Soldier Boys

Feb 06, 2007 20:26

Hey guys, I know you all are pleading with me to not kill the puppy, and as much as I would love to and have this supernatural turn of events where the guards allow their trainees to keep the puppies, I just can't. Historically, this is what happened, and I can't exactly change what happened in the past. I'm sorry, but I hope I can make it up to you when Bam and Ville actually do meet. I have quite a few ideas for that...;)

Title:Soldier Boys
Rating: Mostly PG-13 for swearing, R rated scenes will be documented and clearly marked when making an appearance.
Pairing: Vam
Warning: Violence, cursing, gore, human mutilation.
Disclaimer: The events/battles documented in this story and famous historical figures were real and did in fact happen, however the characters and other currently living people, were added as a work of fiction, any and all situations in which these characters are included in are purely fictional and should not be taken too seriously. Please remember the millions of lives lost around the world during this time period as you continue. I dedicate this story to their memories.

Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Currently, bonevalo is writing "Auschwitz: Work Means Love", go and worship her. :D

"Let's go Valo!" a rather bulky drill sergeant screamed as the small squadron of trainees sprinted up a rather steep hill, the pounding rain serving little to aid the struggling private in any way, shape, or form.

Ville ground his teeth together as a strained growl forced its way through his throat as he slipped and fell onto his stomach earning another slew of German curses from his drill sergeant. Panting, he pushed himself onto his hands and the tips of his feet. Digging his fingers into the mud, he clawed his way up the steep hill until he was able to stand properly and sprint the rest of the way. His close friend, Xavier, extended his hand out toward the green-eyed private, helping him up the rest of the hill.

"Thanks," Ville panted as the two double-timed it down the other side of the hill to catch up with the rest of their squadron.

"No problem," Xavier commented smiling. "I figure that if we want to survive basic training, we have to stick together."

The green-eyed private smiled and nodded his head as he fell into sync with Xavier's long stride. It wasn't long before the two caught up with the rest of their pack who were jogging over to the obstacle course, another drill sergeant waiting for them upon their arrival. His face displayed an expression of distain as the group of men arrived, some leaning over slightly to catch their breath, Ville being one of them. However, Xavier quickly slapped his back, which caused the green-eyed private to quickly straighten his back.

"You are all five minutes late!" the drill sergeant screamed. "All of you fifty push-ups now!"

Dropping onto the ground, the whole squadron pounded out the fifty push-ups using their own methods of counting, which included either counting five sets of ten, two sets of twenty-five or just counting by ones. Upon completion, the group of men quickly stood up and waited for their orders.

"Now, with your running partner," the drill sergeant began pacing the line. "You will both help each other through the course. When you complete it, double-time back to the beginning and do it again. Ready go!"

Ville watched as the first pair of muddy privates sprinted through the starting line and jumped up against a rather high wall of boards, the private on the left climbing over first, pausing at the top to give his partner a hand up and over. Once the two were onto the next obstacle, the next pair surged forth.

"Ready for this Ville?" Xavier questioned as the pair before them surged past the starting line, the first pair merely completing one-fourth of the entire course.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Ville answered as the pair before them successfully climbed over the wall.

"Let's go!" Xavier shouted as he and Ville charged headlong for the wall.

Ville gritted his teeth before crouching down slightly and launching his body up against the wall, smacking against the unforgiving surface moments later. The green-eyed private coughed as the force of his body's impact forced the air out of his lungs, however his jump was enough to allow his fingertips to overlap against the top of the wall. Growling, he hoisted his body up onto the top of the wall, glancing down just as Xavier managed to attach his right hand onto the top of the wall. Ville smiled as he momentarily waited for his partner to hoist himself up, however the brown-eyed private lost his grip. With unbelievable swiftness, Ville quickly snatched Xavier's right hand out of the air and helped to pull his partner over the wall with him.

"Thanks Vil," Xavier panted as they charged forth through the multitude of agility tires.

"No problem X," Ville commented smiling.

The next obstacle the two came across was a suspended bridge that hung across the gaping mouth of a deep cavern, rather sharp rocks and a miniscule stream slithering through the mouth of the canyon awaiting clumsy trainees. Squinting his eyes, Ville noticed something obscure about the bridge.

"Wait Xavier stop!" he commanded causing his partner to cease his brisk jog.

"Why Vil?" Xavier questioned. "We'll get in trouble if we stop."

"Look!" the green-eyed private commanded as he pointed out at the menacing bridge. "The two that went before us are in trouble."

"Somebody please help!" one of the trainees cried as he held onto one of the spaced pieces of lumber and the twisted rope said boards hung from.

"Hold on buddy!" Ville called as he carefully jumped out onto the bridge, his action causing the whole suspended bridge to sway dangerously.

Gasping momentarily, Ville relaxed and found a solid footing on the malignantly innocent bridge as he carefully made his way out to the dangling private, his friend only a few boards in front of him. By now, two other groups had caught up at the other end of the bridge, stopping momentarily to watch as Ville continued on his rescue mission. Finally reaching the first private in peril, he quickly knelt and extended his hand down toward the frightened trainee.

"Here, take my hand!" the green-eyed private commanded as he held firmly onto the twisted side of the swaying bridge.

Panting furiously, the private in danger quickly latched his right hand onto Ville's extended wrist. Growling in his throat, Ville hoisted the private up onto the bridge. Sighing in relief the now rescued private clung desperately to the twisted rope that made up the bridge's side.

"Soldier, what's your name?" Ville questioned panting.

"Karl," the private replied.

"Karl, I want you to slowly make your way back over to the other side where my partner, Xavier, is standing...along with the rest of the squadron," Ville commanded. "I'll go and rescue your buddy in the meantime, alright?"

Karl nodded slowly before nervously standing onto his feet and creeping back over to the side where Xavier was signaling him back over to. Sighing briefly, Ville continued forward, the other private dangling from a broken rope that had recently snapped free.

"Somebody, please help!" he screamed as the bridge swayed to the side again.

The slight sway caused Karl to panic and high tail it back to the other side of the bridge. The private's panicked motions caused the unsteady bridge to shake violently. Ville quickly glanced up to notice the dangling private's grip slip before eventually he lost his grip on the rope. Quickly gasping, the green-eyed private sprung to his feet and bolted over to the now plummeting private's form and collapsed onto the slightly broken boards, thrusting his right hand through the gap just in time to latch his hand onto the private's left wrist. Digging his nails into the private's wrist for a better grip, Ville screamed along with his muscles as he quickly hoisted the soldier up onto the bridge with him. Almost immediately, the petrified private encircled his arms around his green-eyed savior's torso. A rather uproarious cheer erupted from the other end of the bridge a few moments later as the anxious group released the nervous breath they were holding.

"Private!" Ville called as he caught his breath. "Private, what's your name?"

"M-Michael s-sir," the frightened private answered.

"Michael, I need you to shift onto my back so we can safely make it to the other side of this bridge," the green-eyed private commanded earning a decisive nod from the soldier.

Just as Michael secured himself on Ville's back, the rope that secured the bridge to the long steaks jutting forth from the ground on the top of the opposing cliff's edge proceeded to unravel.

"Shit," Ville cursed as he stood slowly with Michael on his back.

Quickly, the green-eyed private made his way along the spaced boards toward the other end of the canyon. He relaxed and smiled as the grassy surface of the other side of the canyon appeared, however five boards away from his destination, the board under his feet gave out and the two privates fell onto the bridge, Ville's right leg wedged in between the two surrounding boards and the twisted rope. The green-eyed private cried out in pain as he fell onto the bridge and quickly glanced up in time to watch as the unraveling rope snapped, causing the whole bridge to collapse. The two private's whole squadron including the drill sergeant gasped in unison as the two proceeded to plummet toward the canyon floor. Thinking quickly, Ville noticed a free-hanging string of rope dangling from the large wooden post still jutting forth from the top of the cliff. Latching his hands tightly around the rope, he screamed in agony as the rope tore up his hands, however he was able to hang in long enough to stop their plummet into the jaws of hell.

"Private, are you alright?" the green-eyed soldier questioned, earning a nearly inaudible confirmation.

Panting furiously, Ville glanced skyward and proceeded to climb the rope, the combined weight of both privates making the ascension a rather slow and daunting task. However, adrenaline helped the exhausted green-eyed private to continue on his mission. As minutes passed, an uproarious chorus of cheers erupted from the other side of the canyon as Ville and Michael became visible from the depths. Utilizing the last bit of strength and energy he had remaining, Ville latched his bleeding hands onto the edge of the rocky cliff and hoisted himself and Michael up onto the cliff's edge and over onto the soft grass before he collapsed from exhaustion.

"Alright Ville!" Xavier cried cheerfully. "We're taking an alternate route, just stay right there!"

Ville was only able to half-heartedly raise his right arm halfway before it fell back onto the ground. Stretching out against the soft blades of grass, he momentarily fell into a light slumber before the sensation of a multitude of strong hands enclosed around his spent body and hoisted him up into the air, a cheer soon following.

"Heil Hitler!" the squadron shouted as they hoisted Ville's body higher into the air.

"Xavier, take this young man to the infirmary," the drill sergeant commanded. "As for the rest of you, back to the training grounds."

Xavier saluted the drill sergeant and encircled his arm around Ville's back, slinging the green-eyed private's left arm around his shoulders. Sighing, Ville hung his head as he and his partner slowly made their way back toward the fort.


Bam sighed as he leaned his elbows against his desk's surface. The lesson for that week was weapon history and other technical specs. Every Wednesday was class day followed by training in the field they learned about. He was excited for once to get out in the field because now he was finally going to shoot a weapon. It had been a whole week and a half so far and not much has happened in the war besides the ever growing threat that was Hitler coupled with Mussolini from Italy and Stalin from Russia. Even though Russia was our ally from World War I, the Americans began to get a little worried that our ally would resort to supporting a dictatorship. His growling stomach however soon caught his attention. Class had started early that day and many privates didn't have breakfast, which meant that unless they had a weak metabolism, multitudes of privates would be collapsing. However, the squadron with the scheduled class day would be able to go to lunch before afternoon training began. Brandon sighed in relief when the last bell rang.

"Hey Brandon wait up!" Shane shouted waving his free arm following class.

"Hey Shay, what's up?" Brandon questioned as he looped his free arm around Shane's shoulders.

"Shay?" the brown-eyed private questioned.

"That's the nickname I'm going to give you," the blue-eyed private answered.

"Well, if I'm going to have a nickname," Shane began smiling. "Then you need one as well."

"Ooo, what are you going to call me Shay?" Brandon questioned smiling.

"How about...Bam?" Shane suggested.

"Bam?" Brandon questioned cocking his left eyebrow. "Why would you call me that?"

"I don't know," Shane commented shrugging. "Considering your first name starts with a B and your last name starts with an M, and we're currently training for a war..."

"Alright, I get what you mean," Brandon interrupted.

"Man, I can't wait for this war to be over so I can go home and get at some of those lovely dames," Shane commented smirking. "How about you?"

"I don't know Shay," Brandon began, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Aw, come on," the brown-eyed private prodded, jabbing his elbow into his blue-eyed friend's ribs. "That is, unless you already have a dame waiting for you back home."

"I don't really find any of the girls in my neighborhood to be very pretty," Brandon commented.

"Ah, well, there's always someone out there for everyone," Shane quipped shrugging as they walked into their shared room. "Man I'm starving, how about you?"

"I'll meet you in the mess hall in a few minutes Shay," Brandon commented smiling.

"Alright, just don't take too long," Shane informed. "Otherwise I can't guarantee that there will be much of anything left when you do arrive."

Brandon smiled and nodded as his comrade left for the lunchroom. Sighing, he glanced down at his Armed Forces textbook before opening to the inside cover page. Contained within the binding of the book was a small envelope and a folded up piece of paper. Smiling, he retrieved the envelope and opened it. The letter had been delivered to him earlier that morning at roll call. He smiled briefly at the return address before retrieving the parchment from inside, the paper folded in thirds. Unfolding the parchment he eagerly read the letter as a small photograph fell from the inverted envelope.

Dear Brandon,
Wow, I can't believe you're in training to be in the army. Hey come on sweetheart, I thought you had more common sense than that. I wish I could be with you, however the bills I have to pay to live aren't going to pay themselves you know. I miss you terribly darling. I hope you come home safe and sound. Thanks to my friend's brother, she was able to provide me with the fort's address you are currently stationed in. Now that you have my new address, you can write back to me. I'll be sure to write back as often as I can, but please honey, don't get killed. Otherwise I might just have to kill myself.
Seriously though sweetheart, I wish you well, and I hope you kick some German ass while fighting in the war. You'll always be in my prayers and there won't be a day that goes by that I won't worry about you and miss you dearly. Attached is a picture that I hope will raise your spirits everyday so you always do your best.

Love always,
Andrew Kelley.

Brandon sighed before lightly kissing the letter before placing it back into the envelope. A small, white rectangle soon caught his attention on the floor. Kneeling down, he gently picked the photograph up off of the floor and turned it over to view the image. A small chuckle escaped his throat as he continued to gaze at the picture. The photograph was of him and his sweetheart Andrew Kelley, a high school senior whom he fell in love with during a homecoming football game that his brother was starting in. Following the game, he and Andrew spent a few minutes in the stands talking. They talked about school, future aspirations and even what they enjoyed on their pizza. Before he knew it, their time on the bleachers came to an abrupt end when Andrew had to quickly rush home to get ready for his part-time job at the local grocery store. However, before they went their separate ways for the evening, they exchanged phone numbers and addresses just incase the phone line was taken for the evening.

Gently kissing the photograph, Brandon slipped the item back into his envelope and quickly placed the object back into his textbook before placing that item on his bed. Exhaling sharply he jogged out of his room and towards the mess hall where his new friend Shane was probably irritated with his tardiness. If Shane ever found out about Andrew, there would no doubt be questions, however he would just lie and inform him that Andrew was just a very affectionate friend who missed paling around with him. He couldn't exactly risk letting his commander discover that he was indeed homosexual.

Well there you go, I would love to continue and tell what happens to Ville, but I figure I'll save that for the next chapter. See ya's later. ^_^
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