Frozen To Lose It All- Chapter 90

Feb 16, 2007 10:55

Title: Frozen To Lose It All
Pairing: Vam, Ville/Jonne
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Summary: Ville has been with Jonne for two years now and they want to start their life together. But, when Bam gets in the picture will it stay the same or will everything fall apart?
*Note* This will end up being a MPreg in later chapters. Also, Jonne is a few years older in this since I didn't want Ville to be considered a molester. :p
Disclaimer: If I owned Ville, Bam, or Jonne do you really think I'd be writing??

“H-have fun…” Ville whispered, running out of the club. His breathing became shallow from his tears, a mix of anger and pain. His knee hurt, his back hurt, now his heart did, too.

“Ville, wait a minute!” Bam called when they got in the street.

“How could you do this to me?” he sobbed. “We have four kids together! How could you go and kiss that slut!” Bam’s mouth dropped.

“Me?! What about you?! I have four kids, but you have five!”

“You don’t understand-“

“I know what you did!” Bam screamed, causing Ville to cry harder. “You got that whore pregnant, but you couldn’t be man enough to face up to it?! You thought you could hide this forever, Ville?! Well, I’m not stupid!”

“We didn’t have sex!” he shouted. Bam stopped, furrowing his brow.


“We didn’t do anything together! He had a miscarriage and wanted a baby…it was artificial insemination…” Bam’s face fell as Ville collapsed on the street from exhaustion.

“So, you…you didn’t…” He shook his head, burying his head in his hands.

“And I could die tomorrow and all you can do is kiss that bitch!” Bam’s eyes got wide as he dropped to Ville’s level.

“Wait, wait, wait…you what?” Ville took a hiccupped breath. “What’d you mean you could die?”

“My back…they said my spinal chord could snap…and I could be brain dead…” Time seemed to stop at that moment, sound became silent, and the scene became still. Tears sprung to Bam’s eyes, not knowing exactly what to do.

“Oh my God,” he whispered. “Oh God, Ville…” He pulled Ville into his lap, crying along with him.

“So…fill me in.” Ville sighed covering up in their bed.

“The X-ray showed my spine getting smaller,” he said. “So, my doctor gave me a spinal tap and a MRI that showed my spine degenerating…” Bam bit his lip.

“What’re they gonna do for it?”

“They want to put a metal plate around it to protect it…”

“And the risks?” Ville looked away, wiping away some tears.

“If I get the surgery I could be paralyzed and if I don’t…” Bam urged him to go on. “They said that it’s a strong possibility that I could end up brain dead…” Covering his mouth, Bam avoided Ville’s green eyes that once had so much life in them. “I just keep thinking that it could be over at any moment…I’m so scared, Bam…”

“I know, baby…” Bam pulled him closer, stroking his hair. “It’ll be okay…I’ll be thee for you, alright? I promise…”

“But, what if something happens?” Ville whispered. “The doctor could hit a nerve, or-or snap something-“

“Shh,” Bam hushed, putting a finger up to Ville’s lips. “Don’t think like that.” He shook his head.

“How can I now? No doctor wants to mess with the spine because too much can go wrong…I keep thinking that this could be the last time I could touch you…or tell Ella I love her…” A lump grew in Bam’s throat as he watched his lover shake from fear.

“It won’t be…I won’t let it be…” Burying his face in Bam’s neck, Ville began to sob violently, scared to death of what was to come. Bam held him until he fell asleep and crept out into the living room to find Jonne watching T.V. on the couch. Spotting Bam, Jonne jumped up, going into the corner.

“Oh God, don’t hurt me!”

“I’m not,” he groaned, walking towards him. “I need to talk to you.”

“Listen, it was completely my idea! Ville didn’t have anything to do with it, I swear! We didn’t have sex and he didn’t cheat on you!” Jonne squeaked.

“Jonne, shut up.” He backed up more, biting his lip. “Normally, I’d wanna throw you through a fuckin wall the minute I looked at you…but with Ville sick…I don’t care what you do anymore,” he said quietly. “I just want him to be okay.”

“I know you do,” Jonne whispered. “I want him to be okay, too…” Bam sighed, sitting down on the couch.

“I’m so scared…” Jonne furrowed his brow and sat next to him cautiously. “You know, when I was younger I could never keep a steady girlfriend…I’d try to commit, but I’d freak out right away and forget it…I’ve been engaged twice and each time would break it off…then Ville got pregnant, so I was pushed into a commitment…after being with him for five years I was finally able to marry him…now all of that could be taken away…I’m not ready to let him go…”

“I never knew you went through that,” Jonne said, almost shocked.

“I know I stole him from you and I completely ruined your life, but I love him more than anything…without him I-I don’t know what I’d do…” Jonne looked down and wiped away the tears he didn’t know were flowing. “I’m sorry I took him away from you…”

“It’s okay,” he said, almost inaudible. “It’s okay…”

“Willa, what’re you doing?” Ville looked up from packing his suitcase to see Ella standing in the doorway.

“Kulta, I have to talk to you, okay?” She nodded, sitting down on the bed next to his suitcase. “Ella, you know how my back’s been hurting me a lot?”


“Well…I have to get it fixed…and I-I have to go to the hospital for that.” Her face fell as she huffed.

“No! I’m not letting you go!”

“Ella, don’t-“ She got up and pushed his suitcase onto the floor, spilling out the contents. Running into her room, she grabbed one of her long jump ropes and came back in, cornering Ville. His eyes went wide as Ella began running around him with the rope and soon ended in with Ville completely tied around his chest.

“What’re you doing?!” Ville yelled, trying to struggle out. She pushed him into a swivel chair and wheeled him into the living room. “Ella May Valo, untie me now!”

“No, you’ll leave me!”

“Goddamn it, Ella, I have to get better!” Ignoring him, Ella tied is ankles together against his will. “Oh, you are so gonna get it from’s not like I wanna go, okay? I’m not doing it because I want to, I have to!” Ella whined, sitting on the couch with her arms crossed. “You know what? I didn’t want to tell you this, but do you know what could happen if I don’t? I could die, Ella!”

“Stop it!” she screamed, going to get another rope. Getting a short one, Ella wrapped it around Ville mouth to gag him. “You’re not gonna die, Willa! Stop saying that!” Ville sighed, looking defeated. “I’m gonna take care of you! I won’t let you die…you can’t…” Tears welled up in her green eyes as she began to cry. Ville wanted so badly just to comfort her, but in reality he didn’t even know how to comfort himself.

“What the hell?” Bam asked, walking in the door to find Ella watching T.V. on Ville’s lap. “Do I wanna know?”

“Willa tried to leave me, so I put him in his place.” Bam laughed, shaking his head.

“You gagged his with rope?” she nodded. “Well, that’s a good start.” Ville’s eyes got wide as he glared at Bam. “Ella, go in your room for a minute,” he said smiling. She obeyed and Bam began to untie him. “Your daughter just kicked your ass.”

“I don’t blame her…” Bam bit his lip, touching his cheek.

“It’ll be okay.” Ville nodded slowly.

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