Return of some unknown fanfic by some unknown writer

Aug 15, 2006 22:54

Title: Willing Hostage
Chapter: 2/?; Healing Words
Status: In Progress
Rating: R With Droplets of NC-17...
Disclaimer: Didn't happen, don't own, don't know, yap yap, blah blah...
Summary: Ville and his friends orginally were out to torture those whose souls were beyond redemption. But soon his friends get out of control and will take and kill anyone they find. Does Ville realize that the one boy he saves may be the one who doesn't want to be saved?
Author's Note: It's been a long friggin time since I've updated this. So, for the four people who read the first two parts, I'm back! I could get into the long, pointless explaination, but nah. Long story, short: I started posting the story before I got all my ideas planned out straight and after a while I realized I need more time to work on it. So, if you didn't read this story, please oh PLEASE give me a chance. I've been so bummed out the past two weeks and comments will definitely cheer me up.

And, of course, much love to my darling beta, dyingforyourluv (*pokepoke* hun, I sent you an update a while *scurries away*)

Previous chapters:
Prelude - I See It In Your Eyes
Chapter One - Malice and Hostility

"And our hate will shelter us from the rain. Well we are enslaved by the sacred heart of shame and gently-"

The pen stopped as Ville struggled to put down the next word. It lingered in his mind, dieing to be written, but it haunted him so dreadfully. By pure force, he scribbled six more words to lessen the blow and sighed deeply before continuing. It's healing, you're healing, he kept telling himself. It pained him to write down those lyrics, which just flowed from him like blood, but the second his pen stopped at the end of each stanza, staring back at the words, he could feel the once burning guilt in his chest diminish by a cool blast of fresh, untainted water. A tiny smile played on his lips as he skimmed over his words, proud of himself for just writing down “raped”. Maybe it was because he truly had started healing, or maybe because "raped" was just a metaphor, it didn't matter. Ville could already breathe easier and think more clearly without the remorse fogging his mind.

"Ville?" Burton's voice crept through the door, followed by a couple knocks on the wood. Scrambling Ville slammed his several enscripted pages shut in the notebook and shoved the journal between the two mattresses he was laying on, throwing the comforter over the wedge.

"Come in," Ville groaned, scratching his head and screwing his face as the door swept open.

"Just waking up?" Burton asked as he entered the room. Ville nodded sluggishly, screwing up his face to look half-asleep.

"Well, today's your lucky day, Ville," Burton laughed as he sat at the edge of the bed.

"Why's that?"

"We're going to get you a little toy," he snorted. Ville's heart completely dived into his stomach, but he forced his face to smile a bashful, shy smile. Burton smiled too, wrapping an arm around Ville as he sat up.

"Yep, we'll be looking all day to find someone perfect. Just don't you dare come home until midnight," he nudged him sly fully, slipping money in his hand, along with a key, inscribed with a number; 133. Ville starred at the wad of money, confused.

"Where the hell did you get this?" he asked, making Burton snicker.

"That guy last night was pretty loaded. Just satisfy your material needs for today and come to the hotel down the street for pleasure." Forcing his lips to smile wider, Ville looked up Burton, his eyes faking a 'thank you'.

"Now get out. We need to get everything ready for tonight," he shoved Ville off the bed. Grunting, Ville listened and left the building. The second his moved out of the doorway he felt regret, dreading the obvious fate.


"No Ape...I don't know," Bam sighed into the phone. "..No, no...I-I'm okay...Love you, too." Reluctantly, he set the phone back on the hook, staring at it while he lost himself in trance. He knew it was only a matter of time. Someone would have found out soon enough. He just hoped that they got out of there in time.

"Who waz that?" Ryan grumbled, still half-asleep. Bam's eyes widened as he struggled for words.


"They found out already?"


"You didn't-“

"No! I didn't," Bam said quickly, almost too quickly. But Ryan took no notice and simply rolled over. Relieved, Bam laid himself down on the second bed, stomach down, and buried his pale face into the pillow.


"No one's safe," the bartender sighed as Ville walked into the empty bar.

"Hmmm?" he hummed as he sat down on a stool, uncomfortable with the spacious edifice.

"That damned gang is after men now, too." Ville's heart skipped.

"S-So I've heard," he stuttered as the tender poured him and himself a drink.

"They won't even have cars run down the streets at night now. I still can't figure why I'm still open tonight," he sighed after gulping down a shot.

"I hear they'll issue an earlier curfew."

"Doesn't surprise me," Ville replied as he felt a cool, night breeze engulf him. The bartender sighed.

"I figured you'd come, boy," he said in English, almost in a laugh. Ville spun around and his eyes met a pair of sapphire, tinted with white. The bartender poured out another shot, which the blue-eyed boy swallowed quickly.

"No one's safe," the bartender repeated and refilled Bam's glass.

"What's that?"

"That gang is after men now." Bam stared at the contents of his glass as a new sense of fear rose in him.


"I suggest the two of you don't come here at night again, hmm?" he said as he filled all three of their glasses.

"Will do," Ville cocked his head and downed the shot. Bam simply nodded and swallowed the drink.


"Are you sure you don't want to drive you?" the bartender asked as Bam walked out the bar.

"Don't worry. My hotel is only a few blocks away," he called back.

"I don't want to see your name in the news tomorrow. You're too good of a kid." Bam smirked nervously and continued walking.

Again, the streets were deathly quiet. Eerie in the sense that anyone could be watching him. Shivers ran through him like snakes in his veins. Every single noise, a blow of the wind or a creak of a door, made him jump a few inches.

Again, he saw a man walking down the street, the same from yesterday. He felt a little more secure, knowing he had an ally on the street. As the man walked closer to him, Bam noticed a wide grin on the blonde's face. An eerie, questionable grin.

Bam felt strong arms, arms from multiple people, grab him and pull him into the alley. He tried to yell, but a hand clasped his mouth. He thrashed violently against the men, but his efforts failed against four men. One pulled out Bam's arm and forced a needle into his vein. Bam yelped in sharp pain and slowly felt his strength fail, falling into the nest of arms.
Yep, its gonna get ugly. VERY ugly.
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