(no subject)

Sep 19, 2006 18:23

Title: The Art of Loving
Author: Andie May all_wound_up7
Rating: Let’s just say R.
Summary: It’s not stalking. It’s love.
Disclaimer: Still not owning anything but the storyline (which is completely fictional)… Not even the title :(

Sorry about the wait X_X I just can’t seem to write when I’m at my Dad’s house, and I was busy over the weekend. That and this chapter was hard to write. I just didn’t know what to do for it O.o Hopefully I’ll get back on track… for the rest of the week, anyway.

And has anyone else had a daily countdown to Jackass two written on their hands for the last two weeks? :D I’m so excited. Three days, babeh.

Anyway… Previous Chapters:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Enjoy ^^

Chapter Six

Awkward silence.

“Umm… So… I don’t know much about you,” Bam told Ville in an attempt to start a conversation. It was Saturday night, one that would finally break his tradition. He hadn’t had much of a chance to spend time with his- what was Ville to him, exactly? A friend? A stalker? A boyfriend? Maybe a lover, depending on how the night went.

There’s no denying it… Ville is really attractive…

And… Is it taking advantage… If he wants it? Even if it’s for different reasons…

He’d wave or say hello to the Finn whenever he saw him at school, but Ville never really hung around for more than that. They walked part of their routes home together, discussing things such as teachers, classes, lockers and lunch-ladies. Ville seemed even shyer after Bam had accepted his feelings, which didn’t make much sense to the skater.

But there were a lot of things about Ville that didn’t make sense to the skater.

“What do you want to know?”

Bam was sitting in his computer chair, which was facing the bed where Ville sat, hiding behind his dark brown locks.

“Well… What are some of the things you’re into?”

“Things I like, you mean?” Bam nodded. “Well, there are two you should know already.”

“Uhh… Art?”

“That’s one.”

“And…” Bam bit his lip, trying to think of what else he was expected to know about the foreign boy. “Uh… Finland?”

Ville laughed, shaking his head, and Bam frowned. He didn’t like it when people made him feel stupid, though he was sure Ville hadn’t meant to.

“I do like Finland, yeah, but that’s not what I’m referring to.”

“I… I don’t know…”

Ville smiled shyly. “You.”

His smile…

Bam blinked. “Oh… Right… I guess I’m just not used to the being on the list of things people like.”

This shouldn’t be so uncomfortable… How did I let everything go so wrong?

“Is something wrong?”

The inquiry shook Ville from his troubled thoughts and he realized he’d put Bam through another awkward silence.

“Oh… No… It’s nothing.”

“Are you sure?”

Ville nodded but said nothing.

“… Why don’t you ever really talk to me at school?”

Ville was slightly taken aback by the question. “I… Uh… I don’t want to bother you… You’re always with your friends…”

“Well, you could come over and hang out with us,” Bam suggested.


Bam nodded, smiling gently. “You are my… Uh… What are you?”

“The crazy foreign kid?” Ville offered with a joking smile. Bam let out a genuine laugh that nearly made the Finn melt.

“I like your sense of humor.”

Ville blushed a deep red at the complement before giving Bam a serious answer to his question. “I’m whatever you want me to be,” he replied quietly.

He’s funny… And his looks… Well, sex on legs might be an accurate way to describe him…


“Well… What would you thing about… Boyfriend?”

Suddenly, Ville’s brilliant green eyes were staring into his own. “Seriously?” He seemed so flustered that Bam couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah… Would that be okay?”

“Of… Of Course…”

Boyfriend… Me… Bam’s boyfriend?

“That means you don’t get to avoid me at school, y’know.”

Ville flashed another smile that struck Bam’s heart. “I’ll try.”

Well, it’s kinda short.
But If I make the chapters too long, then updates’ll be worse.
I’m listening to Will Smith O_O Just thought you all should know XD
-just a little weird-
I got an awesome new email.
Kickass, right?
Hellz yeah.
It’s my MSN and my email for MySpace if any of you have those.
XD Me and my friend are going as Ville and Bam.
Okay, done rambling. Hope you liked it :)
Review, s’il vous plait.
I’ll hopefully update tomorrow.
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