(no subject)

Nov 01, 2004 18:08

Hi all!, here’s is a fic I made earlier today. I know it sucks as hell but do not flame so hard. Sorry for the grammar\spelling mistakes. My father was near me looking at what I was doing sights.

Title: Dangerously in Love

Author: Villah Valo


Pairing: Ville\Bam


Disclaimer: Don’t own, don’t sue me!

Summary Notes: Bam decide to confess his feelings for Ville in a  car  inside a forest. Boy\Boy kinky smut and romance. Comments, critics, flames anything you want to throw me..is much appreciated!.

It’s so annoying when you are annoyed by a woman like the one I have. Always giggling about every stupid thing you do, almost being a copy of yourself even if you don’t want that to happen. You got to see it every day of your life and pretend that you love it ,that you wait for her when you are waiting for another thing.

And that thing is called, Ville Valo. And like the meaning of his last name, ”light”. He’s the precious ray of sun that lights every day of my life. Even when this woman is annoying me 24\7 I have him, or at least I think he feels the same thing I’ll being  feeling for his beautiful wicked self.

Today I’m going to tell everything to him, ask him if he loves me or at least if he feels at least half of what I’m feeling for him. And all I have, is this annoying woman called Jenn, yes Jenn the one that you all think I love. Asking me questions about where I’m going or “Why are you nervous darling?”.

With a sarcastic smile I cut her stupid questions by simply saying: “None of your business!”. And I didn’t wanted to sound sarcastic or rude ,it’s that when you are being followed by a woman like her you get paranoid, almost insane.

“Why are you so mad Bam?, oh..” She managed to said but I didn’t pay her attention my only concentration was the pair of green eyes that were waiting for me in some place not so far from here. And she knew, or at least understood why  I was so rude with her before.

I’m outside the house now, and I know that I will regret what I’m doing to her. She’s a woman after all she’s not responsible of the way I’m feeling right now or even my decision of being so distant and cold lately with her.

And then I get into the car, droving it away from her and from everything that surrounds me. I need to find him, to tell him even if he rejects me he needs to know what’s happening with me, since the first time I laid eyes on his flat  belly. Loving till now  that beautiful heartgram   tattoo that rest’s on his smooth white flesh. The one I need to touch and lick, to make mine like the rest of his beautiful body, he must be mine and no one else’s but mine.

This is and obsession, oh but who’s not obsessed with Ville Valo?. Who can resist that beauty made of ice and fire, the simple move of his bony hips or the masculine touch of his deep voice?.

Oh there he is! Waiting for me outside that godamn bar, not a nice place to be but he choose to wait for me there when I called him earlier, and I do whatever my beautiful friend desire.

-Hei Bam!- He waves at me in a very enthusiastic manner. Oh he’s so beautiful when he smiles!. That wonderful and natural pink shade that his European check bones acquire when he’s glad to see someone, to see me now perhaps?.

-Ville!- I exclaimed, hugging him like if I have never seen him in my life.

-Where are we going?-He asked me, lighting a cigarette.

- Wanna go to the forest?-  I offered to him, feeling a bug crushing my stomach and a hint of  nervousness invading   all my system.

-Sure sweetheart!- He exclaimed, looking straight at me while taking another cigarette. Damn he’s a fast smoker or maybe he is sensing  something else.

On the way to the forest we didn’t speak, we just looked at each other. He was busy playing with his “Malboro” package and me looking at him play with it. It sounds silly but I enjoyed the way his long curvy fingers explore the surface of the package, it made me wonder what they can do with flesh, man flesh?.

-Here we are- I announced without getting out of the car, he nodded without stopping to play with the damn package.

-Yes sweetheart?- He looks so sweet when he say that word “sweetheart”. It means to me that everything is allright that he wouldn’t get mad with anything.

-Ville there’s something you must know..- I started to speak but then, for some reason I stopped he detected that, grabbing my hand and making me shiver with his cold lovely touch.

-Tell me Bam, we are friends after all-

-Ville….I…well, Ville I’m crazy for you, I love you!- Fuck, everything is over now. Prepare to loose your friend Bam!.

-It’s ok, come here- I can’t believe what he’s saying, he looks so cool about it. Damn I’m in shock now to feel his arms around me and his mouth so close to my neck.

-Let’s make love, make love to me..- He said with an erotic touch on his voice, spreading his fabulous  long  legs for me.

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