
Jul 09, 2007 10:27

Title: Babysitting
Author: Tia_Maria
Pairing: Vam
Rating: currently 13+
Disclaimer: Everyone belongs to themselves, if they didn't we sure as hell wouldn't be writing all of this, would we?

Summary: Ville has moved to London and finds the add for a posh family's babysitter, thinking it's a good idea. He just doesn't realise that their little 'Bam' is not some sweet six year old, but a hormonal sixteen year old who has scared away his previous minders. It doesn't take Ville long to realise all is not as it seems in the Margera household.

Click for Past Chapters

A/N: So here we are again with what is becoming my frequent monday update.
      Thank you again to Crimsonyght666 for her help at making this readable ;)
      Let's see, what else can I waste your time with having to read?
      Comments and con crit as always are welcomed and encouraged, they will make the next  
      chapter come out maybe earlier than next monday if you're lucky. Or maybe just in time for
      next monday, depends on what you say :P

Chapter Eleven

Ville woke gradually from his slumber to the particularly pleasant feeling of something warm and hard pressed between his ass cheeks.
He half pushed his hips back, creating friction between the object, his boxers and the tingling nerves of his skin.
Relishing the surprise contact, he started to roll his hips ever so slightly back and forth, the movement catching the skin of his entrance, parting and gently pulling it.
His strokes got longer as the pleasure grew and the arms around his waist tightened. The arms?

A muffled groan sounded from amongst the hair at the nape of Ville's neck.
He froze, eyes snapping open.
He was in his bedroom at the Margera's house. That meant...
Oh God.
Ville turned his head to peer down at the light golden toned arm wrapped over his hip and the dark blue baggy t-shirt encompassing the rest of the body that was visible. Bam.
He tried to lean forward so that he could turn his head more, but this caused the erect member to rub further against his ass.
Another deeper moan was elicited as Ville's eyes fluttered shut with the sensation running through him from his wriggling.

Ville felt the body behind him suddenly tense all the muscles in their chest and arms.
Had Bam woken up?

"Shit." Came the voice eventually behind him. Ville didn't move. He couldn't move.
Bam slowly pulled his body away from Ville who laid there, burying his head in his pillow to keep from moaning aloud as Bam drew back his erection painfully slowly from Ville's body, arms slipping from around his waist.

The next thing Ville felt was the cold hitting his back as a weight lifted from the bed.
There was a brief patter of feet on the floorboards before the bathroom door opened, shut and locked.
He could breathe once again.

Ville rolled over to lie on his back, covering his face with an arm as if that could hide him from what just happened.
He'd slept with Bam.
Okay, maybe not in the worst possible way that phrase could mean, but still.
It wasn't entirely his fault though; Bam's body had started it.
Although, he mused as he looked down at the tent in his covers, his own body had responded similarly.

Thinking back over the events of the day before, Ville remembered Bam's admittance and then confusing rejection of the evening.
An experiment. That was what he'd said- a test dummy. He'd test driven the car, thought he liked it but then obviously found some fault with it. Perhaps it was too older a model?

Ah well, Ville sighed. At least now he knew where they stood, once again Ville was at Bam's feet and Bam was the picky, snobby brat.
The one blessing in his opinion was that neither of them would see Mrs. Margera till Saturday. He couldn't lose his job just yet.
In light of that, he really should mention this evening's planned outing to Bam soon.

The flush of the toilet made Ville start thinking against his will of what Bam had had to do to sort his little problem out. He himself didn't have to do anything like that, he just thought of Migé's hairy chest and back, his body soon calmed down.
Bam didn't appear from the bathroom so Ville assumed that Bam had left for his room and had forgotten to unlock Ville's door. This would have been fine, except Ville now needed to piss.
He grabbed his keys and slotted one in the safety dial of the door so that he could twist the door open.
With a bit of jiggling, the lock eventually clicked and Ville rushed inside.

Water was running. The shower divider was half steamed up but Ville could make out the slightly shorter, more muscular frame of a certain boy Ville dreaded seeing.
He didn't know what to do.
He could just back out, pretend it never happened but he really needed to relieve himself now.

"Umm Bam? Can I take a piss quickly please?" Ville called cautiously, biting on his fingernail and feeling badly as though he shouldn't be there.
He saw Bam's blurred head snap round to the glass and the direction Ville stood in. He felt like he could already see those livid blue eyes glaring at him.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" Bam’s voice shouted sounding shocked but extremely annoyed.

"I- I thought you'd finished, sorry. I really have to use the toilet though." He pleaded.

"Hmm, well I guess if that’s all then you can. Just be quick and don't look at me."

Ville muttered his thanks as he darted to the toilet and sorted himself out. He tried not to let his brain imagine whose hands he would prefer to be holding him right then. Especially as he could see the said person running lathered hands over his chest and shoulders, washing himself clean ready for his day of lessons.

Ville finished up and as he glanced at his hair sticking out all over his head in the mirror, he remembered something.
"Oh Bam, while we're here, my band has a show tonight and as I'm looking after you and you like the band, why don't you come with me? You might see your friends there even."

"I guess. I could do with getting out of this house." Bam shouted so as to be heard above the running water.

"Okay, once you've finished lessons and had something to eat, we'll head over."

"Fine. You going to go now?"
Ville would have blushed if he thought Bam could see him staring at his behind through the steamed glass.

"Uh, sure. See you after lessons then." He faltered, heading for the door.


"Yes Bam?"

"Umm about last night... I probably didn't mean anything I said. I mean I might not have looked drunk because I'm used to hiding it from my mom but I don't even remember what I did last night. Basically what I'm saying is I'm sure I didn't do anything bad because you're a guy and I'm not gay, but if I said anything dumb then just ignore it." Bam's voice sounded as if he wasn't quite sure what he was saying and Ville could tell Bam didn't like the fact that he didn't know what he'd done.

"Sure, you didn't do anything bad. I'm just going to like- to go now, see you in a bit." Ville emerged back in his room and shut the bathroom door carefully.

It was all wrong. Bam clearly thought he had been asleep this morning and so wasn't going to say anything and if Ville was to believe what he just said, he didn't even have remember any of what happened last night.
Ville didn't know whether to be upset or relieved.


Ok so this is a lot shorter and I'm sorry, but guess what? Next is the show, yes it really is my lovelies! (That will be much longer, which is why I had to separate this part off)

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