Back to me: Chapter 5

Sep 06, 2006 19:32

Title: Back To Me
Disclaimer: I don't own Bam, Ville, or anyone else in this story.. uhm.. I only own the story,yay!xD
Rating: Uhm..PG13 maybe?
Summary: It's been 2 whole years since Ville has seen Bam; They had only been able to talk through the phone because of busy schedules, and even then it wasn't enough.. at least for Ville. (This is just a basic start.. I can't think of anything else to put here yet)

Ok, I'm really sorreh I took forevuhs to finish this chap >.<;; well, I hope ye likes it =3


Oh, and here's the links to the previous chapters =]


Bam jumped onto Ville's bed.
Ville grinned a small smile trying not to blush.
"You're blushing again!", Bam grinned.
"Are not!", Ville mumbled sitting down on the bed beside Bam.
Bam sighed and looked over at Ville, trying to think of the right words.
Ville looked back over at Bam, "what?", he asked confuzed.
"Nothing..", Bam replied as he let out a sigh.
"Why don't you just admit it?!", Bam said annoyed.
"Admit what?"
Bam stared, "You're seriously asking 'what'?!".
Ville nodded staring down at his hands.
"You did blush...", Bam started to say as Ville interupted, "I did not-", he started to say as Bam cut him off.
"I love you too, Ville...", Bam said staring into Ville's green eyes.
Ville smiled a small smile as he searched for words, but before he could say anything, he felt Bam's lips on his.
Bam let go for a moment, rubbing Ville's cheek with his pointer finger.
"I always loved you from the moment I met you.", Bam smiled.
Ville blushed and replied, "I love you too, Bam.", holding his arms around Bam tighter.
Bam nodded and started to kiss Ville again.
Ville smiled kissing back as a thought came to his mind;
"I'm.. I'm sorry I never told you earlier... I should have.", he sighed staring up at Bam's bright blue eyes.
Bam smiled, "It's ok, I never told till now either.", he grinned kissing Ville on the cheek.
Ville nodded, "I'd rather you not waste any time looking for that sleeping bag tommorrow..", Ville grinned devilishly.
"Oh, really? Why not?", Bam teased.
"Because..", Ville paused feeling a bit uncomfortable, "because I want you here with me.", he smiled up at Bam, who's face got redder with every word.
"Of course!", Bam smiled kissing Ville again.
"Oh, Bammie, kiss me harder!", Ville grinned devilishly.
Bam laughed, "you little slut.".
Ville giggled, "Oh, I'm not that bad!"
"Pfft! Says the sexiest man on earth!", Bam replied.
"Oh, yeah, right. Says the man with eyes so beautiful.", Ville grinned looking deeply into Bam's eyes, "Just one kiss and I'm ready to die, 'cause you're so beautiful..", Ville smiled licking Bam's cheek.
Bam giggle pushing his lips harder into Ville's.
"That good enough for ya?", Bam laughed.
"Oh, Bam! Don't stop!", Ville whined pulling him close again.
Bam smiled as he kissed Ville, running his hands up and down Ville's back.
Ville smiled kissing him back, glad to finally have him after all that time.
Bam held him tighter, as Ville felt more better than he had in months;
"Bam..?", Ville asked.
"Thanks for.. loving me.. I needed you.", Ville smiled, not being able to stop himself from blushing.
Bam smiled and kissed him shutting off the light switch above them, " 'Night Ville.", he smiled as they fell asleep in eachothers arms.


>.<;; urghhhhhzzzzzzz.. >___> I really am sorry this chapter is so small! >.<;; I didn't know what else to do with it =/ but....... Bam/Villeness, yes? x]

Well, I've nevuh written a love story before, so I hope this is at least good xDD.

I promise I'll update with chap. 6 really soon! =3

I hope ye likes it =3

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