Frozen To Lose It All- Chapters 93 & 94

Mar 24, 2007 01:51

Title: Frozen To Lose It All
Pairing: Vam, Vonne
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ville has been with Jonne for two years now and they want to start their life together. But, when Bam gets in the picture will it stay the same or will everything fall apart?
*Note* This will end up being a MPreg in later chapters. Also, Jonne is a few years older in this since I didn't want Ville to be considered a molester. :p
Disclaimer: If I owned Ville, Bam, or Jonne do you really think I'd be writing??

Alright, so apparently I'm stupid and forgot to post Chapter 93. *Smacks self* It's fixed now. Another double chapter...

“It didn’t work, did it?” Bam asked quietly. Dr. Rasmussen shook his head. “Did you tell Ville?”

“He’s still asleep…we can do another transfusion. I know it seems worthless now, but-“

“That’d be four or them. What makes you think this one’s gonna work?” He sighed.

“It’s out only option right now, Bam.” Bam shook his head, taking a sharp breath.

“How?” he asked defensively. “This shit’s making him so weak he can’t even talk right! He won’t eat, he can’t get up…”

“Listen, Bam, this is out best shot. If it doesn’t work…then we’ll have no choice but to stop.” Looking away for a moment, Bam bit the inside of his cheek.

“Can he give consent?” he asked, somewhat worn down.

“No…” Bam got u and went into Ville’s room, sitting next to the bed. Taking his hand, Bam kissed his palm, causing Ville’s eyes to flutter open.

“I didn’t mean to wake you…”

“It’s okay,” Ville responded weakly. “I like when I wake up to you…” Bam smiled through tear-filled eyes. Not changing his expression, Ville sighed, “What’s wrong?”

“You know,” Bam whispered.

“I’m dying, right?” He choked on a sob and squeezed his hand tighter, shaking his head.

“No…No, I’m not letting you die…they wanna do another transfusion….” Ville sighed, nearly laughing. “We have to try…”

“And you believe it’ll work this time?” Bam bit his lip. “What’s so different now, hm?”

“I don’t wanna let you go,” he whispered.

“One day you’ll have to, Bam Bam.” Bam shook his head, crying more.

“What am I gonna do without you?” He tilted his head. “How can I take care of them” I’m not like you…” Ville was beginning to get weaker, but kept listening.

“Wh-what do I have…that you d-don’t?” Bam laughed through his tears.

“You’re the number one parent.”

“You’re…fun and crazy.”

“You’re a rocker.”

“You’re a skater.” Bam paused, getting extremely serious.

“You’re right with Ella.”

“You’ll learn,” he assured. Bam cried harder than before, clinging onto Ville’s hand. Feeling extremely worn out and somewhat drained of all emotions; Ville shook his head and swallowed. “I’ll do it for you.” Bam looked up.

“You…you will…”

“If you…w-want me to d-do…it, I will…”

“Oh God, thank you, sweetheart,” he whimpered, kissing him. “I loved you so much…” Ville smiled lightly.

“I l-love you, t-too…”

‘I’m so bad…I’m so bad…I’m so bad,’ Jonne thought frantically, pulling his knees up to his chest. ‘I can’t believe I let that happen…oh my God, I’m such a slut…he’s married with four kids, oh my God…he’s married to my best friend…dear Christ….but, it was fun-no! Don’t think that…’

“Jonne?” He jumped at the voice, looking up to see Bam. “Can I talk to you?”

Uh…y-yeah…” Bam sat down, taking a deep breath.

“Listen, about what happened…well, you know it was a one time thing, right?” Jonne nodded, a bit uncomfortably.

“I know, don’t worry. I’m not one of those clingy people…”

“Don’t get me wrong,” Bam smiled. “It was fun…I mean, the whole make out thing kicked ass…we just can’t do it anymore.”

“Okay…listen, I’m gonna run back to the apartment for a minute…you need anything?” Bam shook his head, so Jonne grabbed his bag and went to his car. Just as he left, Bam was truly shocked to see someone he never thought he would.

“Hey, Bam,” Jesse said quietly.


“How’s he doing?” Bam blinked for a second before getting up.

“He needs another transfusion…” Jesse sighed, looking down. “What’re you doing here? I mean, he’s been here for over a week…”

“I-I know…I just need to talk to him for a minute…” He walked slowly into Ville’s room to see him staring at the IV in his hand. “Ville?” His head shot up, eyes wide.

“What’re you doing here?”

“I wanted to talk to you…you’ve lost weight…”

“Down to 103…you’ve always said I was fat, so this should erase that…” Jesse sat down next to the bed.

“Does it hurt? The-the transfusions…” Ville stared at him before tilting his head.

“Did you ever get a blood test?” He nodded. “Picture the pain of that times a hundred and having it go through your entire body at once. That’s how much it hurts.” His face fell even more as he took a breath.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. Ville furrowed his brow.


“I’m sorry…for-for everything…” Ville snuffed, rolling his eyes.

“So, what, because I’m dying you want to get a clean conscious?”

“No, I’m seriously sorry…I know I treated you like complete shit for your whole life, but…truthfully, the only reason I did that was…was because I guess I was jealous…”

“Of what?”

“You…I mean, look at you…you’re famous, talented, you have a family…” Ville felt his mouth drop as Jesse admitted his true feelings.

“H-Holy shit…why didn’t you tell me before?” He shrugged.

“I guess I was embarrassed about it…” Ville was in complete shock, but nodded. “I’m sorry I made your life a living hell…”

“Y-yeah,” he stuttered. Was he dreaming? Ville couldn’t believe what was happening. Jesse Valo was apologizing to him for his entire childhood and beyond.

“I, um...I love you, man.” Suddenly getting light headed, Ville felt Jesse hug him gently before responding.

“I…love you…t-too…”

‘This is fuckin crazy,’ Jonne thought, walking into the empty apartment. Mige had taken the kids to Kari and Anita’s, so he could get a chance to visit Ville for awhile. ‘My best friend could die, I made out with his husband, my somewhat boyfriend’s in America, not to mention I haven’t spent time with Katja in forever…’

Setting down his keys on the coffee table, Jonne went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. Never in a million years did he think he’d be living with Ville again, let alone having his child. He sighed, leaning on the counter top, his head resting on his hands.

‘I really need sleep…and a shower…I think I’ll check up on Katja…’ He turned, only to have a hand slap across his mouth.


Jonne let out a muffled scream against Christus’ hand, clamping his mouth shut. Pushing him against the wall, Christus grabbed the back of his neck and dug his nails into his skin. He let out a yelp behind his hand.

“Miss me?” he asked, eyes glaring. “That wasn’t nice to leave like that…you made me feel unloved, baby.” Jonne whimpered, beginning to shake. Growling, Christus dragged him into the hallway, throwing him to the ground.

“Christus, don’t-“ He cut Jonne off, kicking him in the ribs. He cried out in pain as he repeatedly sent blows to his stomach. “Please…stop…”

“How dare you leave me! I found out about your boyfriend, Jonne! Now you’re cheating on me?!” Jonne shook his head, crying.

“N-No…” Gripping onto his hair, Christus dragged Jonne into the bedroom and threw him against the wall as he sunk down.

“You’re gonna get it so hard from me, you worthless, little faggot,” he warned, hovering over him. “Come to think of it, your fuckin brat’s gonna be next.”

“Oh, God,” he sobbed. “Please don’t hurt her…I’ll do anything…”

“I have to teach you a lesson.” Christus reached over to the nightstand and picked up the lamp, raising it over Jonne’s head. His eyes widened as he began to cower in fear. Just as he brought it down, they heard the front door open. “Don’t say a fuckin word,” he hissed, covering Jonne’s mouth again.

“Jonne?” Bam called from the living room. Jonne looked up at him before he slowly lowered his hand.

“Answer ‘yes’,” he whispered.

“Y-yeah,” Jonne stuttered, taking a breath.

“Where you at?” Christus shook his head, putting a finger to his lips.

“Go out there, and get him outta here, you hear me?” He nodded quickly, staggering up. Jonne opened the door and ran his hands through his hair before meeting Bam.

“What were you doing?”

“Um…I-I was checking on Katja. I th-thought you were with Ville?” Bam snuffed, going into the kitchen.

“You’re never gonna believe this…” Jonne followed him, seeing Christus peek out from his room. “Right after you left, guess who came in?”


“Jesse.” Jonne’s eyes went wide.

“Valo? Jesse Valo, came to see him?” Bam nodded as he walked towards the bathroom. “W-wait! Um, wh-when’re you going back?” Bam stopped just before seeing Christus, causing Jonne to take a breath.

“In a minute, I just came back to change clothes…” Christus moved back into the room in time for Bam to go into the bathroom. Rushing out quickly, Christus grabbed Jonne roughly by the arm and pulled him to the bedroom. Jonne yelped, covering his mouth.

“I told you to get him out of here!”

“I’m trying,” Jonne whispered. Christus growled, pushing him up against the wall.

“Get him out now, or Katja’s gone.” Feeling extremely faint, Jonne went back into the hallway and waited nervously for Bam to come out. His heart was beating so fast that he thought he was going to have a heart attack as Bam came out.

“Hey, have you seen my Adio hoodie?” Beginning to respond ‘no’, Jonne stopped himself, suddenly getting an idea. He pushed past Bam, going into the bathroom.

Putting his finger up to his mouth, Jonne said, “Yeah, I think it’s in the hamper…” He grabbed a stick of eyeliner and began writing frantically on the mirror. Bam squinted to see, but his mouth soon dropped. “It’s the one with the yellow letters…right?”

“Uh-huh…” Jonne continued scribbling until the whole story was on there.

‘Pretend to be looking for the shirt,’ it read. ‘Christus came here and is going to hurt Katja if I don’t go with him. He’ll kill her and me if you don’t leave. Get him out of here or just do something!’ Jonne began to search through the hamper while Bam read the mirror.

“I think I found it…”

“Let me see…” Bam walked towards him and quietly whispered in his ear, “I’ll pretend to leave, but I’ll come back in to help you, alright?”

“Here you go,” Jonne nodded, handing him the shirt. Bam threw it on and went towards the door.

“I’ll see you back at the hospital.” He went out the door, Christus automatically grabbing Jonne.

“Good boy,” he muttered, going into the bedroom. “I’ll just stick to you for now then…” Jonne let out a cry as he felt a blow to his temple, sending him to the floor. “I don’t get it, baby…I mean, aren’t you happy with me?” Christus kicked him hard in the ribs before continuing. “I only do this to you because you deserve it. If you’d stop disobeying me I wouldn’t have to hurt you like this.”

“Just please d-don’t hurt K-Katja,” he whimpered. Christus smiled getting on top of him, slinking his hands up his chest to his throat. “N-No…you d-don’t have t-to do th-this…”

“You just don’t understand, sweetie…someday you will, but for now…” He began to squeeze lightly, getting harder each time. Jonne’s air supply was quickly cut off, which caused him to panic.

“I c-can’t b-br-breath!” He began to pant, grabbing Christus’ arm. “B-Bam…”

“Oh, so you’re with Bam, too, huh?” He shook his head quickly. “You know, I never thought you were such a whore! First with that loser Ville, then Gerard, now that little fucker Bam?!” The lack of oxygen to Jonne’s brain causing the room to go nearly black until suddenly the pressure lifted off of his throat with a loud bang. Christus collapsed, pinning him down, as Bam stood above him, holding a frying pan.

“You okay?” he breathed, holding a hand out for Jonne, who was coughing violently. He eventually nodded and carefully got up. “I’ll call the cops…are you sure you’re okay? Can you breathe alright?”

“Y-yeah…at least I d-didn’t pass out this time…” Bam gave a small smile as he dialed the phone while Jonne kept an eye on Christus.

“You don’t have to stay here, Daddy.” Kari smiled, petting Ville’s hair. “Mommy must be going crazy with five kids to look after. Plus, you need your rest.”

“I need to be with my son. I’ll rest when I’m dead.” Ville snuffed, rolling his eyes. “What?”

“I hate when you say that…” Kari laughed lightly, touching Ville’s hand.

“My Ville, I want you to listen to me, alright?” He nodded as Kari continued. “I know that you must be scared…and I know you’re tired, but…I need you to be strong…if not for you then at least for Bam and the kids. They need you…I need you…”

“I need you, too,” he said quietly.

“That’s why you have to hang on.”

“What about you? If I give up you do, too?” He sighed looking down. “I mean, what the hell, Dad? You expect me to be strong when my own father isn’t? It’s not that simple…the doctor told me that this is my last shot. How am I supposed to react to that? He said if it doesn’t work…I’m…I’m gonna die…”

“I know what he said…but you can’t just give up…” Ville bit his lip as he felt a lump grow in his throat.

“I…I-I don’t want it to be over yet…” Kari clucked his tongue and pulled Ville into a hug. “I’m not ready to die…I thought I was, but I’m not…I’m not…”
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