Frozen To Lose It All- Chapter 42

Oct 22, 2006 20:05

Title: Frozen To Lose It All
Pairing: Vam, Ville/Jonne
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Summary: Ville has been with Jonne for two years now and they want to start their life together. But, when Bam gets in the picture will it stay the same or will everything fall apart?
*Note* This will end up being a MPreg in later chapters. Also, Jonne is a few years older in this since I didn't want Ville to be considered a molester.
Disclaimer: If I owned Ville, Bam, or Jonne do you really think I'd be writing??

Ville was asleep for about a day and was stable. Mige was by him the whole time as he woke up finally. His eyes went wide when he figured out what happened.

“Shh, Vilpertti, calm down,” Mige cooed, when Ville whimpered against the tube. “It’ll be alright, it’s to help you.” Ville’s eyes teared up as he looked around the room for Bam. He looked at Mige, almost pleading with his eyes. “I’ll get him.” Mige went into the hallway where Bam was sitting.

“He’s up?” He nodded.

“He wants to see you, Bam. He’s scared.” Bam rolled his eyes.

“Fine, give me a minute in there.” He walked into Ville’s room and shut the door. Ville’s eyes lit up, reaching a hand out. “You fucking son of a bitch!” Ville’s hand shrank back. “How could you do this? You’re married with two Goddamn kids, Ville! Christ, sometimes you just make me wanna hate you!” Tears fell down onto Ville’s hospital gown and whimpered at Bam’s statement. “I asked you once if you wanted to die, and you said ‘no.’ So what changed? Were you lying or what?” Ville turned away.

“Don’t look away from me! How am I gonna trust you again? Every time something shitty happens you’re gonna kill yourself? What’s Ella gonna say if you die? Or Damian? What am I gonna do? WHAT AM I GONNA DO IF YOU DIE?!” Ville flinched noticeably. “You know what?” Bam whispered. “I’m not doing this anymore.” Ville furrowed his brow as Bam walked to the door and placed his hand on the door knob. Bam felt tears prick his eyes. “I want a divorce.” He walked out of the room, leaving Ville sobbing.

“Ville?” Mige asked, running in. “Sweetie, what happened?” He handed him a pad of paper and a pencil. Quickly, Ville scribbled down what happened. As he read it, Mige’s mouth dropped. “Oh my God…he-he said that?” Ville nodded, wiping away some tears that still fell rapidly. Mige gently stroked the side of his cheek.

“I’m sure he didn’t mean it. Bam loves you too much. I’ll talk to him, okay?” Ville nodded and Mige gave him a kiss on the forehead before going to find Bam. To his surprise, Jonne was sitting in the waiting room.

“Jonne?” His head perked up. “What’re you doing here? I thought you went back to Tampere?”

“I was about to, but I heard what happened. April called me,” he said. “How’s he doing?”

“Medically fine, emotionally…really fucked up.”

“Why?”” Jonne asked, worry in his voice.

“Bam…Bam told him that he wants a divorce.”

“WHAT?! How could he do that?!” Mige shook his head.

“I don’t know. I don’t think he meant it, though. He was probably just really confused about everything. I don’t blame him. I felt the same way when Ville did this before.”

“I know, but…they’re, I don’t know…Bam and Ville. They’re Vam, they can’t break up! They’re like Romeo and Juliet. They belong together.” Mige nodded.

“You’re right, they do.” Jonne bit his lip and stood up.

“Where’s Bam?”

“I don’t know. My guess is he ran off somewhere.”

“I’ll be back. Tell…tell Ville I love him.” Jonne ran off, leaving Mige in the waiting room, wondering how everything got so messed up so fast.

Jonne made it outside and thought about where Bam could be. He came to the conclusion that the best place Bam could go to relieve stress would be the skate park. Jonne jumped in his rental car and drove to the nearest one he knew of. Just as he thought, Bam was skating in one of the empty pools.

‘What the hell am I gonna say to him?’ Jonne though.

“Um…Bam!” he called. Bam looked up, expressionless. “I have to talk to you for a minute.”

“What’s there to talk about?” he called back.

“You know.” Bam sighed, but jumped out and sat on a bench. “Do you really mean it?”

“I don’t know…” Bam said quietly. “I can’t keep worrying if he’s gonna kill himself once things get tough, ya know? And what would that do to Ella and Damian? I know that sounds really bad, but…I just can’t do it anymore.”

“But…but don’t you wanna help him get through it?” Bam shrugged.

“I want to, but…I don’t know if I could do it.”

“You wouldn’t be alone, Bam. Everybody’s here for you two.”

“Jonne…can I tell you something?” He nodded. “Ville cheated on you for ten months, then left you after you got engaged…so, why, after all that, why do you care?” Jonne looked down.

“I care because I want him to be happy. I still love him and I always will, and I know what he went through. I don’t want him to feel that way again.” Bam nodded slowly, suddenly feeling horrible.

“Oh, God…I’m such a fuck up.”

“No, you’re not. You’re just scared. It’s normal.”

“You think he’ll forgive me?” Jonne smiled gently. “Yeah…you’ll just have to try.”

“They’ll take the tube out in a few minutes, okay?” Mige said, petting Ville’s hair. He nodded and closed his eyes, but they shot open at the sound of a certain voice.


“Jonne found you, huh?” Ville looked at Mige in surprise. “He came to see you. He’ll be here in a little bit.”

“Um…can I talk to you?” Bam asked Ville. He looked down, letting a tear slide down. “Please…” He closed his eyes and nodded. Mige left the room, shutting the door behind him. “Ville…I-I know you probably hate me, but…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that to you. I was just scared…” A nurse came in, interrupting Bam’s apology.

“Oh, sorry. I’m Amy, Ville can have the tube removed now.” Amy went to Ville’s bedside and unhooked the top part of the tube. “Okay, now, on the count of three I want you to blow out, alright?” He nodded and she began counting. On three, she pulled it out, leaving Ville coughing harshly. Bam put a hand on his shoulder.

“Breathe, baby, breathe…” Ville finally caught his breath and laid his head on the pillow. When Amy left, Bam continued. “Um, like I was saying…”

“Bam,” he whispered in a raspy voice. “Stop…”

“Honestly, babe, I’m so sorry. You know I love you more than anything.”

“You said you wanted to hate me.”

“But, I was mad. Sometimes you say things you don’t mean when you’re pissed off….God, this was so much easier when you had that tube down your throat.”

“Then do me a favor, why don’t you sew my mouth shut so you can yell at me all you want? It’ll be easier that way, right?” Bam stood there, silently wishing he really could.
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