Kosto Chapter 5

Dec 11, 2006 18:12

Kosto (Revenge)

By VillesPrincess

Summery:  when Ville was 7 years old, he was hit with the trauma of his mother's death.  Soon after he is sent away to The Tuoni House, a foster home for orphaned children where he meets Bam.  Together the two of them go through a living hell there, fall in love and then end up batteling a demon from his past.  * Kisses y’all for being so patient with me *

Paring: Vam 
Disclaimer: I own nothing but this story... and a few of the characters that I made up in my own head
Length: unknown thusfar

Author’s Note: I hope you all enjoy this!  I know it’s a bit depressing, but that’s the way I like it.

Chapter 5 “The Tuoni House”

Ville felt someone violently shaking him and a muffled voice, slowly he woke up and the voice became louder in his ears. “Wake up!! Grab your brother and get out of the car! What the hell is wrong with you boy? WAKE UP!” He sat up and groggily rubbed his eyes. He yawned and stepped out of the car. The moment his and Jesse’s feet hit the ground their wrists were grabbed and they were lead to the front gates. Ville looked up at the tall black gates looming over him and then looked down the street along the fence. Vines intertwined with every inch of it except for the actual gate. The vines were so dense along the fence that if you were to just walk by, you wouldn’t see what was behind it. He heard a clicking sound coming from the gate and watched as it opened on its own. Behind the gate was a large three-story building that looked like if it was taken care of properly it would be quite impressive. Instead it looked weather worn and drafty.

Mrs. Tuoni yanked on his arm and walked briskly towards this gloomy building. As they got closer Ville tried to slow down, he didn’t want to go inside, the sinking feeling in his stomach told him that if he were to go inside, he might never come out again. Even though the front yard was large and inviting for children to play in and it was the weekend when kids didn’t have school, there wasn’t a child in sight apart from Jesse. Ville looked across the evil woman’s body to catch a glimpse of how his little brother was doing. Jesse looked so innocent. He just looked ahead to the door that they were quickly approaching and had his finger in his mouth. Ville was tempted to tell him to stop sucking on his finger because Momma had said that he shouldn't do it any more, but then changed his mind because if he mentioned it, it would remind Jesse of their mother and he would end up crying again. Jesse crying was something neither of them needed right now. Mrs. Tuoni let go of Ville's wrist for a moment, bringing his attention back to what was going on. She unlocked and opened the door and stepped inside, dragging them both with her and immediately closing the door behind her.

“Stay here, don't move. I will be back in three minutes.” She said shortly and then turned to the left and went up the stairs, barely missing stepping on a little girl who was scrubbing the seventh step. A clatter to his right caught his attention and he turned to see another small girl with long blond hair rushing over to help a boy that looked to be the same age as himself pick up his mop and clean the mess of soapy water that was all over the floor near his feet. The curly brown haired boy gave her a quick “thanks” and then waved at her to go back to what she was doing before. No one looked up or even acknowledged the presence of the two new people in the house. They were all too absorbed in their chores. Jesse began to get antsy because he had spotted another little boy around his age and wanted to go play with him, but just before he got a chance to move towards the boy, Mrs. Tuoni and an older man walked down the stairs, both with frowns on their faces. The older man held a bucket in his hand as he came down. Again they nearly stepped on the girl scrubbing the steps.

When they finally were directly in front of the boys Mrs. Tuoni began to speak. She went on and on about the rules and the punishments for breaking those rules, most of which made Ville cringe. The older man, whom they now knew as Mr. Tuoni, told them that they were not allowed to play unless there was someone there who may want to adopt “you miserable little fucks,” as he put it. Then Mrs. Tuoni said that they were to work on whatever either one of them gave them to do and not to complain at all, ever. Mr. And Mrs. Tuoni went on some more abut what was required of them and then Mr. Tuoni shoved the bucket at Ville and told him to go help Brandon mop the floor and told Jesse to help Mikko scrub the baseboards. Jesse ran over to the little boy that he had been watching before and got to work as Mikko tried to explain to him what he was supposed to be doing. Ville just stood there in front of them holding onto the bucket. “Umm... who is Brandon?” he wasn't sure which boy was Brandon because there were two boys already mopping the floor. One who was all the way across the room who has little blond dreads and the boy that he had seen earlier. They just glared at him. An unusual movement caught his eye and he turned to look at what it was. The brown haired boy was waving his hand for him to come over, but he still didn't turn his face to look at him. He focused hard on the spot that he had been mopping continuously for the past 10 minutes.

Slowly and awkwardly Ville walked over to the boy called Brandon and set his bucket next to his. “Umm, where is another mop?”

Brandon kept his head down, his beautiful curly hair still covering his face and he said nothing. “Did you hear me?” Brandon nodded and raised a finger, meaning, “Wait a second” and then went back to mopping the spot again. Ville went back to standing awkwardly by this rather silent boy. Brandon waited until he heard Mr. And Mrs. Tuoni's footsteps fade away and then he looked up and smiled at Ville. “Hey, I'm Bam. What's your name?”

Ville's face grew red as he looked at the boy before him. He took Bam's extended hand and tried desperately to find his voice to tell him his name. Bam's grin grew wider, “well?”

“Ville, I-I'm Ville.” He said at last as his tongue finally began to work again. “Bam is cute,” he thought, “but am I supposed to think anyone is cute? I know girls have cooties when you like them, but does Bam have cooties? Maybe i should ask him later.” with that done Bam gave him his mop and then wandered off to go find another for himself.

Bam came back with a rather ratty looking mop and plunged it into the bucket making the water spill over the top. He laughed and then took the soaking wet thing out and put it on the floor. Ville did the same thing, only more carefully of course.

“So, um, Mrs. Tuoni called you Brandon, why did you say you name was Bam?”

Bam looked over at him and smiled again. “Cus when i was a baby, Pop Pop always used to call me Bam cus I would always bump and crash into walls n' stuff. After that, everyone just called me Bam. I like that better than Brandon anyways.” His face grew sad for a moment and just as Ville was about to ask what was wrong, Bam smiled again and went back to mopping the floor.

The rest of the afternoon was spent doing various chores, being silent when the Tuonis stood over them, and Bam talking and Ville listening when they were gone. He talked about his friends that he used to have and all of the fun stuff that they used to do. They both laughed over some of the silly things that Bam had done and then finally it was time for dinner. Ville's stomach growled at him loudly. Bam heard and looked over at him. “Good thing we get food now, otherwise I think you might disappear!”

GAH!  I actaully managed to get this updated today!  I was surprised!  lol, enjoy the VAMness that is actually there this time!
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