Bitter-Sweet: Chapter 2

Feb 15, 2007 21:02

Title: Bitter-Sweet (Chapter 2)
Author: tinkertoo
Pairings: Many. Ville/Bam, Bam/Ryan, Jonne/Ville, plus more.
Stroy rating: Probably R.
Chapter rating: PG-13
Chapter warnings: Cheating, and some akwardness/fluffy-ness
Disclaimer: I own no one mentioned in this story, and the people in this story have nothing to do with the writing of it. This is a work of pure fiction, and has never happened.
Summary: Bam's first day in Finland, and he's already falling for a certain Finnish boy. Elsewhere in West Chester, Ryan makes Bam promise not to cheat on him, even though Ryan has a certain other boy in his bed even as they talk.
A/N: Maybe a bit suck-ish, but it'll get better. And if you were looking for a sex scene when Ryan cheats, I'm sorry, but I don't want to write it between those two. The only reason I put him with who I did was because thats the person that would probably most piss Bam off when he found out.
A/N 2: I had planned to have this up earlier, but I kinda sorta slammed my wrist into the doorframe in my kitchen, and it only recently stopped hurting enough to where I could type this. Its still a bit sore/numb, so there may be a few typos here and there. If you see any just tell me and I'll correct them asap.

Chapter 1

Bam sighed as he laid down on his new bed, pulling his cell phone from the pocket of his jeans. "Dead, of course..." he said to himself before getting back up to dig through his bag for the charger. Once found, he plugged the phone in and turned it on, searching for number and hitting the call button.

"..Hullo?" the voice on the other end of the line said, clearly appearing to have just been woken up by his phone.

"Um, hey Ry. Sorry if I woke you..." Bam replied, hoping Ryan wouldn't be too mad at being woken up in what was probably the middle of the night in West Chester.

"Its alright." Ryan said, stifling back a yawn. "I was wondering when you'd call."

"I said when I got here, we just now got back to the house...the plane ride took forever..."

"And you slept the whole time?" Ryan said, finishing his sentence.

Bam laughed. "You know me too well." he said before sighing again. "I think I'm already hated here, one of my new roommates kept giving me a death glare the whole car ride home.."

"Your first day in Finland and you're already making enemies?" Ryan asked, hearing Bam chuckle a bit over the phone.

"Not enemies, just one blond boy who seems to hate me. The other guy's nice though.."

"Really? Either of them cute?"

"What?" Bam asked, trying to hide the shock with a giggle. Yes, the nice one is very cute. I'd even say hot, but there's no way I'm telling Ry that... "I guess, I mean they're not horrible looking.."

"Okay...just to make sure, you're not gonna dump me for a sexy Finnish man, right?"

No, I'm betting that Ville's probably straight. And straight or gay, he definately has to be taken "No of course not...Look, I'll let you go so you can sleep..."

"Hmph, see, you're trying to get rid of me already." Ryan said, laughing. "But I guess I should sleep...I'll call you tomorrow. Love you"

Bam nodded even though he knew Ryan wouldn't see him. "Okay, love you too...Bye" he said then hung up.

"Didn't know you were dating someone..." a voice said from the doorway in semi-broken English. Bam glanced up and saw the half-naked figure of Ville standing there.

"I...uhm...yeah.." Bam stuttered, no real words coming to his mind after seeing Ville. God...he's more than cute, he's sexy...Especially with nothing but tight black jeans on...

Ville smirked, again catching the younger man staring at him. "Male or female?" he asked as he walked farther into the room and sat on the bed next to Bam.

"What? I mean, uhm, male....His name's Ryan..." Bam said, trying very hard (and failing) to not stare at Ville as he walked closer and sat right next to him. " seeing anyone?" Yeah, that doesn't sound like you want to date him at all...

Ville giggled lightly before nodding. "Yeah...Jonne, actually."

"O-oh, I didn't" Bam said, hiding the disappointment he felt. No wonder he was giving me a death glare, its pretty obvious I was checking out his boyfriend the whole time!

"Yeah..." Ville said, trying to remember the reason he'd come to talk to Bam. "...Oh! Is everything okay here? I mean, do you need anything else?"

"No, I'm fine...thanks though" Bam said, laughing at Ville's forgetting why he'd even came up there. He watched Ville nod, before getting up and leaving the room. "Its better that he's taken..I promised Ry I wouldn't leave him, I don't need to break that...Even if Ville is gorgeous."

Ville walked out of the room, staying outside it for a second when he heard Bam speaking to himself. Hmm, knew I caught him staring... he thought, smiling lightly. And he is alot cuter than Jonne...


"Still saying love you to him even after he left?" Jess asked, smirking as he looked up at a still half asleep and completely naked Ryan.

"Yes. Because I still love him, and if you tell him about this I'll kill you" Ryan said calmly, sitting his phone back on the table. "Clear on that?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not going to tell my brother that while he's gone his boyfriend is sleeping with me too..." Jess said, leaning up to kiss Ryan.

"Good." Ryan said, smirking himself. "So now that I'm awake again, pick it up where we left off?"

Bam smiled as he walked down the stairs the next morning. Something smelled delicious, and someone in the kitchen was singing beautifully. "Something smells great, and something else sounds amazing.." he said, entering the kitchen to see Ville cooking and see that the beautiful singing was coming from the tall Finnish man.

"Thank you, a double compliment and I've only been up an hour" Ville smiled, walking over and kissing Bam's forehead lightly. "Jonne's already left for work, but I thought I'd make you breakfast on your first full day here." he said, smiling at the confused look on Bam's face before turning his attention back to the bacon sizzling on the stove.

"Uhm, thank you...anything I can do to help?" Bam asked, smiling widely. A kiss first thing in the morning? I could get used to that...

"No sweety, just sit and enjoy." Ville said, smiling again as he put food on the plates. "Another friend of ours is coming over later today, he's moving in next week and I wanted you to meet him before he moves in. Make sure you two don't hate each other.."

Bam nodded, speaking through a mouthful of eggs. "Okay." He swallowed the food before speaking again. "You're a great cook, you know."

Ville blushed, but smiled. "Thanks.."
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