Everywhere I am, chapter 2

May 12, 2006 19:40

Another chapter of my not so good story.. But anyway, here it is..

As Ville knocked on the door, he smiled. Mige was one of his best friends and he would understand.
''Viltsu! What are you doing here?'' ''I was just gonna let you know that Im gonna take a vacation. Im gonna stay at Bams for awhile''
Mige looked a bit suprised but nodded. ''Alright. For how long?'' ''I don't know. I'll call you. Tell the guys will you?''
''Of crouse''
Ville gave Mige a hug and left him standing in the doorway. Would he tell Bam? Mige thought and sighed.
As Ville stoped a taxi, he saw a little boy crying, and nobody seemed to care.
Ville said something to the driver, who nodded, and then Ville approached the boy.
''Hei''[Hello] Ville said kindly.
The boy looked up with tearstained face, and with red puffy eyes.
''Mummy'' He said.
Ville sat down beside the boy on the pavement. ''Where is your mummy?'' ''I dunno'' The boy said, and continued looking at Ville, who smiled softly.
''How old are you?'' ''This old'' The boy said, holing up 4 chubby fingers. ''4 years? Wow, you're not old. Are you not from here?'' ''Phil'' The boy said, and tried to remember the rest of the word. ''Phil? Philadelphia?'' Ville asked and the boy nodded enthusiastic. ''Yes!'' ''Whats your name?'' ''Cole''
That made Ville smile, and he thought of Bam, whos middlename was Cole.
''Where did you see your mummy the last time?'' ''Over there'' Cole said, pointing at a store.
''Did you run away?'' ''No. Im a good boy. Mummy said that I needed to stay here. It was a long time ago. Everybody talk funny.''
Ville laughed a bit. ''They talk a different language. This is a different country then America''
The boy looked a bit confused, but nodded slightley. ''What's your name?'' He then asked, his bight blue eyes shining from tears. ''My name's Ville'' ''Don't you got a last name?'' ''Sure I do. It's Valo'' ''Wallo''
Ville laughed slightley at the boy, who tried to pronounce his last name.
''My name's Cole Martin'' ''Nice to meet you Cole Martin'' Ville said smiling. ''I did run away'' Cole suddenly said.
Villes expression changed. Now he was even more worried. ''Why did you do that Cole?'' ''I don't wanna go back home. They're mean to me'' ''Who's mean?'' ''The boys at my day nursery''
Ville sighed. Kids could be so mean, but so could adults. He remembered when he had heard about the girl in Germany that had been beaten to death by her dad. She had been in Coles age. ''Why are they mean Cole? What do they do?''
Fuck, Im sounding like a fucking terapist or something, Ville thought. ''They tease me. They say I look funny''
''You do not look funny. Don't listen to them. They are just mean, maybe cause they are jealous.''
Ville looked at Cole, he was cute. Bright blue eyes, brown curly hair, red cheeks from all the crying.
''Why are they jealous?'' Cole asked and Ville tried to come up with an answer. ''Maybe cause they know that you're gonna be asuccessful man one day. And that you have loving parents, maybe their parents are mean. It could be anything.''
''I want my mummy'' He said and Ville stood up. The taxi was gone since a long time, and Ville didn't want to leave Cole here all by himself.
''Cole, Im gonna help you look for your mummy okay?''
Cole nodded, and Ville lifted him up. Man, everybody's gonna think it's my son .
An old lady approached and smiled. She said something in finnish wich Ville replied with a ''Ei''[No] and continued walking.
''What did the old lady say?'' ''She wondered if you were my son'' ''Then I wouldn't look like this'' ''Maybe'' ''How come?'' ''Maybe your mummy[or your other daddy, Ville thought] had blue eyes'' ''No mummy has the same color as you. Daddy has blue, like me'' ''Oh'' Was all Ville could say, cause he was focused on a woman a few meters away. She was crying, and almost hysterical.
''My baby'' She sobbed, and Ville walked up to her. ''Excuse me''
She looked up and screamed. ''Oh my god! Cole! Where did you go? Don't ever do that again!''
''I found him crying on the pavement over there'' ''Oh god.. I don't know how to thank you Mr--''
''Valo.. Ville Valo. You can call me Ville.'' ''Oh. Thank you so much uhh Ville. I don't know what I would have done if you wouldn't have found him'' ''You would have gone to the police.'' ''Well, that's true. What can I give you?'' ''Give me?''
''Yeah, like a reward or something'' ''Oh no, that's not necessary, Mrs Martin'' ''How did you know my name?'' ''Your son told me his name's Cole Martin, so I just assumed it would be Mrs Martin?'' ''Yes that's correct'' ''I need to go now..''
''Can I have your address Mr--I mean Ville? I really need to give you something as a reward, or else I would have a guilty conscience'' ''Well, Im planning on moving.. But what if we do this.. You'll give me your phonenumber, and I'll call you when I've moved'' ''That sounds like a nice idea. Here'' Mrs Martin said and handed Ville a note with their phonenumber.
''Well, it was nice to meet you Mrs Martin. I need to go now, but I'll call you'' ''You do that Ville. Thank you so much''
Ville smiled, then turned to Cole. ''Bye Cole. Just remember what I told you about those boys okay?''
Cole nodded and smiled. ''Bye Wille Wallo''
Ville smiled and left them, and went straight to the airport.

''Dude, are you serious? Like.. did you guys have a fight or what?'' ''She broke up. Let's just not talk about it. Let's PARTY!''
The guys cheered and went outside where The 69 eyes were playing.
Wonder how Ville has it.. I haven't spoken to him the last week.. I'll call him later, Bam thought and returned to listening to the 69 eyes.
As the party went on, the drunker Bam got, and the guys got really worried, when Bam didn't respond after passing out on the couch. They couldn't wake him up, and he had a hard time to breath. Ryan Dunn, who was the most sober one of them all, called an ambulance. The others tried to get everybody out from the castle, and they ended the party. The guys in 69 eyes, drove back to their hotel, to continuing their drinking.
Soon, Bam was on his way to the hospital, and Dunn decided to call a guy, he knew that Bam wanted to be there when he woke up.
''Jonna? Where's Ville?... Oh talk english, I can't understand a fucking thing... He left you?...Alright.. Thanks'' Dunn muttered as he hung up.
''Whats up? Where was he?'' Raab asked. ''She didn't know. He has left her, but she didn't remember where he was going''
''Jesus, does she remember anything other then how big his fucking cock is?'' ''No..''
That made the guys chuckle a bit, and soon they arrived to the hospital.

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