The Hunger: Chapter Nine pt 2

Jun 18, 2007 12:14

Pairing: Vamish, eventually Mige/OC
Ville has been a widower for two years because his wife, Claire was killed by this guy Mark Christian, a local maniac who has preyed upon the Valo family since their only child , Jastine was born some 19 years ago. Slowly Ville seems to be spiraling into a deep depression, Jastine is the only thing keeping him from ending his suffering for good. Jastine and Ville meet Bam, a HIM fan who got "Upstage" with the band, Ville befriends Bam and their friendship grows rapidly. But how close will Bam and Ville become before Jastine and the HIM boys have had enough?
Disclaimer's : I own no one...... Unfortunately.
Chapter 9 pt.1 , Chapter 8 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 1 pt.2 , Chapter 1 pt.1 , Prologue

Okay Guy, I know haven't posted in Six months, but I have decided that I need to finish this fic. That being said, I now need to present this chapter!

Chapter Nine (Pt. 2),
Pyytää ne enkeli. (Ask the Angels)

"Listen Bam, Ville can't play today.....No, I know. It's just, he's grounded to his room for the next 48 hours...No, you can't come over...that and I wouldn't allow it...... and why would I want to do that?..... Oh, really?....That's interesting, where'd you hear this? want to borrow my LeAnn Rimes CD's??...Why?.....only if you promise not to scratch them, deal?....hold on a second, I'll be right back," Jastine set down her phone and walked over to the door. Once she opened it, Mige and Linde walked in. Linde went into the study, and Mige pulled out a book and sat in a chair in the living room.

Jastine grabbed her cell phone, "Okay, I'm back. So what were you saying?..... Oh, right! That.... Hey, I found a site where you can download just about any movie you want free.... write it down, "".... yeah, I know... Cool," Jastine walks over and sits down on the couch, " ...Yes, you can come over, but you just can't go in Ville's room.... No, I'm not bashing you on the internet....I'm Not!.... I'm watching PotC 3(Pirates of the Caribbean 3)....I Knew that.....Shut up! No way..... Hells yeah!.... Look, I gotta go, Talk to ya later?... K, bye." Jastine tosses her phone aside and goes into the kitchen to get something to eat.

As Jastine sat down at the table she noticed Mige standing in the doorway, "How long have you been there?" She asks.

"Not too long," Mige replies. He walked over and sat down next to Jastine at the table, "So, what's up?"

"Noten really." She answers, taking a bite of her Hot Pocket.

"Why's that?" Mige asked.

Jastine rested her head on Mige's shoulder, "Cause it's Sunday..My big day of nothing." She said, laughing a little.

Mige and Jastine had grown really close over the past couple of months. They began hanging out more, doing more together, ect. Ville questioned they're closeness a lot to himself, but never said anything. He never said anything because Jastine seemed happy, and Ville didn't have the heart to end said happiness.


That's just like him
To wander off in the evergreen park
Slowly searching
For any sign of the ones he used to love
He says he's got nothing left to live for
(He says he's got nothing left)
And this time I think you'll know

You're not alone
There's more to this I know
You can make it out
You will live to tell

He's just like him
Spoiled rotten, confused by the lies hes been fed
Hes searching for no one (but himself)
His eyes turn to green and he seems to be happy but he is hurting
And this time I think you'll know

You're not alone
There is more to this I know
You can make it out
You will live to tell


"Jastine! Get back here now!" Ville yelled as he ran after Jastine.

"No!" Jastine yelled back. She ran arond the corner and looked back to Ville being swarmed by a group of girls. She used this to her advandtage, and ran into the mall just as Ville got away from the girls and ran in after her.

"Jastine? Why are you running?" The cashier of the store Jastine ran into asked.

Jastine looked back and said, "I'm playing tag with Ville." She then hid in one of the clothes racks.

Jastine knew her father was in the room, so she silently grabbed a coat hanger and jumped out, throwing the coat hanger at Ville. She made an attempt to run out of the store, but Ville tagged her, "Tag! You're it!"



Okay, yes I know. It's short. I've just hit writer's block. I'll try my best to get chappie 10 up as soon as I can. Also, It's good to be back!

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