(no subject)

Jul 06, 2006 11:31

Title: Bubble Bubble, Toil and Trouble-Black Magic
Author: vvblack_deathvv
Fandom: Vam/
Summery: 3 years ago our president started research on a new virus to help cancer patientsor or so he said. He planned to use the virus to make the military troops stronger but something happened and outbreak a year 6 months ago causeing a world wide epidemic and chaos. Alot of people died some wernt affected but others mutated the virus and adapted strange abilities.
Disclaimer: Ok i dont own ville,Bam, Ape and Phill or any of the cky crew....damn.... so dont sue
Rating: Pg13 for strong language
Also giving credit to 
616hasgotaname and 
my_sweet_999 they helped alot


Yes I made a banner!

----------6 Months Ago----------

-----Villes POV-----

I walk out to the back porch and noticed that it was cloudy out. I lite up a cigarette, pulled my cell out of my pocket, and started searching through the numbers, deciding to call Jussi first. While it's raining I take a deep drag and exhale, a woman picks up and says hello.
"Sam its Ville is Jussi there? This is very important."
"Yeah he is here. He is down in the rocording studio with Jyrki and Liz. Is everything alright? Is anyone hurt?"
"Were all fine, for now, but go down there with them and turn on the tv"
I hear her get up and walk down some stairs and open a door.  I hear singing but then it stops. They talk for a bit and then Sam starts talking to me again.
"What channel?"
"Any channel..."I say waiting for their reaction.
I hear the click of the tv and everything fell silent for a bit. Sam must have droped the phone because I hearded it crash. Then I heared her pick it up.
"Ville...what...what should we do?"I
can tell she is starting to panic
"Where are you guys?" I ask as I watch the neighbors run out of their houses and get into their car, speeding off down the road
"We're recording here in New York with Lauri."
I jump and nearly drop the phone when Bam rushes out of the house and says to me, "Novak has a friend that has a usable helicopter. He said he can be here in about an hour and a half..."
I think for a minute
' Bam must have been listening to what I was saying"
I continued talking with Sam"...Go to the nearest hospital and wait on the helicopter pad. We're sending someone"
They hang up and I look over at Bam. He is leaning on the railing and his hands are shaking. Out of impulse I grab him pulling him to me and holding him tight, Istroke his head and reasure him that every thing is going be alright. He is fine for about a minute then he gets angry and shoves me off him.
Bam walks towards the door and turns to Ville "I'm sorry I just can't stand to think that...we might all die."

-----Bams POV-----
I look back at Ville as he gets up off the ground and I feel so bad now for pushing him when he was just trying to help.I walk inside feeling like a jerk but Ville follows me. He slings his arm over my shoulder and we walk into the kitchen.I see Ape and Phil looking at our old photo album. Ville takes his arm of my shoulder and I kind of miss the warmth.
"Where is Dunn" Ville asked April.
"He went into the city to see how it is down there.He should be calling us at any moment actually. The rest of the guys went to check on their girlfriends.They said that they would check in on Phils cell. Jess is upstairs taking care of the baby," April replied with a faint smile.
About 6 minutes passed and Jess comes doesn with his wife Kelly and sits down at the island with us as we look through the album laughing at a picutre of me and Jess when we were kids.We were buried up to out heads in sand as Phil sits next to us with a big dopey grin holding a little yellow shovel in the air.
Just then we heared the phone ring and april runs and gets it.She puts it on speaker and we can hear Dunn huffing and puffing.

"Whats wrong Dunn? April asks with a worried look on her face.
"There was a big pile up down the road so I had to run here. God it was horrible there was a guy pinned in his car.I have blood all voer me now. OHGOD!
"What! What is it" I yell into the phone.
"The city its trashed. God there's bodies everywhere shit even kids are dead..God the city looks dead nobody is here, windows are smashed and there are fires."
"Oh God that is terrible," Phil says with a sad look on his face.
"OH MY GOD... JEN..!"My heart stops as I hear the phone drops and it gets quiet.

"JEN! WHAT ABOUT JEN" I yell as I slam my fists on the table.
Dunn picks up the phone sobbing "God.... shes..shes..*sobs* I hear the line go dead.
"SHES WHAT! SHES WHAT GOD DAMNIT!" I slam my hands onto the island and run out to the hummer.
Laying in the backseat I put my face into my hands and began to cry, thinking the worst.
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