a different sort of self-insertion

Dec 02, 2006 00:21

Hi! I'm back... sorta.

Title: Hostility and Romance
Author: druscilla_way
Rating: PG-13 now, will probably change.
Pairings: Ville/Bam; Druscilla/Andie, aka druscilla_way/allwoundup7
Disclaimer: Don't own them. Own me. Kinda own Andie. Andie gave me permission to use her [in all sorts of ways, but let's not get into that.]
Author's Note: Yes, it's kind of SI. But there's no Ville/me or Bam/me or anything. It might be a bit Mary-Sueish, but ... it's necessary somewhat.
Summary: Ville meets girl. Girl and Ville hit it off. Bam doesn't like girl. Bam, Ville, and girl get on a plane. Bam, Ville, and girl go to Castle Bam. All hell ensues.

Hostility and Romance


Bam walked into Ville’s house as soon as he opened the door. “So you left her? Again?”

“Actually,” Ville began, “she left me this time. She thinks I’m fucking Druscilla even though she’s engaged. And gay.” he added as an afterthought.

“Who the fuck is Druscilla?” Bam demanded, almost hurt that he didn’t know something about Ville’s life.

As if on cue, a green-haired girl in a bathrobe entered the room, a carton of ice cream and a spoon in her hand. “Ville, babe, you’re out of beer.”

“How would you know? You don’t drink it.” he said without turning around.

“I just broke your last two bottles.” She looked at Bam. “Hey. I’m Dru.”

“You live here?” he asked, bypassing niceties.

“Until I go back to the States after my fiancé’s internship, yeah.” she answered, sucking on her spoon.

“How long have you-“

“Four weeks.” Ville answered. “So you can shut up now.” he said, giving Bam a pointed look and flicking his eyes toward the stairs.

Bam ignored the hint, pushing past Ville to glare at the younger girl. “Four weeks and you already wrecked his engagement?”

“I didn’t wreck shit, Margera.” Druscilla said, poking him in the chest with her spoon. “And I don’t answer to you. Fucker.” She turned and left the room, leaving the skateboarder seething.

“That was brilliant.” Ville said, surveying Bam almost amused. “Although I almost wish she’d spit on you.”

“So, you just take in random girls off the streets now? What was she doing when you found her? Hooking?” Bam demanded, hands on his hips as he stared at his best friend.

Ville rolled his eyes and grabbed Bam’s arm, dragging him upstairs without much protest from the other. “I met her at a club, if you need to know. And what the fuck is your problem?”

“I just think you’re stupid.” Bam snapped.

“This doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that you flew out here and bought a plane ticket for me to go back to West Chester with you, does it?” Ville asked, raising an eyebrow.

Bam bit the inside of his cheek and stared at the ground, suddenly feeling like an open book. “Yeah, well . . .” He shrugged. “You do it every time, you know?”

“I know.” Ville said quietly, letting Bam kick at the floor.

“How long ‘til she leaves?” Bam muttered, finally looking up at Ville’s green eyes.

“Two weeks.” Ville said. “That’s when her fiancé gets back from . . . Maine, I think it was. She and Dru live in Jersey.”

“So . . . what? Her fiancé goes to Maine and she decides to spend six weeks in Finland?” Bam asked, trying hard to hate the girl he hadn’t know more than ten minutes.

“It was supposed to be two days.” Ville said. “Just long enough to meet a friend and decide if this was a good place for a vacation. I met her and got her to stay for a few extra days. Few days turned into a few weeks.” He shrugged and lit a cigarette. “I like her. You would too if you’d dig your head out of your ass.”

“Fuck you.” Bam said. “I’m not the one with a green-haired brat living in my house.”

Ville quirked an eyebrow. “You know, love . . . I could go back to West Chester with you tomorrow . . . if . . .”

“Oh no.” Bam said, holding his hands out and shaking his head. “No fucking way. You’re out of your mind, Valo. There is no way . . . fuck you.”

* * *

Bam was clearly not thrilled with being bested by the boy sitting next to him on the plane. The girl was sitting behind them, listening to an iPod and staring out the window, pen hovering over a notebook.

“Bastard.” he said without looking at Ville.

“Pussy.” The older of the two grinned. “So true, darling. It took you, what, two hours to cave in?”

“Fuck you.”

“Maybe later, if you’re good.”

Bam kicked him.


“I love you too, angel.” Druscilla said into her cell phone from the backseat of the Hummer, ignoring the open glares from it’s driver. “It’s only two more weeks, baby . . . I know it’s forever, sweetie . . . I miss you, too . . . I miss you more . . . Yes, I do . . . Do, too . . . Oh, fine. You win.” She giggled.

The all-too-affectionate-for Bam’s taste-conversation continued until the girl’s cell phone died fifteen minutes later.

“A month’s not that long.” Bam said after a pause, glaring at Ville. ‘What?’ he mouthed.

“Yeah, well . . .” Druscilla shrugged. “We went six months until our first kiss because we lived half a country apart. We don’t like to be away from each other.”

Bam opened his mouth again, but Ville smacked him in the back of his head. “Don’t hit the driver.” he snapped, giving his friend the finger.

Ville smacked him again, then reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a box of cigarettes. He rolled down the window slightly as he lit one. Bam reached over and took it from him, taking a drag and passing it back, exhaling his smoke directly into Ville’s face.





“Fuck you.”

“Eat shit.”

They both seemed to shrug in unison before Bam turned to look at the road silently and Ville stared out the window, still smoking. Druscilla said nothing, just noted the sexual tension and smirked inwardly.

* * *

Bam pushed a door open, made an indistinguishable noise, and left. Rolling her eyes, Druscilla tossed her two duffel bags on the floor and inspected her surroundings. Purple wallpaper, H.I.M. picture on the wall, framed Haggard picture on the opposite one. Boring alarm clock, black bed stand, wooden four-poster bed. Purple sheets, wooden floor, wooden dresser in one corner, TV and such in the other. Adjoining bathroom.

She allowed herself a girlish giggle and a bit of what one would call a ‘squee’. She threw herself back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She was in Castle Bam. She had been living with Ville Valo for the past month. She had flown on a plane with Bam Margera and H.I.M.’s lead singer. And, to top it off, the sexual tension between the two was so thick one could cut it with a dull knife.

The door opened, startling Druscilla out of her thoughts. She sat up and all but winced at the man in the doorway: Brandon Novak. “So you’re the new bitch, huh?”

“Not your bitch.” she answered, quirking an eyebrow.

“Well, we could change that.”

“I’m engaged.”

“Aw, come on, baby.”

“And gay.”

Brandon’s eyes had just widened as though he had won the jackpot.

“Whatever you’re going to say, don’t.” Ville said from behind him, pushing him out of the way and beckoning Druscilla toward him with an outstretched hand. She took it, making a face at Brandon as Ville lead her down the hallway.

The Finn picked her up, quite literally, and set her down on a counter in the kitchen before opening the fridge and pulling out a beer. Bam entered the room, looked at Druscilla and immediately walked over to Ville and pulled the beer out of his hand.

Druscilla glared right back at him, raising her eyebrows and letting him know-in no uncertain, though not verbal-terms that she wasn’t going to take his shit.

Bam let her know-in the same way-that he wasn’t going to be any nicer because of it.

Ville stepped on Bam’s foot and lit another cigarette.
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