"Friday, I'm in Love" Chapter 3 - Monday

Jul 19, 2006 16:31

Chapter three, day three, Monday. ENJOY!

Title- Friday, I'm in Love
Author- Moi! PlayXDead07
Disclaimer- Never happened. Don't own. The title is a song by The Cure. (Wonderful band, don't you agree??)
Summary- They met on Saturday. Let's see if the story relates to the title... (CS- Crappy Summary)
Rating- PG-13 for some language.
Additional Information- I'm going for something a little different this time. This is a highschool fic. It takes place in Finland, and Bam is the new foreign exchanged student. (In one of my last stories I made Ville the foreign exchanged student... it is now time for them to switch roles! Sorry... but I love highschool fics.) There are going to be 7 chapters to this... one for each day of the week starting at Saturday. We'll see what happens on Friday, and then Saturday, (a week from the starting point) will be the afterword. I'm also going to make these like diary entries... or something similar to that.

~x~x~x~x~x~Ville's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
November 14th, 1994 ~ 6:25 a.m.
Dear Diary;
I woke up pretty early today. I'm not supposed to pick Bam up for another half hour! Normally I'm just now waking up. I guess it's excitement again. I seriously can't wait to see Bam!
I wonder if we'll have any classes together... granted, I am a year above him, but I actually failed a lot of my classes. Not because I'm stupid, (as a matter of fact I consider myself extremely intelligent) but because I was more interested in my band. We're getting pretty good, and I definately think we'll be ready for the Battle of the Bands tomorrow! Oh shit... I forgot to tell Bam! I won't be in school tomorrow because I'm going to the Battle of the Bands! Ah... maybe he can come with us! He could come and watch us perform, and then, since we have the rest of the day off, we could go hang out somewhere. Yes, I'll definately ask him to come when I see him.
Today I'm going to have to face those guys who saw me working at my dad's sex shop. They've probably already told everyone... Oh! Then that means that Bam might find out! If that happens, then he'll think I'm weird for sure and won't want to talk to me anymore!
Wow... today is going to have more flaws than I realized...
Love Always;
Ville Valo xoxo

~x~x~x~x~x~Bam's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
The doorbell rang at around 6:45 a.m. I looked out the window to see who it was, then frowned. Ville wasn't supposed to be here until 7!
I was a little confused, but glad to see him. I opened the door and invited him in, listening to him apologize about how he was so early.
Ville inhaled and sighed.

"I love how your house smells." he said. I just laughed.

"Ape has to have her coffee in the morning or else she's a bitch the rest of the day. So does my older brother, Jess."
Ville's face lit up.

"You have a brother named Jess?" he asked.
I raised my eyebrows, wondering why this would be important to Ville.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Because I have a younger brother named Jesse." he laughed.
I chuckled too, then Ville looked me up and down and giggled.

"You're not going to school like that are you?" he asked.
I looked down at my outfit, and realized that I still had my pajamas on! I looked at the clock, then back at Ville.

"Sorry... would I have time to take a shower, or do we have to leave really soon?"
Ville too glanced at the clock and nodded.

"You should have plenty of time." he said.

"Ok good. Come on, you can wait in my room. I won't be long." I surprised even myself when I reached out and grabbed his hand. I pretended not to be phased by it as I led him up to my room, but secretly, my heart was doing backflips!
I opened the door to my room and let go of Ville's hand. He sat down on my bed and watched as I grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt that said 'Adio' in yellow and white letters on the front. I grinned and told him to make himself comfortable, and walked towards the bathroom, only to find it occupied. Jess had stolen the bathroom.
I pounded on the door.

"Hey Shithead! Get your ass out of there! I have to be at school soon!" I yelled.

"Since when do you care about school? All you really cared about back in West Chester was skating!" was my older brother's response. But the door clicked open anyways and Jess walked out. I grinned at his annoyed face and ran into the bathroom.

~x~x~x~x~x~Ville's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
I couldn't help but laugh as I heard Bam and his brother yelling at each other. Was this how it was everyday in Bam's house?
I busied myself by looking around at all the posters plastering Bam's walls. There were a few band posters I had heard of, and a lot I hadn't heard of. I saw one in particular that caught my eye.

"CKY?" I said to myself. I studied the band members for a while. The drummer looked a lot like Bam! Who was this band?

"That's my old band." a deep and slightly saddened voice came from the doorway. I jumped and spun around, coming face-to-face with the drummer from the poster!

"My name's Jess... I'm Bam's older brother." he introduced himself. "Who are you?"
I bit my lip, suddenly nervous.

"I-I'm Ville... a friend of Bam's." I said. Jess nodded.

"Yeah, he told us about you." he said. My stomach flipped. Bam had talked about me?
Jess continued.

"We had to leave all of our friends behind in West Chester..." he started. "Including me. I had to leave my bandmates behind. God, that killed me..."
I nodded.

"I can only imagine how you must feel." I said. "I have a band too... and they're my entire life."
Jess smiled.

"I know... CKY was my entire life, too. I hated leaving them."

"Who knows? Maybe you'll meet up with them again..." I tried to comfort him. He just shrugged.

"They've probably already found someone better." I sighed.

"I doubt that." I offered again, then realized how stupid I sounded. I hadn't even heard him play!
Nonetheless, he smiled at me.

"Thanks." he said. "It was nice talking to you."

"You too." I said. He walked off.
Soon after, Bam walked in, dressed, but with wet hair. I had to force myself to tear my eyes away from him. He looked so hot...

"You ready?" Bam asked, snapping me away from my thoughts.
I grinned and nodded.
Bam picked up a dark green backpack and a skateboard, and began leading me out the door.

~x~x~x~x~x~At school~x~x~x~x~x~
"Holy shit..." I heard Bam say as we walked into the quad area. There were large groups of 10 or more people... and nobody strayed away from the group to talk to another. This is the way it always had been.
A few people had already stopped what they were doing to stare at Bam, the Foreign Exchanged Student. People muttered to each other in Finnish.Of course Bam couldn't understand what they were saying. I just sighed and led Bam over to where I usually sat and waited for my friends to arrive.

"You'll probably have quite a few people staring at you for the first few days... but it'll cool down." I informed him.
Bam grinned.

"It's because I'm so goddamn sexy, isn't it?"
I laughed as I watched him strike a pose, and pretend to walk down a catwalk.

"Oh most definately!" I agreed when I caught my breath again. It came out as a joke... but secretly, I meant it.

~x~x~x~x~x~Bam's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
Ok, I'll admit... I was very intimidated by all the eyes staring at me. But Ville was there with me, so I didn't feel too uncomfortable.
I then remembered that I had to go to the office to get my class schedule.

"Oh that's right!" Ville said when I reminded him. "Well come on. I'll take you there."
I followed Ville wherever he was going... I honestly had no idea where to go. I noticed a few guys following us in matching jackets with the school colors. Back in West Chester, they were called 'Jocks'.

One of them shouted in Finnish, and I heard Ville groan, but he didn't stop. The same guy, most likely the leader of the 'pack', shouted out again, and began walking faster to catch up to us. Ville grabbed my arm.

"Keep walking." he whispered. I nodded, wondering what was going on.

"Risukimppu!" another one shouted, and Ville began walking faster, almost running! I ran to keep up with him.
We reached another building, and Ville led me inside. I turned around, and saw the 'jocks' turning and walking away. I chuckled lightly. Jocks were always the same no matter where you were! I turned to mention this to Ville, but was startled to see tears in his eyes.

"Vil, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned. Ville wiped his eyes and turned away from me, as if desparate not to let me see him.
Ville sighed heavily.

"He called me a faggot." he said, still not looking at me. My eyes widened and I felt a surge of anger pulse through me then.
Ville continued.

"I hate it when people call me that... It really does hurt." he said.

"Why do they call you that anyways?" I asked. Sure, his hair was pretty long, and he wore a bit of make-up... but I had a feeling there was another reason.
Ville seemed hesitant to tell me, but took a deep breath and started.

"Because last year one of them caught me kissing another boy at lunch in the bathroom." he said just barely above a whisper.
My eyes grew wide.

"So... you're...?"

"Bisexual." he finished for me. Just then, I wanted to tell him about my feelings towards him, but stopped when I saw another tear fall down his face.

"You hate me, don't you?" he asked.

"No! No, I don't hate you!" I assured him. "I could probably never hate you!"
Hearing that seemed to relax Ville a bit. He smiled slightly.

"Thank you..." he whispered.

~x~x~x~x~x~Ville's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
There. I did it. I had just come out to Bam... and surprisingly, he wasn't completely repulsed! Instead, he had assured me that he didn't hate me. I relaxed considerably then.
We walked into the main office, and Bam introduced himself. Not surprisingly, the woman behind the counter didn't speak english, so I translated for him. In about 10 minutes, we were walking back towards the quad, marvelling at the fact that Bam had almost all of my classes! Like I had said, I failed a lot of my classes and was held back a year.
We met Linde, Mige, Burton, and Gas in the quad, and the six of us began to talk. Bam blended in as if he'd been with us since the beginning of the year!
The bell rang, and we all began to walk to our classes. Since Bam and I had the same first period, I led the way. Before we walked into the classroom, I caught sight of the three guys Bam had called 'Jocks'. They were all sneering at me. One of them motioned to Bam and began making kissing noises. I turned away, praying Bam hadn't seen that, and walked into the classroom.

~x~x~x~x~x~Bam's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
November 14th, 1994 ~ 4:37 p.m.
Dear Diary;
I met Ville's mom and brother after school today. They're both really cool. Ville said that his father was working, so I didn't meet him.
Ape and Phil aren't home yet, and Jess had somewhere to go. I'm still convinced that he has a hot date and just won't tell me because he knows I'll make fun of his ass clear until tomorrow evening.
School today was ok. A little intimidating, but ok. There were these three fucking jock guys who followed me and Ville on our way to the front office. They were a bunch of assholes... they called Ville a faggot, and it really hurt him. He then told me that was was bisexual, and was sure that I hated him. Of course I couldn't hate Ville... Because I'm a bisexual as well.
After school, Ville told me that he's not going to be at school tomorrow because he has to go with his band to the Battle of the Bands. He asked me to go with him. Of course I said yes... Phil and April won't care. Even if they did, I'd still do it. I'm actually excited to see them tomorrow. Ville's going to come by and pick me up around the same time tomorrow that he did today.
I had the strongest urge to come out and tell Ville that I had a small crush on him... But I was afraid he wouldn't take it very well... But I am going to come out and at least tell him I'm bisexual too. I'll find time to do that tomorrow.
There's Chapter 3! I only put two diary entried in this one. I actually think this is how I'm going to write it from now on... A diary entry from one of them at the beginning, then the 'normal'
story format, then another diary entry by the other one at the end. Hope that's ok. =) Oh, and also, I'm not sure if the Finnish I used is right... Sorry if it isn't! ^^"
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