(no subject)

Jul 29, 2006 19:44

Title- The Forest

I own nothing except my iPod.

Summary- AU fantasy story. Ville Valo and his friends are sent out in search of a new location for their village. They stumble across a magical forest with fairies, nymphs, satyrs, and the prince of the forest a care free elf by the name of Bam.

Rated-PG-13 for now.


Chapter 1/?

They had been wandering the countryside for what felt like an eternity. In truth it had only been a month since they had been sent out by their elders to find a suitable spot of land for their village to relocate to.

“Can we go home now?” Ville whined.

“If you ask that question one more time Ville, I’ll have no choice but to smack you,” Mige said.

Ville huffed and quickened his pace to get away from his friend. “You should upset him more often Mizee, look how quickly he’s walking now,” Linde said with a chuckle.

“Oh shut up,” Ville said with a pout.

The three friends began to make their way up a gentle slopping hill to get a better view of their surroundings.

“I was just teasing you Ville,” Linde said trying his best to hide his amusement.

“Hey, look over there,” Mige said as he pointed to their right. Ville gasped as his eyes landed on the biggest forest he’d ever seen. It seemed to go on forever in both directions and past the horizon itself.

“It’s beautiful,” Ville whispered.

“It’s perfect,” Mige said in excitement as he ran down the hill and began to trek across the grassy plain toward the forest.

“Come on Ville,” Linde said as he followed his excited friend.

It took almost an hour to reach the edge of the forest. Mige stood before the tree line and peered into the bright and inviting forest. “It’s a bit daunting,” Ville said as he looked around for some wildlife but found none.

“Oh come on Ville don’t be such a baby,” Mige said as he walked into the forest.

“Come on, let’s go explore,” Linde said as he grabbed Ville’s arm and gently pulled him along.

The forest was more beautiful than he could have ever imagined it. Everywhere he turned there were flowers with such bright colour he could scarcely imagine they were real. Even the grass was a full and rich shade of green. The ground felt more like walking on a soft mattress, which was a relief to the three men who had been walking almost all day.

Ville saw no animals but there were butterflies, hundreds of them. All of them were different shades of colour and all different sizes. They floated along lazily, letting the wind take them where it willed. “It’s like a dream,” Ville said in awe.

“The trees are so tall it’s like they touch the sky,” Linde said as he stared up at the tree top canopy above them.

“Look at these trunks, they’re twice the size of a normal tree,” Mige said.

Ville was taking in everything he saw, he never wanted to forget what this place looked like for as long as he lived. His green eyes were drawn to a low branch on one of the surrounding trees and gasped when he saw a pair of sapphire eyes staring back at him.

“Are you sure?” Linde asked.

“Yes I’m sure dammit, I just saw a young man on that branch,” Ville said as he pointed to the branch he had seen the young man watching them with a curious smile on his face.

“Well if you did see someone, they’re gone now,” Mige said as he walked back over to his friends.

“Come on its no use worrying about this, let’s make camp, or we’ll lose the light,” Linde said as he put his pack on the ground.

Ville couldn’t sleep, every time he closed his eyes he saw the boy smiling at him from the tree. Why had he been smiling at them, and what was he doing in the first place? Sighing in frustration the man got up and put on a pair of brown breeches and a white cotton shirt before quietly making his way out of the tent.

The cool night air gently caressed his skin and the full moon was casting just enough light to see. The ground felt even better under his bare feet and he shivered as the blades of grass tickled the bottoms of his feet. Taking a deep breath he began to head deeper into the forest, silently hoping to see the young man from before.

He walked well over a mile, and couldn’t help but feel like he was being followed. Glancing over his shoulder he stiffened when he saw a slight movement in the shadows. Drawing his flintlock pistol from his breeches he stopped suddenly and called out over his shoulder “Who’s there?”

His finger rested on the trigger on his gun, just in case it was an animal that was following him or someone else. He jumped and turned as he heard a small laugh behind him.

There in the moonlight stood the young man he had seen earlier that day. Ville took in his rather odd appearance. He had a kind face with bright blue eyes that seemed to glow warmly; his dark and curly hair was long and stopped at his shoulders. He wore no shirt leaving Ville to admire the young man’s lean and muscular chest, around his neck hung a necklace of sharp animal teeth. The only article of clothing he had was a pair of deer skin pants that clung to his skin nicely.

“H-hello,” Ville said as he lowered his pistol, but he kept it out just in case. The boy just smiled and took a step forward. On instinct, Ville took a step backwards, causing the boy to cock his head to the side in confusion.

“Who are you?” Ville asked.

The boy smiled again “Bam.”

Ville was taken aback by the answer “That’s your name?”

The young man nodded his head and Ville shrugged “My name’s Ville.”

Bam took another step forward and waited for Ville to step back again. When the man stayed still, Bam walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek.

“Oh, um, thank you,” Ville said, blushing.

It was silent for a moment until Ville asked “Do you live here?”

“Yes, do you and your friends want to live here too?”

“Oh, well I suppose, we haven’t really decided yet,” Ville said.

“There’s enough forest to share, you three are welcome to stay.”

Ville thought about this for a moment and wondered how Bam would feel if a whole village moved into his forest instead of just the three of them. The older man went to say something but stopped short as he saw a huge male elk begin to walk toward them.

“Bam,” Ville said as the elk came up behind the young man. Bam turned as the elk came to a stop, leaning forward Bam wrapped his arms around the elk’s neck and kissed the side of its face.

“Mika this is Ville,” Bam said as he moved to stand beside the elk. “Ville, this is Mika.”

Ville froze as the elk began to walk towards him. The animal was huge and Ville was afraid the elk was going to spear him with one of his antlers.

“Umm, hello,” Ville said awkwardly. Mika nuzzled Ville’s hand and Bam clapped happily. “I knew he would like you.”

Ville wasn’t sure if Bam was talking about him or the elk. Mika moved back over to Bam’s side. “So have you lived here all your life?” Ville asked.

“Well of course, where else would I live?” Bam asked with an amused smile. This stranger was very intriguing as well as good looking. “You could live in a village,” Ville said.

Bam scrunched up his face in confusion and the older man couldn’t deny how cute he looked. “What’s a village?” Bam asked.

Ville was surprised to hear this “Well it’s a place full of buildings, homes, and people,” Ville explained.

The young man gasped “That’s what you are, you’re a human.”

Ville laughed “Well of course I am what else could I be?”

Bam walked towards him and gently pushed Ville’s long hair behind his ears. “I thought you were an elf,” Bam said as he stood back from the man.

“An elf?” Ville yelped in surprise. “Elves don’t exist.”

This time Bam laughed “Well of course they do, they’ve always existed just like the fairies and the nymphs have always existed.”

Ville was very confused by this point “I don’t understand.”

“Don’t tell me you’ve never seen a nymph or fairy before,” Bam said amused by the man’s awkwardness and confusion.

Ville shook his head and Bam grinned “Well at least you’ve seen an elf before that counts for something.”

“But I haven’t,” Ville said wondering where in his travels he could have met an elf.

“Yes you have,” Bam said as he jumped gracefully onto Mika’s back and pushed his hair back to reveal to a pair of pointed ears “You’ve seen me.”

Ville thought he might faint as he stared at the young elf. “This is incredible,” he mumbled as he ran his hands through his hair.

“It’s almost dawn, Mika and I can take you back to your friends if you like,” Bam offered kindly.

“I’d like that very much,” Ville said without thinking.

The elf motioned for Ville to climb on Mika’s back. The man did and was almost thrown off as the elk took off at incredible speed. Ville wrapped his arms around Bam’s waist and held on tightly as the elk sprinted back to his camp. They came to a gentle stop in front of Ville’s tent, but the man didn’t let go.

“It’s alright Ville, we’re here,” the young elf said. Ville suddenly snapped back to his senses and let go of Bam, and quickly dismounted the elk.

“Um thank you for the ride, it was much appreciated,” he said suddenly remembering his manners. The elf grinned “Can I talk with you again later?”

“I think I’d like that,” Ville admitted.

Bam leaned down and gave Ville a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Goodbye” Bam said and with that Mika sprinted off.

A.N. I have decided that I will no longer update SAilor Moon Vam  or Guajira because I have lost interest in them. I'm sorry for anyone who was hoping I would update these two fics.

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