was Ville really that drunk? Did he look like he wanted to dance?

"Ville really, you don't want to dance with me. I can't dance... at all." He pleaded, but it seemed Ville couldn't hear him above the music as he navigated them further into the crowd, that or he was just ignoring him.


Okay, so it was quite a short one again, but it was not uneventful, huh? :P
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