The true story of God, Lucifer and a man named Bam

Jan 11, 2007 21:07

Title: The True Story of God, Lucifer and a Man Named Bam.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ville/Bam and some others along the way.
Disclaimer: Don't own never happened, if I owned them don't think I'd be here right now....
Summary: Supposed to be Humour but, that is for you people to decide. And summaries give away the story I think the title says it all.

A/N: Most of this story will be in Bam's POV until I say otherwise.


Shit... why does it have to be so cold out? I should never listen or trust the news... But then how else would I go get help for my piece of shit car that broke down on me? Oh and to top it all off, It was while I was on my way from Spokane, after doing a skate demo. I had one in Seattle the day before, but had to drive all the way back to the hotel I was staying at in Seattle, rather than getting a hotel in Spokane like a logical person would do... with the rental car I was using. Damn you Washington with all your trees and coldness, and lets not forget the mountain pass I chose to go through on a abandoned highway cause I thought it would get me to my hotel faster! But nope. My damn car just has to go break down on me practically in the middle of nowhere, in an long forgotten abandoned highway, and at night. In the cold. Yes I know I won't stop complaining about the cold, but you wouldn't either If you had to try and walk all these miles out of the mountains and onto the actual highway, the one I didn't take, like a normal sane logical person would do. Why did I have to wear a tee-shirt? Why? And much less forget to bring a coat or something...ugh... Walking down the worn down pavement, my black adios making light thuds with each step I took, the night air around me silent with the occasional small breeze of wind. I looked up at the quarter moon, shining bright in the sky, my blue eyes stared at the moon with interest. I smiled to myself as I looked away and started walking once again, my main mission still: Find the real highway.

As I was walking along I heard a sort of cracking noise, then I felt the earth beneath me shake, My first thought was that there was a(n) earthquake, but thoughts of that vanished as my head felt like it was splitting in two. The pain became almost too unbearable as I dropped down to my knee's, the last thing I saw was a pair of feet making their way towards me, and a couple of murmuring voices above me before I completely passed out.


I woke up to a pair of delicate arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace, warmth enveloped all around me. Wait... arms?! What. The. Hell... I turned around to come face to face with a very beautiful man. His soft porcelain skin, high cheek bones and average sized lips gave off an odd vibe as I stared at his sleeping form, his dark brown hair reached about his shoulders, it was neither curly nor straight more of an in-between, maybe a wavy? I don't know... but it wasn't exactly straight either sooo... wait... why am I still here staring at him? God I'm so stupid! I don't even know where the hell I am! More or less who the hell He is. I thought starting to panic a bit, and as quiet as I could manage possible I got out of the bed and started heading for the door I saw after I frantically searched the room for any means of escape when I got out of his grasp. I went for the door and grasped the handle. Nooo!!! Why the fuck won't it open!?

maybe it's because its locked. the stupid voice in my head I've been trying to ignore most of my life, mentioned. Well of course it probably is locked, hence explains why the door won't open.

I heard something move in the room, I was afraid of what might be behind me. But looked anyways my curiosity taking over. I came face to face with the man that had his arms around me in what I'm pretty sure is his bed...

"What are you doing up?" He asked me his neon purple eyes looking up and down my body. Wait. Stop Right there. Did I just see Neon purple eyes Jesus christ am I hallucinating? I thought as I looked back at his eyes again to make sure I wasn't.

"No you are not hallucinating. This is my natural eye color." The man said staring right back at me.

Now I was shocked. Did he just read my mind?

"Yes I did. Now if you would be so kind to go have a seat before you do anything rational I will explain everything to you. Well most of everything..." He said as he motioned me to a chair I didn't notice earlier during my frantic and a little bit too desperate search for any means of escape, mainly a door...

"Now le us begin with names shall we?" he asked me taking a seat across from me. Now that I had a better look at him, he was dressed in nothing but black boxers... His perfectly sculpted chest gleaming at me begging me to just reach out a hand and touch it.

"As entertaining as your thoughts are..." He began.

"Oh, sorry..." I mumbled feeling a blush rise. Damn you stupid mind!

"Anyways, I already know who you are and the basic background of your life, but just for short entertainment, please do tell me your name and I'll tell you mine." He said giving me a big smile.

I just sat there wide eyed. "M-my names Bam..." I stuttered, if he knows my name already what the point in giving him my last name?

"Okay, well my names Lucifer." He said his grin growing bigger.

My jaw dropped and I just sat there wide-eyed, mouth open, gaping at him, like an idiot. Then I started laughing, seriously this must be a dream, I must have passed out form the cold and then in my dream met some crazy dude who thought he was the devil himself.

"No this is not a dream and all of this is very much real." he said the sides of his mouth twitching a little bit.

I stopped laughing and went quite. "So you mean this is actually real?" I asked him getting serious.

"Yes, it is. Are all mortals this slow?" He asked me looking slightly irritated.

"No, it's just know..." I muttered.

"Yeah, yeah..." Lucifer said rolling his eyes at me.

Then it actually finally dawned on me. Man I can be bit of an idiot sometimes...I got out of my chair quickly and made a dash for the door. When I reached it I tried for the handle again and started pulling on it hoping a miracle would occur and it would open. My hair kept getting in front of my eyes. So I mostly saw a blur of brown locks, swaying back in forth in front of my face, damn I needed to get it at least trimmed sometime soon it was getting to long, but I'm going way off track, back to the situation at hand.

"You know your just over working yourself over a door that won't open unless I open it." Lucifer said calmly from behind me, making me jump at least a good 3 feet in the air. I turned around my back pressed hard against the door, taking deep breathes trying to calm myself down.

"Well you'd be panicking to if you found out you were kidnapped by the devil!" I yelled as I searched around the room with my eyes for at least a window but found none. Goddammit.

"Well, if you'd calm down and listen maybe I will tell you why your here." He said in that calm manner of his.

I had to force myself calm, after a few minutes my breathing was back to normal and my death grip on the poor abused door handle.

"Are you done now?" he asked me as if he had not a care in the world.

"Yes." I said gritting my teeth.

"Okay where to begin..." he said getting a little lost in thought.


Damn, this was a little hard to write, the original story (which so far only have 5 chapters out...) had nothing to do with bam and ville had my own original characters and I had to tweek around the story a bit to make it so it made sense if I was gunna use ville and bam. But anyways, COMMENT please. or no more. I only got 3 comments on my 'The 9th Circle' Im dissapointed, but if I get more than 3 comments then Ill try and get more out. oh and um lucifer well to me I have it as him looking like Jyrki almost, (cuz hes hott like that) so yeah... just imagine Jyrki as Lucifer weeeee.

Comments=VAM sex in a tree (damn thatd be funny as hell)
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