Because of You-Chapter 2

Jun 21, 2006 18:45

Title: Because of You
Pairing: Vam
Rating: Worksafe for Now
Genre: Uh...angst? DUH! Queen of Angst, here.
Disclaimer: I Don't own anything but HIM's albums and all 5 Seasons of Viva La Bam...
Summary: There's always consequences for one's actions. Sometimes those consequences don't effect us, but those we care about the most...

Chapter 1

Bam moaned heavily as his body slowly began to wake from the deep slumber he had fallen into the previous day. He shifted his arms slightly beneath the pillows and let out a heavy sigh. He did not want to get up this morning.

“Good morning, Bam Bam!” Ville’s cheery voice smiled in Bam’s ears. “Are you feeling better?”

Bam groaned, “I was until you came in here to wake me up.”

Ville laughed. “Well, April made an appointment for you at the doctor’s office so you need to get dressed so we can get going.”

Bam sat up straight and glared at Ville. “She what?! I told her I was fine!”

“Yes, and you also promised to her you’d go see a doctor. So,” Ville threw a shirt at Bam. “Get dressed!”

Bam grabbed the shirt and frowned as he put it on. Damn him and his stupid mouth. “Why are you coming?”

“Because April can’t and she doesn’t trust you to actually go,” Ville said. “Bam, you are probably right that it’s just a bad cold or something, but isn’t it better to make sure it’s that and not something serious?”

“What could it possibly be that’s serious?” Bam asked.

“I don’t know, that’s why we are going to the doctor!” Ville said, growing slightly impatient with the skater. “Come on, Bam, April is just worried about you and I am, too. Who else will I have to entertain me if your ass lands in the hospital?”

“Ville, you live in a house of chaos. Surely one of the other guys can contain you. Just ask Dico to whack Dunn’s balls off for you or something. Trust me, Dico will find something to entertain you if I die.”

“Do you plan on dying anytime soon, Bam Bam?” Ville asked.

“No...” Bam said with a raised eyebrow.

“Good! But let’s just make sure.” Ville grabbed Bam’s hand and hauled him off the bed. “Don’t make me knock you out and take you to the doctor’s unconscious.”

“Alright already, I’m coming.”

Bam got in the hummer with Ville in the passenger seat and they drove in mostly silence besides the radio blaring for the twenty minute drive. The doctor’s office was rather small but homely and comfortable in the waiting room with the large plush chairs. Bam was thankful that Ville had decided not to light up a cigarette on the drive here. His coughing would have acted up again and he was sure he’d get in a wreck in the process. Yet, unlike in the car, he couldn’t keep the air circulating and sitting next to Ville in the enclosed office was almost as bad as if he were smoking. The scent was permanently on all of his cloths.

Bam made the huge mistake of taking in a deep breath in his impatience for the doctor to call him back. The horrid stench caused his coughing to ensue once more. Ville gave him a concerned look and began gently rubbing his back as the coughing ensued. Bam was thankful there was no one else in the office besides those working there. He knew if there was they’d be giving him looks.

The door to the back opened and a tall man in a white coat appeared, glancing at a clipboard. “Ah, Mr. Margera, I assume that cough is what you came here for is it not?”

Bam gave a slight nod as he let out another hoarse cough. Ville helped him to his feet and led him towards the door. As soon as the doctor closed the door behind them he did his best to distance himself somewhat from Ville. As he did so the coughing became a lot less violent and less frequent. They were led to a small white room where Ville took a seat in a chair and Bam on the medical bed that all patients were required to sit on.

The doctor took his seat and flipped through the colored pages on the clip board, occasionally fiddling with his glasses before speaking to Bam. “I’m Doctor Page. Tell me exactly what has been going on, Mr. Margera.”

Bam sighed. “Well, the main thing is that I’ve been coughing a lot, especially after doing workouts and stuff. I sometimes have trouble breathing and I’ll randomly get really tired.”

“And yesterday you had that horrible fever,” Ville pointed out.

“And what were you doing yesterday?” Page asked.

“Skateboarding,” Bam said it as if it were the most obvious answer in the world.

“And you do that a lot?” Page asked.

“All the time!” Bam grinned. Ville laughed.

“Well, normally I’d say you have Bronchitis, as it can last for several months before it truly goes away. However, fevers and exhaustion don’t normally accompany it. I noticed when you walked in the smoke smell. Do you smoke?”

“No!” Bam said defensively. Hell no.

Ville raised a hand, “But I do.”

“And do you spend a lot of time with Mr. Margera?” Page asked, scribbling something down on the paper.

“Quite a bit, actually,” Ville said proudly. “I am his idol, after all.”

“And what do you do Mr,” Page waited for a response.

“Valo. Ville Valo.”


“Booze, sex, and rock and roll!”

“I see…And how many packs do you smoke a day, Mr. Valo?”

“Six on a good day,” Ville said as if it were no big deal. He failed to ignore Dr. Page’s mouth literally drop to the ground and brown eyes widen.

Page let out a small cough and let out a deep breath. “Well, Mr. Margera, I can’t be positive until we run some tests, but I do believe you might have Lung Cancer.”

“I WHAT?!” Bam literally shrieked, just like April.

“WHAT?” Ville cried in unison.

“The symptoms all add up, I’m afraid. You hang around a heavy smoker, had trouble breathing, constant coughing, exhaustion. I won’t be surprised if more symptoms start to show up. We need to get you in for some x-rays and a possible CAT scan as soon as possible.” Page wrote something down on a piece of paper. “Show up at the hospital tomorrow at 9 so we can see what is really going on here.”

Bam grabbed the paper slowly and hesitantly, mouth still agape in disbelief.

Page stood and sighed. “I do hope things turn out for the best. And Mr. Valo, please do try and quite smoking. You may not value your life, but I’m sure Mr. Margera values his.”

If Ville hadn’t already felt bad, that was a fucking smack to the face. He watched as Dr. Page walked out of the small room and then looked to Bam who was still staring at the small piece of paper in shock. “Bam?”

Bam lifted his head slowly and stared at Ville with such sorrow that his knees felt weak. But those eyes turned cold real quick. “This is all your fault!” He stood abruptly and pushed Ville out of the way of the door and rushed out.

Ville quickly ran after Bam out the door, ignoring the receptionist yelling at them because they hadn’t paid for their visit. “Bam, wait! I’m sorry!”

Bam stopped in his tracks in the middle of the parking lot. “Sorry? SORRY! Are you fucking kidding me, Ville?! You didn’t stick out your foot and trip me, Ville! You gave me fucking CANCER!” He unlocked the hummer with his keys and opened the door to the driver’s seat. “Find your own ride home you fucking murderer.”

Bam would have backed right over Ville if he hadn’t quickly stepped out of the way of the speeding vehicle…He would have deserved it. He sighed heavily and pulled out his cell phone. “Taxi…?”


April folded the last piece of laundry and set it aside when she looked out the window to see Bam pull up in the front lawn. She hurried herself to the door only to almost be whammed in the face with the large piece of wood as Bam threw it open. “Bam, what did the doctor say?”

Bam turned around and looked at his mother with tears in his eyes before giving her a hug.

That made April worried. “Bam? Bam…what did the doctor say?”

“Ape,” Bam sobbed, “I may have lung cancer…”

April’s blue eyes widened. “What?!”

“They don’t know for sure but he thinks because I’m around Ville all the time that I’ve gotten lung cancer.”

“Oh my god…” Tears began to spring down April’s face. “Bam, Ville is a very nice person but I can’t take this. He will not be allowed to stay here any longer except for a few nights and only in an emergency. He’ll have to find a hotel or some where else to stay.” April wiped the tears from her eyes and hugged Bam tighter this time. “Oh god, Bam…”

Bam sunk his face into his mother’s neck as she stroked his hair. His minds drifted off to Ville for a few moments. For so long he had wanted to just be able to touch the Finnish God. He had gotten more than that. He had been able to meet him and even become friends.

Ville…your love will be the death of me…


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